Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Expedition to Duro

Ruby Rose

Every Rose Has its Thorns
Ruby Rose was exhausted. She had finally finished her trials to become a Jensaaria defender, slaying the one who had corrupted her. There was only one thing left to do, construct her weapon and armor to become a true Jensaaria. As she dropped out of hyperspace, she looked down over the jungle planet of Duro with a slight grimace on her face...<another hot muggy planet...great...> the ice worlder thought as she descended over the city of Tayana, landing her YT1300, the Dark Crescent, in the star port. She paid the fees and left the port, looking for a guide to take her into the mountains where she could get the materials she seeks.
Ah, lovely Duros... Not. The total silence and lack of life signs on the surface was almost disgusting. And it had been done by Palpantine's Republic, and later the Empire. The blind Human Replica Droid gritted his teeth angrily as he thought of it. Those were the ideological predecessors of the One Sith... And presumably Watcher's 'father'. Bastards.

Really, all the Typhoon commodore wanted to do was hang out in a bar somewhere, but instead he was scoping out the wilderness for cortosis... So much fun.

[member="Ruby Rose"]

(Also, Kimblee is a beautiful villain. FMA was the first manga I ever read.)

Ruby Rose

Every Rose Has its Thorns
I walk up out of the town, unable to find anyone this late, most of the guides either drunk or already asleep as I walk out of the town. Sensing a presence outside of town, head their way, hoping they might be from around here, able to assist me with my quest.

This planet really is desolate... this is exactly why neither side can have too much power, lest this occurs.

[member="Watcher Three"]
Watcher sighed again as he saw a concentration of Force energy approaching him. The steps were light, and what he could see generally indicated a short-ish person, maybe a woman. Being blind except for the mechu deru sight really made it kind of hard to tell unless the person had public records of one sort or another. This one didn't.

"Hello? Looking for me?"

[member="Ruby Rose"]

Ruby Rose

Every Rose Has its Thorns
As she walks out of the town into the wilderness, the wind kicking up and blowing her long hair and cloak back behind her form. Ahead of her, she sees the individual she had sensed standing there, almost as if he was waiting for her.

"Possibly, I was looking for someone who was familiar with the area. I have an expedition to run into the wastelands mountain ranges to the north and I was looking for a guide, most of the ones in town are either asleep or drunk and I'd rather start immediately."

I guess I can't really blame them for wanting to drink their troubles away, after what is left of their homeworld.... I can only imagine the despair they must live through every day.
[member="Watcher Three"]
Watcher raised an eyebrow at the woman as she finished talking, then shrugged resignedly.

"So, you went and found the only guy on the planet who can't be drunk and passed out. Good job."

He wasn't going to bother explaining that he was blind. He figured he'd be able to find his way around the total lack of vegetation pretty well.

[member="Ruby Rose"]

Ruby Rose

Every Rose Has its Thorns
She looked over the man, curious as to what he would be doing out here, but that wasn't her business. All she cared about was that he seemed to know the place and wasn't completely out of commission like most people in town.

"I'm glad to hear that, I'd like to get headed out. If possible, I'd rather not spend too much time in the wastelands."

Ruby said the last part with almost disdain, as if she was disgusted with what had happened to the world. Never should such a glorious planet be reduced to such a miserable end.

[member="Watcher Three"]
Watcher laughed as the woman answered him. She was right, of course, about Duro being a wasteland. He gestured towards the speeder he had waiting. Trudging about without his sight for hours on end was okay for him, but it'd be faster this way, and he could actually see as long as he kept his hands on the wheel.

"Let's get goin' then, girlie. Can't keep those giant killer bugs waiting."

[member="Ruby Rose"]

Ruby Rose

Every Rose Has its Thorns
Rose walks over and hops in the passenger seat, its just wrong to make him ride shotgun in his own craft after all. Besides, this way she'd be free to keep an eye out to deal with any threat that might come at them, the wasteland was sure to be full of them.

"Well then, I hope they won't be disappointed, lets see how fast this craft of yours can go. And don't call me girlie, my names Ruby, Ruby Rose."

This should be an interesting trip, this guy has a good sense of humor at least.

[member="Watcher Three"]
Watcher grinned easily as he sat down behind the wheel and his Mechu Deru vision was replaced by actual sight. He could see the pretty young woman sitting in the passenger seat, and everything in front of them. Despite their agreement that the planet was a hellhole, the mountains in the distance were still pretty nice.

"Alright, then, Ruby... Call me Watcher. A-metal hunting we go."

[member="Ruby Rose"]

Ruby Rose

Every Rose Has its Thorns
[member="Watcher Three"]

"Well then, good to meet you Watcher. Lets ride shall we?"

She smiles over at the man in the driver seat before looking forward admiring the nice sunset going down over the mountains. It should be dark by the time they get there.

"So, what kind of things can we expect to see out there at night?"

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