Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Evenin' to you.

Hi! How is it going for all of you? I was a member on this site at one point a long time ago for a brief time period, but could not remember my log-in. I didn't have much progress anyways, so I don't mind the new start. This isn't my first Star Wars roleplay, but I have some free time so i thought I'd rejoin the site.

You can call me Tsar, or whatever have you. I remember the whole layout of the website confusing me, so I'll probably spend the evening figuring it out rather than making a character, but I've got an idea for it already. Hm... So hobbies include going to work and sleeping, but besides that I enjoy bad music and horror literature (Poe, Lovecraft, King, etc.) I have skype for those interested in conversing. And, I guess if you have any questions about me, ask ahead.

Otherwise, can someone possibly explain how I make the sub-character or something again. I remember having to make an account for each character or something of the sort.
[member="Arkia Zinn"][member="Cryax Bane"] Thank you both.

Just going to throw the idea of my character out here while I'm information gathering. Is there any good, strong Non-FS factions at the moment? Preferably a Cartel or Syndicate. Maybe even Pirates? Iunno. The character I am working on is going to be an unknowing Force Sensitive [Tacky, I know] who finds out somehow or someone does and she is trained while still doing her duties for that Non-FS faction. Basically, she'll get trained by another member and basically be an Indie FS. If it is a Jedi, Sith, or whatever factions there may be, I may even have her eventually work for said faction, but just looking for a Master right now willing to train a novice outside of their Organization.
[member="Tsar"] The Red Ravens are a strong Criminal Syndicate Faction, but we do have some Force sensitives in our ranks. I'm not sure if there are any Factions that have only non-Force users. If there are, I'm not aware of them.

You're welcome to join the Ravens. We have pirates, smugglers, slicers, mercs, and dark Jedi if this fits your story.

There are a few actually. One upcoming one's goal is to tear down the Force Using orders.


So I don't think it would work out too well. Some people have their personal pirate crews but its less frequently done now it seems.

Also I wanna say that avatar is the most adorable looking thing ever!!!!

Also yay skype! I like talking to, though I prefer horror games to movies and books. (I like to be in control of my own failures in the horror verse)
[member="Cryax Bane"] Thank you for the intel. They're looking like the best contender for the character I'm making, so I think that I will end up joining them. And of course, every faction has to have some Force Sensitive snuggled somewhere in their group. It's Star Wars, after all.

[member="Alva Calvarona"] Yeah, that doesn't sound like it would work out for my character x) And thank you for the avatar compliment. I don't know where exactly it is from, but I think it's just artwork from a Russian artist who enjoys his anime.

I'm always down for skype talking, text chat of course. And I'm not much of a video game person anymore. I like books purely because it resonates in me well after I'm done with it. Ironically, the genre I love the most (Lovecraftian Horror) is based on the idea that the horror is outside of anyone's control. It wouldn't work well for a video game, I don't think xP

Thanks for all the greetings. I'm going to have the character up tomorrow, I hope. I have work tonight and need to get a nap before I go in. Here's hoping the autosave function works on your forum!
[member="Faye Terrik"] if you do end up joining the Red Ravens, give me a shout. I'm one of the faction leaders so I can help you get starred IC.

We also have a Skype chat room that is fairly active if you're the chatty type.

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