Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Enter Zephyr

Hi Everyone!

Probably like most of the people that are joining recently -- just saw the new star wars movie, haha!

This is actually my first star wars RP; however, I've been rping for some time -- I range from mid to adv lit, but I'm a tad bit rusty so in any case I look forward to writing/meeting with you all!

Pond Steele


Hi Zephyr! Welcome to Chaos! I wasn't aware everyone was joining as the movie came out, but it's interesting if they are!

If you have any questions, want a roleplay partner, or just plain want to talk, feel free to give me a private message or "mention" me.

Stay Kawaii!

Hi Zephyr! I too recently joined, while this isn't my first rodeo, I too consider myself as a Average to Advanced writer. I hope to see you around, if you want pm me if you want to start an rp. Hope you enjoy your stay and May the Force Be With You!
Hey there! Welcome to Chaos. ^_^

I wouldn't worry about how well you write. We have a huge number of members with an equally varied range of writing styles and skills. Chances are if you like the universe and you're flexible enough, you'll find a place here.

Any questions, don't hesitate to ask. That's what we're here for.

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