Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Enryu´s Corp

Corporation Name: Enryu´s Corp

Headquarters: Nar Shadda

Locations: Nar Shadda, Nal Hutta

-Armor manufacturing
-Weapon manufacturing (Mainly hand held and ranged weapons)
-Ship building (Small space vehicles, not cruisers)
-Private manufacturing requests (inventing schemes or creating the item)
-Droid production

Acaleus Thorn had the idea of creating a simple workshop for creating or improve weapons. He saw the many schemes for weapons were left in paper because of the low materials he had and of course having no workers at his disposal make thing hard. A company that could fill his own desires. A win-win situation. Of course it would cost him a lot of money into building up an industry, but was better than requesting to other companies to build his items and find out later that they produced those items massively and without his consent.

Tier: 3


“THE BEST ITEMS AT GOOD PRICES!” This company, like others in the galaxy, is based on selling items. Now we are fully compromised into creating armor, weapons or ships (Either war ships or transport ships) that fit in any personality. If the price is right, we take request for creating items for our customers, but everything build will have the name of Enryu´s Corp on it. For now, we aren’t part of any faction, and that’s a good thing for starting. Later on, we can join one, and grow.

The company isn’t in lust for power, as it search the satisfaction and happiness of the customer and to improve important items. In this matter, we have a workshop located in Nar Shadda, where we are going to sell and take requests. Of course, we are small for now, so the request must be for only some items at a time.



In other matter, we, the Enryu´s Corp have a small hangar for the creating or repairing ships, a building with equipment ready for creating any items (weapons or armor), and dozens of workers and engineers. Any of them are fully questioned about their professionality, as the company takes very seriously the efficiency of our workers.

Subsidiaries: None

Parent Corporation: None

Primary Source: None

Company Tier Upgrade: Enryu Corp
Tier up from II to III
  • Sign a contract with at least two factions or organizations:
Mandalorians (Ships burnt in fight or… )
Hutts (A deal with Hutts)
  • Display two examples of company growth in influence and/or finances OR territorial expansion:
A deal with Hutts (Earning credits for future proyects and influence with the Hutts mafias)
Endgame GA (Stealing minerals and other resources)

New Operation: Droid production
  • Display two uses of company operations.
Defender AX2
On point V
Hunters Bow and Quiver
E.G.A.S 5
Factory Judge
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review
Factory Judge
[member="Acaleus Thorn"], Hello! I will be judging your submission today. Lets get right to the nitty gritty.

Acaleus Thorn said:
Locations: N/A
As a tier two company, you are allowed to have a couple of planets for you to claim for your use. Just for you to know.

Acaleus Thorn said:
Operations: -Weapon manufacturing -Ship building -Private manufacturing requests
What kind of weapon manufacturing do you make? Small arms(guns, swords, hand held weapons.), Ship weapons (obvious, large mounted weapons), Alchemy/forged weapons(ones influenced by Alchemy, or other related items.)?

Acaleus Thorn said:
Rationale: Acaleus Thorn had the idea of creating a simple workshop for creating or improve weapons. He saw the many schemes for weapons were left in paper because of the low materials he had in hand and the null workforce, but he had the money so why not invest it into something. A win-win situation.
I have a few questions, First, what IC rational allowed you to have enough money to create a company? As well, can you expand a little on why making this company for me? I would like to see something more than "Cus I have the money bro!"

Acaleus Thorn said:
In other matter, we, the Enryu´s Corp have a small hangar for the creating or repairing ships, a building with equipment ready for creating any items (weapons or armor)
Go ahead and list armor creation in your operations portion.

Lastly, Can you provide a source for the two images you used? *artists, or website page that you found the images on.*

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