Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Enigma Iuda

Appearance: Usual Uniforms


NAME: “Enigma” Iuda

FACTION: Darkwire/Shadow Protectorate/Whisper Network

RANK: Slicer/Shadow Network Operative

SPECIES: Corellian Human

AGE: 32

SEX: Male


WEIGHT: 80 kg

EYES: One Green, One Blue, hidden behind his mask 99% of the time

HAIR: None

SKIN: Extremely Pale


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

Technophile (+)
Having lived his life as a black market coder, Enigma is extremely well versed in slicing and makes his living from monitoring servers and the holo-net for information as well as the creation and selling of slicing equipment. It is a rare system that is entirely secure from his intrusion.

On the Lam (+) (-) Working for multiple corporations as well as underworld figures, his identity is of the utmost value as he has pulled a job against everyone at least once or twice. He is well versed in covering his tracks and evading authorities as well as underworld contacts however, if his identity was every compromised, nowhere would be safe as his various clients came to enact retribution.

A breakfast of two coffees and a cigarette (-) Staying awake for days on end and eating week old pizza does not promote a healthy system and Enigma is all skin and bones. He is extremely skinny and his combat skills are very low.

An extremely skinny pale male, Enigma likes to wear clothing that either blends in to his environment or loudly proclaims is presence, whether it is a vest covered in the latest street art to just a functional black hoodie. He is never seen in public without a mask or bandanna and sunglasses obscuring his features.

The actual background of Enigma is hard to narrow down as his actual name is unknown. The first recorded case that the name ‘Enigma Iuda’ appears is on a Correllian freighter where an upgrade from one of the standard rooms to their private suite was authorised by an account under that name and as such his usual rapsheets surmise that he is of Correllian origin and all captured images show him to be human. Since then he has appeared all across the galaxy, usually just after a corporation reports either a dramatic spike or loss in profits and he appears to move around at random, taking various contracts and sponsoring as he sees fit. For the time, most of his activity has been localised to the Denon system and it is rumoured he has taken up cause with the DarkWire group although this has not been confirmed. His affiliation with the groups known as the Shadow Protectorate and the Whisper Network are also sunsubstantiated.

While he often operates from orbit, it is always aboard others ships.

None directly. Indirectly, he has been responsible for changing various accounts of underworld figures to implicate them in embezzlement from their organisations that has had them assassinated or the false imprisonment of individuals that have led to their demise within the prisons.
Edit: One Wookie informant within his own network who failed to meet expectations.

None. Yet.
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