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Elite: Dangerous - Is it worth it?


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Just as the title says, is the game Elite: Dangerous worth the time and investment? I hear good things, I hear bad things, I hear many things, but all of it mixed. Now, mixed reviews isn't necessarily a bad thing, but let's be honest: ol' Popo here has never been and never will be hyper competitive or hardcore into gaming. My personality is too casual and my work hours too random to really hunker down and "git gud" at any one thing hardcore or, y'know, power build something until muscles come out of places muscles shouldn't come out of.

So, for a somewhat casual player who loves the sci fi and space stuff... Is the game worth it?

I bought it on the PS4, though I imagine it's far better in terms of controls on the PC.

I've not mastered the game by any means, in fact there still remains to be a great deal about it that I don't understand and haven't put the appropriate hours into. What I did find however was that it has quite a steep learning curve for the more casual player and there's a lot to take in regarding all the star-ship specifications, the variations of vessels and modification you can purchase, the economy within the game etc.

I'm afraid I can't offer an expert opinion here by any means but am more interested in this thread for the same reason you are, I'm curious to hear what others think of the game. My hype around it died out due to time constraints rather than where the game was "good" or not. It certainly fits a specific genre, more a simulated experience than for someone looking for your typical action/adventure type game.

There will no doubt be others here who can weigh in however...

[member="Teynara Jeralyr"] I believe put time into this title?
As someone who has recommended it to you, [member="Veiere Arenais"] sums up the the game well. There is a pretty steep curve. And I can't say how difficult it is because that's varied from player-to-player in my experience. The only thing everyone I've played it with can agree on is that at some point the game just "clicks" and from there out it's smooth flying.

I've put probably around 80-100 hours into the game. I play it infrequently. Sometimes a binge, sometimes a few hours every now and then. But I take a week or two off every now and then. Because it can suck you in without you realizing it, and sometimes that can also lead to feeling "repetitive" at times. The game does offer a lot of variety, but it's very easy to get sucked into one lane and stay there because the game never encourages you to do anything else.

In fact there's nothing in that game that suggests you do something save for the community events, which are basically regular missions (trading, bounty hunting, etc) over the course of a week with a cool story and big rewards based on participation.
[member="Veiere Arenais"] is correct - I've put a few hours into it, and I've gotta be honest, if you're looking for realism, the game is amazing. Everything from the ship start-up sequence to the take-off and landing, the manner in which you'll burn up if you get too close to a's all great. I once got into a pitched battle which ended with my cockpit canopy being blown out, and I had a grand total of 15 minutes to get my ass to the nearest station before my life support gave out and I died in the cold of space from suffocation. I have never felt more on edge in a video game.

That said, there's a hugely steep learning curve, and death is mere seconds away at all times: you only have to find yourself interdicted by someone that wants the bounty on your head, or jump into the wrong asteroid field to find four guys who desperately want to murder you. Get on the wrong side of the law, and you'll see some truly beautiful ships obliterating you the moment you enter their space. Making money can be difficult at first, because you have no reputation, no real skills, no ship worth mentioning, but with a little patience, you'll have all of those things. Fit your ship with a decent power plant and some gimballed weapons, then go have fun.

I really do recommend giving it a go. It's one of the more challenging games out there, and definitely worth your time (provided you don't bump into any bugs, 'cause those just suck).
Though an absolute impulse purchase...-I just bought this for PC/Steam.

Didn't get the DLC but given the little I've put into this game, I probably don't need it at this point lol.

Will be curious to see how it fares on Computer!


Haha, "Casual" and "E:D" in the same sentence?

It's okay. A bit grindy at times, though. Also, PVP is a total nightmare if you're new - not like EVE where you can take a junker frigate into FW and just shoot the poodoo with people. The game can get very boring if you're not too invested in playing.

As for the controls, I wouldn't worry about it too much, as I play on the PC with my Xbox One Elite controller. The real pain in the ass is getting used to the controls and the UI, not the quantity of controls.

Get it on Steam fast, it's currently on sale for $20.
I ended up picking up the season pass for it tonight as well.

I found steering with the mouse rather difficult compared to a console controller, could probably set up my Xbox One controller to the PC but I dunno, after a little trial and error it didn't seem so bad.

Spent some time doing a couple transport missions, managed to evade being interdicted on the last.

Made chump change really, 80k but it's a start. I am enjoying it more on the pc given the level of control in the social and menu side of things.

I would be curious if anyone knows any decent private groups however/servers that are more Player friendly?

I was just running the game solo tonight.
Veiere Arenais said:
I would be curious if anyone knows any decent private groups however/servers that are more Player friendly?
I run a private group with some friends of mine, so feel free to PM me your CMDR name and I'll add you to my friends list.

That goes for [member="Popo"], [member="Teynara Jeralyr"], and [member="Master Savan-Xyhn"] if any of you are interested as well.

Otherwise Open Play isn't as scary as it seems. Only the power capitals, community goal systems, and places like Maia and Quince are ever in rush hour. Most players don't pick on you unless you A.) have a bounty or B.) are a member of a hostile power.
[member="Arian Lenar"] | [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] | [member="Master Savan-Xyhn"] | [member="Popo"]

CMDR WolfMortum

WolfMortum is generally the gamer tag I go by nowadays on both Console (Ps4 & Xbox One) and PC.

Feel free to add me !

I'll be the guy jumping from port to port trying to make some cash and not getting stuck out in the middle of nowhere gazing off at the stars in awe


Just spent a five hour session jaming with [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] :D
I've got about 92 hours in Elite: Dangerous and can say that it is a very solid game, it's very easy to get lost when deciding what you want to do, Me? I joined the Imperial Navy and now hunt down criminal scum and assassinate corrupt bureaucrats on behalf of Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval. Life is good.

[member="Popo"] [member="Veiere Arenais"]

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