Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Elias Valo

Elias Valo


Basic Information

Name: Elias Valo

Faction: N/A

Species: Human - Kiffar

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Height: 1.83 meters

Weight: 79 kgs

Eyes: Greenish Blue

Hair: Dirty Blond

Force Sensitive: Yes

Strengths & Weaknesses

+ Socialite - It's all about who you know. Life, after all, is nothing but endless networking. Because of Elias' parentage he was born into the right circles, and thanks to his natural charm and his abilities he's maintained those relationships into adulthood. There are very few places in the galaxy where its elitists are unfamiliar with Elias and his family.

+ Silver Spoon - Being born into money has its privileges, lots of money being one of them and a trust fund being the other. A job? Elias' has no concept of working for a living. He hasn't had to work for much in his life but this has allowed him to excel in other areas such as academics.

+ Oh My! What Fancy Footwork! - Aside from being a formidable ballroom dancer, Elias' is quite the accomplished duelist. His approach to swordplay has been an artistic one since he began. Preferring style and grace he views his weapon much like a painter would view his paint brush; as a tool to express oneself. Elias, if anything, is grace and fluidity.

- Bah! Why Do I Care So Much?! - Because of Elias' abilities, or perhaps it's just in his DNA, he is a deeply emotional person and tends to feel the emotions of those around him; particularly when those emotions are profoundly intense. Depending on the emotion, Elias can be affected in several ways. Severe depression or sadness, for example, has been known to cause Elias to shut down completely while profound joy and happiness merely makes him smile.

- I'm Sorry, You're From What Family? - Elias is a good person, or so he says. However, when you grow up in a high social class it's difficult to not have some sort of disdain for the lower class; they smell funny, dress horribly and eat the worst food imaginable. His arrogance is quite evident at times and he often views others as beneath him.



Elias is all about style and appearance. Very rarely is it that he is found dressed in the same thing, let alone something that doesn't scream aristocrat. He walks with fluid, practiced and evident grace with each step while always holding immaculate posture. Each move he makes seems exaggerated as if he were putting on a show; each bow a little deeper, each handshake a tad bit more violent, each smile a little to bright. When he speaks he does so in a measured pace with a slight accident.


The holoview's display in front of you bursts to life as you activate it, it's colors quickly beginning to fill the once vacant screen. Green lettering and numbers appear at the top of the screen to indicate the recordings date and time. A few short seconds later your gaze is met by another who now appears on the screen. The man's eyes are focused on the camera as he positions himself in chair a few feet back. To say the scene painted before you was stunning would be to undermine the rooms value. The chair in which he sits is a deep, velvet red with a gold embroidery. In fact, now that you take in the sceen you notice almost everything is decorated in gold in some fashion; from the intricate golden patterns which appear weaved into the dark wooden furniture to the solid gold housing for the wall lights. Sitting in the chair, the man seems almost out of place wearing a relaxed white dress shirt and crisp black dress slacks. His hands are covered in pair of ebony gloves with golden stitch. After making himself comfortable, the man places a soft fist to his mouth and clears his throat slightly before speaking.

"I'm not really sure in which manner one begins one of these things so I suppose I shall treat it as if I am talking to somebody as opposed to my holorecorder. I personally don't see a point to these sort of things, video diaries if you will, but my mother insisted. She says that being able to reflect on ones life is important, and that our memories are fleeting. I have terrible news for you, mother, life itself is fleeting. I had resisted until now, yet, I feel like today was a good day to start."

A smirk quickly adorned the mans face as he appeared clearly happy with his own statement.

"But, I regress. For you Mother, I shall do anything."

The man adjusts himself in the seat, positioning himself closer to the camera and filling more of the screen.

"So, hello. I'm Elias Valo. It is... Oh, 12:30 on a Tuesday and I have just left quite the party. In fact, it was my party. My birthday party. I know what you're thinking, 12:30? Who leaves a parties at 12:30! Especially your own birthday party. I know, I know, it's barley enough time to have a proper drink. It'd have to be something profoundly important to make you leave a party so early..."

You continue to watch Elias as he leans to one side of the chair and reaches for something out of frame. He quickly positions himself back in focus and holds up in his gloved hand a polished, gold plated lightsaber.

"I met the most curious man at my party. I had never seen him before, nor do I remember inviting him, but that's not really the point. He presented me with a gift, and this lightsaber was it's wrapped contents."

His hand moves deftly to the switch and ignites the royal purple blade. He openly admires it's beauty for a moment before he turns it off and sets it down on the arm of the chair.

"I have long known that the man I call father isn't my real father, my mother never hid such truth from me. She was a politician working out of Coruscant who met my father during a mission to Kiffu. It was one of those forbidden romances, but she wouldn't elaborate past the 'forbidden' portion. I am just aware that before I was born my biological father died. I didn't miss him though, it's not like I didn't have a father. My father raised me. Though mother's marriage is one of arrangement, neither of them are unhappy with each other. We, together, are a family."

Elias pauses for a moment, looking at something off camera before beginning again.

"Before I started my proper education, I would say around five or six, was when I first discovered I was a gifted with psychometry. Apparently, every one out of one-hundred Kiffar are gifted as such. As you can imagine, it's quite the experience when at that young of age you grab your fathers shoes and suddenly find yourself flooded by a seemingly endless amount of sensory information. I started seizing. It was shortly there after that we were able to figure out what exactly had happened. I have since learned to control my ability, more-or-less, but the gloves help. Every now and then I will be approached by those in my circle with items in which they desire information on. Money is no issue for me, I deal in favors. Favors are far more valuable then money."

A sly smile creeps across Elias' face as he continues.

"I must say, I was quite surprised when after touching this hilt I was met with a rather different history then the one my mother had told me growing up. In fact, it makes me rather curious as to why, Mother, you didn't tell me my father was a Jedi...

And more importantly...

Why you killed him."

Elias' gaze seems to fall directly on you as you view the holo. He takes several moments before he speaks again, opting instead to let his body language and his measured breathing fill the silence. Elias then leans towards the screen and shortly after you are met with a blank screen once again.


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