Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ehissra Lee Cao


NAME: Ehissra Lee Cao
ALIASES: Sage, Cao
RANK: Spellweaver
SPECIES: Human (Kro Var)
AGE: 28
HEIGHT: 5'9"
WEIGHT: 155 Ibs
HAIR White, Shaggy Hair.
SKIN Fair-skinned



[+/- ]Shaper Abilities - Ehissra is a prodigious water shaper, the element he has shown the most potential in. He is capable of making his movements fluid and graceful and harnessing the very element of water in a variety of forms. This gives him some versatility, rather than supporting a separate set of offensive methods, he can employ defensive methods that can be transformed into offensive attacks and counters. However, his skills aren't at their peak in areas that are scarce in water. His environment plays a large part in the move sets available. He can find some ways around this by learning other abilities, but that takes time.

[+/-]Intense Connection to the Living Force - While being deeply connect to the elements, he has found that he has a even higher aptitude than most, being connected to the Living Force, earning him the nickname of Sage. He has found ways to channel and draw in the natural energy of nature which will allow him access to different skills, or to even bolster some abilities. This requires great concentration. In order to do so he must remain still, and split his focus which leaves him open to attacks. The less nature there is around the harder, longer, and more taxing this ability will become.

[+/-]Primitive Weaponry/Distaste for Technology - He has been raised and trained to wield melee weapons, particularly for him swords. He however is not the best swordsman in the galaxy, his knowledge in this area is enough for him to hold his own. Technology is something he has grown to despise from his youth until now. It stemmed from the technological regression of his Homeworld. He prefers his abilities, his armor, and his sword which probably aren't on par with the consistent updates of the rest of the galaxys.



Ehissra was born in a high ranking caste, and clan. He grew up with his brothers in a period surrounded by constant battles and conflicts between clans. One if these battles would lead to the death of his younger brother and several other clansmen. Through the advocation of his father ordering the deaths of helpless villages, his older brother ended up in an altercation with their father which eventually led to his exile. From then on, his father pushed him and pushed him to become a shaper, from then on he discovered his natural affinity for the water element, learning everything about it and welfare from his Shaper Cabals at a younger age than most.

He was later tasked with Hunting his own brother down, to figure out where he had exactly disappeared to. Having tracked him down, it was revealed that he had completely changed, harnessing a fire element, and had formed remnants of former clans into his own. There was a clash of forces, with Ehissra taking on the likes of his now crazed brother. Doing his duty, he was only able to mortally wound his brother before forcing the opposition to retreat. He was unable to deliver the final blow, because he deep down cared entirely too much to strike him down.

Time would pass, and over a small course of time Ehissra would see that he was becoming an outcast amongst his people. He had lost the faith from his father for not fulfilling his duty and striking down his brother, an even then he was starting to gain a curiosity for off world affairs, and for the "Invisible". His superstition was becoming less and less intense as he got older, and from there he wanted to commit himself to travel, and expand his knowledge on the different views of Force.



"It is life, I think, to watch the water. A man can learn so many things.”
I have a feeling that with the recent blast of Kro Varians to pop up that I need to restart the Faction for them again. lol

[member="Fatty"], Don't you think so? You and I did alot of work back when when the site was in it's infancy. Heck, I have two of them! (well kind of two of them) You need to bring your princess back dude.

[member="Ehissra Lee Cao"], welcome to the Site with your Shaper! Very much love the Idea of the Shapers. and have one myself who knows Fire, Earth, and Air shaping. so if you want to maybe do a thread with me if I have the right time constraints I can.
Well-Known Member
[member="Xander Carrick"] haha nice to see more of em' around. I might some day, though now isn't the right time for me. I'd gladly assist though with any such Faction building! I'm a better helper than I am a leader.
[member="Fatty"], just a minor faction with a collection of all Shapers regardless of faction. Family is family. Looks like I might be setting one up soon then if others would join.

Anyways I am going to stop so I don't flood up your thread! Haha

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