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Approved Tech EFR-Spray

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Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Intent: To illustrate how the Kashyyyk citizens would react to a large portion of their forest being burned in 40 ABY, and how a similar strategy nearly 800 years later is extremely unrealistic.
Intent: To illustrate how the Kashyyyk citizens would react to a large portion of their forest/planet being burned in 40 ABY, and how a similar strategy nearly 800 years later is extremely unrealistic.
Development Thread: A direct result of this event
Model: Based on real life Fire Retardant Spray
Affiliation: Open Market, most commonly found on excessive forest worlds such as Kashyyyk
Modularity: Noe
Production: Minor
Material: Various Chemicals, nothing special.

Jacen Solo, while the child of Rebel Alliance heroes with one of the best Jedi Educations money could buy(At the time), did not live his later years as a dashing hero but rather a villian at the centerfold of a second Galactic Civil War. During his time as Chief of State he fought off a rebellion fueled by Wookiee's and Jedi, and in a daring move fired the Long-Range Turbolasers of the Anakin Solo at the planet. A large portion of the planet went ablaze, wildfires raging across the wookiee homeworld. Wildfires that still needed taming after the battle and negotiations, with legendary figures like Han Solo, Leia Organa-Solo, and Lando Calrissian staying behind to help stop the spread.

Enraged by the their homeworld being devestated by such flames the wookiees vowed never to let such a tragedy happen again.

Contracts were made and defenses commissioned, with one of them being the EFR-Spray, or Extreme Fire Resistance Spray. An 'extreme' version of normal fire-retardant spray used to stop older 'retro' wooden houses from going up in flames, the EFR-Spray can be applied to plant life, and make it much more resistant to flames. Handheld fire weapons, such as say an incendiary grenade or flamethrower, will leave scorch marks on heavier wood but not ignite it without a multitude of sources giving sustained fire. Larger flame based weapon, such as say a Firecarpet Warhead or the superheated gas breath from an Arkanian will still ignite smaller plant life nearly instantly, but concentrated fire is required to ignite larger plant life.

In essence, while a barrage of fire-carpet warheads will still prove heavily lethal to a forest arrangement the EFR spray ensures that one Fire Carpet Warhead on a forest world, or a single dragon flying around a forest world, does not mean equate to an instant win button. EFR-spray is not cheap, and not commonly applied to entire Forests, but rather in strategic locations to prevent a wildfire from hitting a specific target or covering an excessively large area. In short, the wookiees could not cover their entire planet, but they covered it enough to ensure mass-destruction isn't achieved by firing four long-range turbolasers as it was in the past.
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