Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Eddie V?

"I see you found my profile..."


"...What do you think so far?"

NAME: Eddie
FACTION: Ession Reformation
RANK: The King of Bawss Mode (Self Proclaimed)
SPECIES: Vyperion Assassin Droid
AGE: 6
HEIGHT: ...Iforget
WEIGHT: 500 lbs
EYES: Dark Amber
HAIR: Dark Purple
SKIN: White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
[+]Capable of random badassery
[-]Badassery is LITERALLY random action for him
[+]Is upgraded in mind compared to body
[-]In desperate need of an upgrade
[+]Knows how to use more weapons than most droids
[-]Doesn't know how to use a lightsaber
[P-]Has gone technically insane

A hijacked X-Wing

Eddie was a Vyperion Mrk II droid with the mind of a Mrk III, how this happened is currently unknown to him. Eddie was inactively searching for Edd and Ed during the last year, but he fell into lava, was stuck to a huge magnet, and lastly, had to get a hologram projector strong enough to last near forever. He seeks a way to upgrade now that his model is older than Vyperion Mk III (the droid that Velok put in stasis), and he was forgotten in the upgrade process since then. Eddie still seeks his brothers "Ed" and "Edd" throughout the galaxy, though it is rumored that they are currently on Raxus Prime with their memory chips removed. Eddie was named after the nickname of a Jedi from the period between Old Republic and Clone Wars named Edston "Eddie" Firestone. Eddie has been searching for his brothers for the goal of finding Edston's grave and possibly his spirit, however, one thing stops Eddie now... a sudden love for a woman who is rumored to be Edston's last wife that was put into cryosleep when her kids and husband all died by a Sith Lord. Eddie now wishes he was human in more ways than the Vyperion Droid model originally was made to be. The love is gone now, and he has finally sheltered his past self's appearance and the search for his brothers, now simply seeking equality.

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.


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[member="Evard L'Rik"]

I don't see much humor in it, it's an older profile, which proves not much has changed about Eddie since the last usage he had with the CIS, and the badassery is mostly stuff like surviving ship crashes, so it's more like a huge amount of luck xD

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