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Character ECDT-999 | Elite Class Dark Trooper | Last Production [WIP]


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A Warmachine Without a War


Physical Stats

Species - Elite Class Dark Trooper [Droid]

Sex - Masculine Programming

Height - 9'2

Weight - 3000+ Pounds

Sensor Color - Black

Force Sensitive? No

Alignment - Neutral Good



DLT-19 heavy blaster rifle

SE-14 blaster pistol

Thermal Detonator [3]



+ Designed To Be Badass +

ECDT-999 was designed for war, he was designed to kick in the door to a building, filled with fifty of those that would resist the Empire's bidding, take every round they could throw and throw just as many back in return. The droid was forged in lightsaber resistant Phrik, built to be intimidating, and programmed with enough combat processes to take them through any situation that they could find themselves in. Created to be supersoliders, the Iron Fist of an age long past, the droid will never go down easily, and easily dominates any room he finds himself in when stacked to baser organics.

+ No Gods, No Masters +

With the Empire long gone, and any form of succeeding nation after it blinking into the night, the droid is free to carve his own path in the galaxy. To learn and explore at his pace, to see the worlds as he wants to see them without the crack of a whip. Given all the time in the world to make his decisions, this is a luxury he was never afforded, and something he never thought he would be gifted. He has the entire universe as a canvas to paint his own story, wherever that may take him.


- Slow To Move -

The Dark Trooper project, sadly, is a product of it's time, and while he may easily be able to make shots, swing a Hell of a right hook, the droid still suffers from the trappings of those of it's era. Shifting it's body into position is a slow and deliberate act, one that is mimicked for seconds before the action properly goes through. Ontop of that, the maximum movement speed of the droid appears to be a worried jog instead of a dedicated sprint.

- Has The Words, Not The Skills -

It would be a fool's errand to claim that droid's have no personality, that they weren't endlessly prone to developing quirks in their programming that brought to life personalities that were just as expressive as most organics. This stands as a basic fact. The issue comes from when a droid is gifted this expressive personality without the body to match it, without a properly broken in vocabulator. This causes the droid to have issues expressing himself as clearly as he would want at all times, despite being able to facilitate thoughts just as complex, if not more so, than the average person.

Biography [WIP]

Coruscant, the homeworld of the Empire, the old center of the Galaxy. This was true, for eons and eons of human existence this was a basic fact. Now, society flees to the Outer Rim, now the Core falls to anarchy and petty warlords. The Empire of old had fallen, over and over again had it fallen and burned. It had suffered a death over a million times by the most recent incarnation, and even now, there were warlords that would dare to wave the Grey-Banner as if they knew what it stood for. As if they understood the endless lives that had toiled underneath it in hopes for a better life, in hopes to restore order, as if they understood why the Stormtrooper dawned the helmet, as if they understood why the Army bore the E-11, as if they understood why the TIE roared into the endless expanses of space. It was a basic understanding that these men would never know, and that the hundreds of Petty Emperors that had risen and fallen had barely managed to make a mark on Galactic history, they were simply the screams of the dying epoch that refused to fully go out. A flame that would never fade to the rage of the wind, but stood alone in it's bonfire, surrounded by hills and rolling hills of snowbluffs.

The Past Would Die, this was true. Eventually each and every memory of the old Galactic Empire would be forgotten, eventually it would run it's course, no more remembered than the Infinite Empire, no more remembered than the Old Republic. There were consistencies in the Galaxy, the Force, the Jedi, the Sith, the machinations of man had never been one of those things. While they rose and fell, there was always those constants, that stood in stark defiance to the simple waves that many would wish to think that history flowed in. While those consistancies ruled, there would be the Empire, the Rebellion, the Republic, the Alliance, the Vong, so many had come to gentle Coruscant, and thus, while those consistances pushes war and conflict, the machinations of man pushed to find new ways to wadge their petty bouts.

Droids, they were common enough, used in conflict before during the Clone Wars, where the GAR and the CIS threw hoards of countless nothings that the public could easily forget about. A war disconnected from the cost of life because it was easy to make the argument that none was lost, the fighting was simple statistic, and thus the war would end eventually. The Empire would rise, and an idea would be refounded, to construct droids meant for combat. This, however, was hardly easily done. A distrust had settled into the populace, and with the occupation roles that the Empire found themselves in, there would hardly be any real odds of droids being accepted as normal, at least, never as normal as the Imperial Stormtrooper was. So, mimickry was the decision. The Dark Trooper project came into being, pushing out countless endless hundreds of droids and cyborgs in forgotten and lost factories, taken and rebranded by the many, many factions that had owned the lands after the fall.

Eventually, came the Galactic Alliance, their conflicts, their struggles, old factories roared back to life and put new warmachines together, but, just as quickly, with the passing of conflict, were forgotten once more, left to rot in the undercities of the grand planet. A darktrooper, trapped in it's housing, forever in low power, with wires plugged into this and that, with the Galactic Alliance bird branded onto it's shoulder, would be forgotten.

Chaos reigns, and war would come again to the Grand Planet, under the banner of the Imperium, under the man named Grayson, and with this new war, bombs and explosions would rock the planet, and in the depths, in that forgotten factory, among the durasteel and ferrocrete, the building would shake and shudder, and with a loud snapping of wire and the frame collapsing onto the floor. The Darktrooper would be freed, slowly find it's systems powering on, find itself coming to a stand and taking in the reality around it. Gathering it's tools, as it's programming told it to, before starting to step out of the factory, past the parts and destruction, into the dark Wilds of the Undercities. Into the endless reality.

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