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Private Dreams of Dark Destiny


Location: Dark Force “Dreamscape”
Outfit: Temptress Outfit
Tags: Charles Castex Charles Castex

As Raah slept the ancient holocron that she kept hidden in her quarters shined bright, blood red. The Togruta had been in possession of the artifact for decades now, but she had not been able to gain access to its contents. Instead the essence of the relic’s maker had seeped out when Raah was not aware and influenced her to fall to the dark side as her powers grew. Tonight the essence was pushing her in a different manner. Towards another presence in the Force that was nowhere nearby. Distance was little issue for the Force though. Especially with a conduit as strong as Raah. As she lay in bed by any passerby she would be judged merely to be sleeping. Even with the rapid flickering of her eyelids.

In Raah’s unconscious mind however something completely different was happening. She was stalking through a tumult of dark colored mist. She had experienced this before, but usually it lasted only a short time before some vision of the future was presented to her. Something that she needed to do to keep herself on her current path of power. Most of the time these “dreams” were not being influenced by the holocron. This night was special. This night Raah was going to find a true new beginning for herself and her people. She was going to find a bridge from Jyzuth to the wider galaxy, without being totally chained to the Sith Order.

The fog seemed like it was never going to come to an end, yet something pushed Raah further inside. To the Togruta Force-user it seemed almost as if she had walked the lightyears that were physically between her and the one that she sought. Everytime she thought she was closing in on the beckoning presence it would retreat. Slowly again she gained this time closer than she had ever felt. The fog started to take form. Vaguely human, maybe near-human. Definitely not Togruta. Tall. Male. Raah gave a slight growl of desire. It had been a while since she had grown bored with the captain of her pirates.

”What have we here?” she purred in a tone that was equally alluring as it was threatening. ”There is much to be discovered still. But I like where this is going. Come to me. It is the will of destiny that we meet.”


Location: Dark Force Dreamscape

Tags: Raah Myfey Raah Myfey

Dress: His Long black kimono, with a matching robe going around it and white and red flowers decorating it.

Dreams, yes Charles had been drawn into many before, though it would be improper to label them as such. Nightmares was a better word. They had been used by Udeszi to teach him, and control him for so long now that he hardly recognized when there might be something different going on. Yet this place… it was in such stark contrast form the spells the old sith spirit cast that he knew he was somewhere else. A different kind of dreamscape that turned into a long path leading into the fog… not sure what to do he simply followed the voice that lead further inside.

At the same time that he followed the path, he felt that something else was following him, or better yet approaching him slowly. Reaching out from across the vastness of the universe with the force, it became more and more obvious that this was no trick of Udeszi. It was both the relief of a new dream and the uncertainty of a potentially new nightmare. As this thought crossed his mind, he saw the shape of his 'pursuer' take form out of the corner of his eyes and so he stopped walking forward and simply turned around to face them. Well he couldn't exactly tell what he was looking at… an alien form, tall, female… thinking for a moment he eventually recognized the silhouette as a Togruta potentially, but what did it want?

Charles eye brow arched slightly when it spoke, as the tone of the stranger told him a few things about how she planned to get whatever it was she was after. The sigh that left his lips translated to smoke coming out from around his mask in the dream scape, as the admiral found it… odd to be standing next to someone that was just a little taller than him at least because of the horns. At least they could agree on one thing, "Much indeed, but I would think you should know what you have here. After all you called me. I was sleeping in the bowls of my flag ship when… something pulled me to your dream… or is this mine?" A playful chuckle slipped from his as he said the last part, "I guess the answer to that question would decide who has the power here now wouldn't it."

She did ask him to 'come to her' as it where and Charles though on the defensive was happy to oblige if only out of curiosity, taking a few steps close, "Come to you? Is this satisfactory? Or does 'destiny' have something far greater for use in mind?" He had sensed that the fog was created illusions of both of them, and was trying to dispel them at least in his own mind, to get a sense of who or what the was actually dealing with. Reaching out with the force to find this person clearing the fog around them to get a better look.


Location: Dark Force “Dreamscape”
Outfit: Temptress Outfit
Tags: Charles Castex Charles Castex

The dream spoke back. That had not ever happened to Raah before. Her dreams were something she experienced. Something that was going to happen. They were not interactive. They showed her what she needed to do to keep the faith of her people. They showed her what needed to be fixed. She couldn’t do anything in these dreams but watch. This time she actually was somewhere new. For all she could see it was an empty space with mist or fog or smoke, but even though she knew it was not “reality”, she knew that she could be seen here. And that meant potential for danger.

The being in the fog teased back. That had Raah freeze for a moment. This was indeed getting interesting. Raah was the alpha, that was how she enjoyed it most. But this one didn’t seem to mind playing games. She would bend him to her will, but the game would be much more fun than others in Raah’s past. ”It is our dream,” Raah hissed toyingly. She accented the word our and smiled moving closer still to the figure of mist. ”I have been pulled here just as much as you. Though it seems that my sense has taken in more than yours. We are meant to meet here. You and I are destined to make history.”

The dark Togruta female gave a teasing laugh. ”You have something that I want. I haven’t exactly figured out what it is, but I will figure it out soon enough…” as she spoke Charles’ form came out of the fog and into clear view. Raah hummed as she looked him over. This was indeed a treat. It was quite rare to find someone who could look her in the eyes. His appearance was appealing, and the way he carried himself added to that appeal. ”Quite satisfactory. And I see now you have more than a single thing I want, if you look as tasty in reality. The Force tells me I have something that you desire as well. I may have been brought here with the same vague guidance as you. But this much I know. You are to be extended an invitation.” As Charles came into clear view for Raah, she too was revealed to him.

”Destiny always has something greater in mind for us my new friend,” Raah purred as she started to stalk a circular path around Charles continuing to look him over. ”Are you one to accept the push that destiny gives? Or do you fight against it to prove that you have your own will? Sometimes there is no common ground. Much is being offered to you. All you need do is give yourself to my invitation.”


Location: Dark Force Dreamscape

Tags: Raah Myfey Raah Myfey

Dress: His Long black kimono, with a matching robe going around it and white and red flowers decorating it.

"Our dream is it? Then maybe…" Charles paused for a moment as mentally he reached out and tried to shape the area around them, and caused a noticeable ripple in reality. For a moment the foggy place almost changed. Shifting slightly into what could have been only have been described as a horrific slaughterhouse of experimentation. A cage appearing around Raah and then disappearing just as quickly as it appeared. If one thing it showed that the one before her had a disciplined mind. As he considered his own dreams to be something to be something he could bend to his will, but it was as if this Togruta's point was made as he failed… her sense was taken in more than in his own. True it was 'their dream', but he didn't have the power he might have in his own mind to fight,

"The question is what pulled us here? I believe in destiny as much as anyone else, but I have studied the Force for a long time and believe me it is never that simple." A playful yet hidden smirk though did appear on his face about the mention of making history. He had heard such suggestions before, though Charles never considered himself to be a man of grand ambitions, at least not for his own sake. It made him curious why this other person believed that he could or would help them do just that,

"Oh and how exactly do you plan for us to do that? To me this is just another dream, or at least it was until a few moments ago when I realized I might be on someone else's battlefield. However, I feel that this is not the first time you have done this, and believe me I know someone who has plans for the future when I see them." It was at this moment he began to wonder a bit about what those plans where even as they both slowly revealed themselves to each other. He felt lucky that his mask hid his features, as her appearance was pleasant on the eyes, and that was a rare thing in his dreams for all of his life that he could remember,

"I do not think you will find the taste of my bones to be to your liking Togruta, unless you like my style then I can point you to a good tailor." There was a certain serious, and yet playful nature about the words that would leave one to wonder had her attempt at seduction had really gone so far over his head. The reality was it had not. He was just so suspicious of anything said in his dreams that he could never be sure as for all he knew this was just another way for Udezsi to try and twist him. He was not about to let that happen,

"I would be careful about asking someone whom you know little about to 'take an invitation' from you my new friend. We are in each other's mind after all, and who knows what I could find out if I simply did a little digging. Things might get lost in the process." There was a playful yet ominous laugh as he said this, and from him she would be able to see almost blackish tendrils in the force extending outward, and for a moment she start to feel like they where going to seize on parts of her mind, but just as quick as they appeared they were gone. A detail which left even Charles slightly confused, "Very curious…"

There was something else in the fog, completely out of sight, and only at the very edge of what could be perceived. It watched the pair, saying nothing, and doing nothing. Any attempt by them to glean more information on what it was would be like grasping at the fog around them. So Charles made no further attempt to do so and simply turned his full attention to the Togruta again, "If… and I do mean if I accept this invitation, were exactly do you want me to go. Though do understand that even if I agree… this conversation is far from over." It was obvious by that statement that even if she gave Charles the information he wanted she still had to continue selling him on the idea, or at least he wanted to talk to her more before their connection through the Force broke.

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