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Approved Starship Drak Harald (Dragon Herald) Cruiser

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Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden

  • Manufacturer: Tof Kingdom (Firefist Galaxy)
  • Model: Drak Harald-class (Dragon Herald-Class)
  • Affiliation: The Sky Kingdom
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Beskar, Quandranium, Transparisteel
  • Classification: Unique Cruiser
  • Length: 1000m
  • Width: 900m
  • Height: 700m
  • Armament: Extreme
x2 Forward Facing Plasma Cannons
x12 Hypervelocity Cannons
x250 Ion Cannons
x60 Turbolaser Cannons
x25 Interdictor Missile Tubes
x25 Gravity Bomb Launchers
x40 Quad-Laser Cannons
1 Squadron of Fighters
  • Maneuverability Rating: Very Low
  • Speed Rating: Low
  • Hyperdrive Class: 1

  • The Drak Harald is a combat craft that focuses on disabling enemy vessels rather than destroying them outright, as obvious from its heavy complement of ion and mass accelerator weaponry. This type of warfare allows for the boarding parties of the Drak Harald to capture enemy ships in the heat of battle and turn them against their creators, growing the Tof fleet at the same time.

  • The addition of Turbolasers means that the Drak Harald can throw punches just like any Coruscant Galaxy born ship and the inclusion of Gravity Bombs allows the vessel to quickly dispatch troublesome ground side targets while shattering unshielded vessels.

  • The beskar coating the ship's Bridge, protetecting the core, surrounding the Great Hall and Making up the ram of the ship and reinforcing were taken over a thousand years ago when the Mandalorians invaded the Firefist galaxy in pursuit of the Tof. The metal recovered from the hundreds of killed warriors and the warships they brought with them were eventually used to forge the thick armor. Unfortunately, the weight of the metal causes the ship to be extremely slow in atmospheric conditions but allows it to take an increased amount of hull damage before falling to critical blows and makes it harder for drilling pods to pierce the armor.

  • The innermost part of the ship's interior was designed to fit a Great Hall, Warroom, Library, Temple, Training Room and quarters for the Allking while also providing cots for over 10,000 warriors; allowing the ship to serve as a headquarters for all Tof operations in the galaxy.
  • The lack of destructive weaponry present on the vessel decreases the overall damage output of the craft during combat, meaning that when boarding or disablement is not an option the Drak Harald will have a harder time in the engagement than would usually be expected of a vessel of its size.

  • Boarding pods were installed in place of a secondary hanger, leaving the vessel with but a single squadron of fighters to defend itself. Without support from other vessels with a larger compliment, swarms of bombers or fighters could quickly overwhelm the ship.

  • The thicker armor of the Drak Harald allows it a structural integrity unlike most ships of the Tof fleet, however, the draw on the ship's power to move the vessel through the atmosphere is much more taxing than on a more lightly armored craft.


Created from the beskar of the defeated Mandalorian invaders, the Drak Harald was completed just prior to Hawthorn's dispatch into our galaxy (known to the Tof as the Skyriver Galaxy). The vessel was always intended to lead the Tof charge back into the galaxy, serving as the focal point for what would be the Tof revenge and later conquest of the races and species that had crushed them over a thousand years ago. Luckily for the Toff, the Gulag Plague did not come to the Firefist Galaxy and thus they were left with hundreds of years of time to build, learn and evolve while the galaxy they loathed was destroyed.

New tactics to combat those from Skyriver were formed, technologies brought by the mandalorians were replicated and new techniques for combat boarding were perfected. When Drak Harald was finished, it was affixed with a Great Hall and all the facilities required to manage decades worth of pillaging, raiding and invasion.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command

I love the concept, just need clarification on a few points and then, well, I'm gonna crush your dream. We'll get to that.

I believe on the Intent line you mean a different word than 'expenditures.' Expansion, perhaps?

As far as ratings go you're looking fine for a Unique Cruiser. But the devil is in the details. You've got 250 Magnetic Accelerators, the clearest analogue those have to our Chaos Reference Chart are Mass Drivers, or basically Turbolaser equivalent weapons. It's not a problem, you're still well within guidelines, I just wanted clarification on the matter.

On the Hanger, do the 50 boarding pods count as the 1 squadron or is there an additional squadron of starfighters in addition to the boarding pods?

Under strengths you mention housing 1000 warriors. For what it's worth, putting 1000 people on a 1000m ship is trivial. A Nimitz-class carrier is 320m long and can fit 5000 people and 60-80 aircraft. You're more than welcome to crank that number up by a pretty significant order of magnitude, were you so inclined.

And now the kicker. There's simply no feasible way to beskar plate a large warship. A basic 1000m x 900m plate is 900,000 square meters. In comparison, a suit of steel plate armor at 2mm thickness weighing 15-17kg gives about .95 square meters of steel. So a million dead mando's, assuming perfect recovery of their armor, and assuming that you just need a flat plate (which you don't). It's simply not feasible, nor is it particularly balanced.

That said, you've mentioned the ram a couple times, and a beskar plate reinforced ram on a unique production cruiser I would be totally onboard with. Or beskar plating on key areas of the ship, or something else you come up with. Let me know what you think.

Other Space Kaiden

Better than other-other space Kaiden
[member="Cyrus Tregessar"]

  • So I went ahead and changed the Accelerators to 12 hypervelocity guns, which evens out to 240 guns when you look at the power scale.

  • Made the ship able to carry 10k warriors

  • For the boarding pods I was thinking they replaced the fighters for balance reasons. However, if you think replacing the fighter squadron was unnecessary or could justify the presence of significantly more pods, then that could change very easily. The other squadron listed is the second of the 2 squadrons the Unique Cruiser states I can have.

  • I changed the beskar bit, going for key locations. The bridge, Great Hall, Core and ram are the only places with Beskar now.
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command

Checking the link shows that each boarding pod can carry 10 troops. So 500 boarders total. In comparison a squadron of boarding shuttles would need to each carry about 42 troops each to match it, but have shields and weapons to boot.

A fair trade as far as I'm concerned. The rest of the changes look good.
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