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Approved Species Dorumaa Algae

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Name: Dorumaa Algae

Homeworld: Dorumaa

Development thread:

  • N/A
Earth Studies:
Average measurements: A singular organism is microscopic. An algae bloom may contain concentrations reaching millions of cells per milliliter

Cultivation Requirements: Currently cultivated at The Eden Project Biodomes and Eden BioDome Stations

: Varying shades of yellow-green, emerald, and bright green.


  • High-fat content: Enhanced version contains a record amount of energy-rich fat, up to 60% which can be processed into fuel, and when refined further, can create an advanced oxidizing fuel agent.
  • Water life: Requires water to properly bloom and reproduce.
Average Growth Cycle: One week to mature

Average Life: Two weeks

Nutritional Value: Nutritional value limited to small plankton.


PharmaTech's Research and development team with the conception of the "Eden Project" have been sending scouts, researchers, and used it's vast resources under Arceneau Trade's Colagoramate's arsenal to go forth and try to find new species of plants and botanicals that may produce new medicines, technology, or sustainable energy sources.

Enter the Dorumaa Algae.

The world of Dorumaa was originally frozen over. It wasn't until terraforming projects went underway that the creatures that had been caught in the frozen planet were thawed out. The creatures themselves were dead, but some of the eggs of many species managed to survive. Dorumaa Algae was one of them, as they have a distinct adaptation that allowed it to successfully survive. It produces a zygospore after syngamy, which is a zygote that is encrusted in a protective shell that protects it from harsh conditions, making it much hardier and less dependent on perfect aquatic conditions to be successful in reproduction.

While algae using CO2 to generate fat is not new, it’s the amount of fat produced by the algae that’s noteworthy. Fatty algae make the strain more fit to eventually produce biofuels at an industrial scale. Success in developing algae-based biodiesel at commercial levels will provide a number of tangible benefits. The fuel emits fewer greenhouse gases than most conventional energy sources, and that will help strengthen our ongoing transition to low-emission energy resources. Also, unlike other biofuel feedstocks, such as corn, algae production at an industrial scale would not stress food production.
Thus, it was decided to attempt to research how to enhance the algae's benefits. Under the research of the Eden Program, Morodin, Ho'din, and Ithorian horticulturalists and botanists used the Morodin's natural slime to enhanced the naturally high-fat content of the algae. The most distinctive feature of the Morodins was their ability to secrete a nutrient slime trail that promoted growth and mutation in plant life that it covered. The composition of the secretion varied with the Morodin's diet, and they were always experimenting with new combinations by eating plants, exuding the secretion to create a new, more nutritious, strain of flora which then entered their food chain.

This resulted in an enhanced Doruma Algae bloom, allowing an increase in fat and enhancing its oxidizing abilities. It is currently cultivated at The Eden Project Biodomes and Eden BioDome Stations

Intent: To showcase the ongoing PharmaTech Botanical expansion of botanicals and neat useful plants for fuel in partnership with MaraTibx.
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