Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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FACTION: ASA (Dread Guard specifically)
RANK: 42
SPECIES: Epicanthix-Cyborg
AGE: 40
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1,86 m/6’2”
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Pale

+ Well versed in CQC.

+ Lifetime of military experience.

- The further away the target, the more ineffective he gets.
- A little too reckless for his own well being.
- Unable to adjust to a normal life without war.
- EMPs.


DG-42 grew up on one of those small frontier worlds no one cares about. One of those worlds where a pirate group could raid it and no one would even notice. It was even worse that the planet wasn’t very well suited for humanoid life. The planet was a death trap for anyone who didn't have his guard up one-hundred percent of the time, otherwise you were dead in seconds. Every animal, every plant, every insect even, could be deadly to the colonists who were trying to colonize the planet. The only reason why they didn't abandon the planet was because of it’s great natural resources, which were mostly gold, iron and other precious metals. The colonists had constructed two main cities on the planet, they were located around fifty kilometres from each other. This was because the two biggest sources of metals were at those two locations, thus basically making the cities, more like giant mines with living quarters. At first the colonists didn't care much about the wildlife on the planet, since it didn't appear to care much about them either, but later on, about one year after initial colonization, an event only known as ‘Hour Zero’ happened. The remaining records of the event describe it as one of the greatest losses of life ever recorded on the planet. Not much else is known about the event, other than that afterwards, the people of the planet started building giant walls, they started laying down thick metal plates on the ground and then building houses on top of those, they started putting down small auto-turrets at every street corner, as well as bigger ones near the walls and giant, almost artillery turrets were placed on the walls. The people started making their own army, with almost everyone enlisting in the first month or two and they became more paranoid than many other people in the galaxy, so far so that if someone even changed their behaviour suddenly, they would be brought in for 'interrogation' by the local government and in the middle of all that, DG-42 was born.

He was born by a rather poor family in the northern city, which was defined by military service. His father, his mother, his siblings and his grandfather were or had been in the military. It was expected of him to follow that path as well, so he did. His parents taught him some basic self-defence techniques, his siblings helped him with things he didn't understand or didn't know how to perform and his classmates in school became like kind of a military squad. Life seemed so simple back then, just him, his family and his friends, doing the things they love in a militaristic utopia. He was quite happy with his life and as he grew older and older, he came to love the life he lead more and more, as if he was born to be a soldier. The early waking up, the strict discipline, all the routines, they felt so ... natural to him and just because of that, he was one of the best when performing different kinds of tasks. Where others had to often practice to do something, he often understood it immediately and performed it quite well, though there were some things that gave him trouble, mostly things a regular civilian would do, like cooking food, keeping up social contacts outside of work, etc.

This peaceful life continued for a long while. After turning twenty he was ordered to be stationed at one of the walls surrounding his city. There he stood watch over what was happening outside day and night. He practically lived on the wall. He had his own little tower, where he had his own bed, his own little cooking place, etc. He patrolled the wall thrice every day and even if it seemed that way, his life was far from lonely. He was able to meet his former classmates and friends every day. Many of them were stationed at the same wall he was, thus letting them meet during patrols and other occasions. The sense of comradery he felt was still there, even if he was living on his own, instead of with his family. Though as good as life seemed to him, he always had one question: Why was everyone so militaristic? It was quite ironic. A man who was a soldier by nature questioning why he and everyone else was in the military. Of course, he never asked the question out loud, since it might have been considered reason enough for 'interrogation', but he always kept thinking about it on his solo-night watches. He didn't know about anything that could pose a threat to them. Pirates had stopped coming to the planet long ago, there was no empire or military trying to attack them, there was no great menace that wanted to destroy them, there was only the city he lived in and the fauna of the planet, which consisted of mostly predators, but nothing notable, as far as he was concerned. It was just a city in the middle of the jungle. Nothing more, nothing less.

However, after a couple years, that view changed. Five days after his twenty-second birthday was the exact day it happened. The day began like any other day. He woke up at five o'clock in the morning, brushed his teeth, had breakfast, prepared himself and his gear and went out for his morning-watch. Nothing seemed to be different from routine, although he did notice that there seemed to be some sort of mist surrounding the city that he hadn't seen before, though he didn't think anything of it. It was mostly just a slightly denser fog than he was used to and it seemed to stick around for longer than usual. When it became eleven o'clock, the mist was still there, which was the point at which is caused him to get suspicious. It was also time for his patrol, so he left his small tower to make his way to the east. He was, as always, the first one to leave his tower. He was just on his way to leave the tower when he suddenly noticed a couple things in the sky. Those things were much larger than the birds he was used to. They didn't seem to pose a threat, so he mostly ignored them, only taking a look at them every once in a while. They seemed to be moving towards the city, but that didn't concern him. If they were to pose any kind of threat, the automatic turrets would be able to take them down easily. He also noticed that the dense mist seemed to have turned into a white cloud and had drawn a bit closer to the walls, but that was certainly just his imagination.

About half an hour later, when he was finally at the checkpoint in the east, he looked up again, to check on the birds. He hadn't done that in a while and was wondering if they were still there. They weren't, they had disappeared, probably found some prey on the ground. A slight sense of relief came upon him and he entered the tower that was the checkpoint he was supposed to go to. Inside the tower he spent a couple hours talking to his friends, standing watch, eating and so on. Although he was supposed to, he didn't pay too much attention to the outside, neither did his comrades. They were all talking to each other at the table, having their meal. It was a good time he had there, though when it was five o'clock in the afternoon, he had to leave to go to his own tower again and to patrol the wall. When he left he noticed that the mist was still there, but paid it no further attention. He commenced the walk back to his tower and started pondering his question again.

When he was close to his tower, he decided it was enough pondering for today and he looked over the wall again, noticing that the mist had creeped forward and was now almost fifteen feet away from the wall. This surprised him and made him a bit nervous. What was this mist? Was it some sort of mist produced by a new kind of plant? Was it dangerous? What will happen if it reaches the wall? What if this? What if that? And so on. All these questions ran through his mind when he made his way upwards in his tower, but then, they stopped as he got the answer. A loud shriek, a couple sounds that resembled explosions, the earth trembling and then bright flashes of light flying everywhere. He didn't see a lot through the small window in his stairway, so he ran up as fast as he could. Once on top, he saw what was going on. Many creatures had emerged from the mist and were clawing their way through the walls, up the walls underneath the walls. They were coming from everywhere and seemed to be an endless ocean of creatures. They were also attacking from the air, with the giant creatures from earlier having come back and swooping down to destroy the walls from above, or kill anyone on top of the walls. The soldiers stationed there were taken by surprise, many of them didn't know what was going on, some of them were running outside, taking up defensive positions, the turrets along the wall were already firing however. The red bolts of light were raining down onto the creatures, killing many, but not enough. For every creature killed, ten more sprang up. Then the soldiers on the wall started firing, they seemed to be doing the trick. Their combined fire of blasters and turrets seemed to be holding the creatures at bay, but that was just the land creatures.

The flyers were dancing around the bursts of fire, seemingly toying with the soldiers and turrets. Though when they noticed the land creatures seemed to have trouble, they swooped down in one giant wave of death, destroying turrets, killing soldiers, breaking up defences and just generally wreaking havoc. This drew the attention of the other soldiers who were focused on taking out the land creatures, they turned their fire on the flyers, trying to kill as many of them as possible and take off some pressure for the anti-air division. By doing that, however, they allowed the ground creatures to break through again. Their claws dug into the walls, slowly breaking them apart until finally they broke a part of the wall. It was a great shock when it started to collapse, just twenty feet next to DG-42. He had been shooting the creatures on the other side when it happened, but when it did, he just stared over to the other side in shock. He just stared for a minute, not doing anything, just staring at the wall, the unbreakable wall that had been his home. It was an awful sight. Many of his friends were on that bit of the wall. He could see some of them tumbling down, getting torn to pieces by the creatures as they raced over the rubble and into the city. This continued for many hours, until most of the walls were broken, some of the towers were broken down, others were just half-standing and crumbling and others were just completely ignored because the inhabitants were killed by the flyers. When DG-42 looked back outside the window of the tower, all he could see was fire in the night, burning buildings, dead bodies, carcasses of giant creatures, ruins and just general carnage. It was a horrible place. He didn't know how he had survived, or how the creatures didn't notice him. He remembered firing in a blind rage until all of his ammunition was empty, then throwing stuff down at the creatures and finally getting knocked out by something.

The aftermath was quite horrific. The walls were broken, death and destruction everywhere and then just him. Sitting in his tower, surrounded by vicious creatures feasting upon their prey. He didn't dare make a move or sound. He just sat there, underneath a table, waiting for something to happen. He was scared, terrified even. The sounds outside intimidated him, they scared him even more. He didn't want to move, he didn't want to be here. Not here, anywhere but here. He panicked, but kept quiet, out of fear someone would hear him. He sat there for the next couple hours until the sounds outside subsided. Only after he had sat there in complete silence for a couple more hours did he dare move. He took a couple steps towards the window after he stood up from under the table. He looked outside, there was nothing. Nothing except for ruins, burning buildings and remains of dead beings. This must've been hell on earth.

-Big gap that will be filled later on-

*small sidenote: The planet, etc. are all just a big empty rock flying in space at the end of the story, so I don't think that it'd be necessary to create a sub for everything.

- Phase-V Equipment with some slight modifications to its look.
- DC-17m
- Two Dissuader Slugthrowers
- Two Vibroswords
- Two Vibroknives
- Ambassador-Revolver
- ACP-Array Gun

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