Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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DEV: ID A-10 LAAT/s Gunship


Alena watched as the burgeoning class of commandos extricated themselves from the troop bay of the gunship. Dust swirled around the boots of the soldiers that disembarked, turning to help secure equipment and sensitive items from their comrades. There were eight of the vehicles in total, two full companies of CSAF Commandos from 1st Battalion. "ABLE, BAKER, FORM UP!" Able Company's CO, Captain Geb Rutters, shouted at the top of his lungs. The man was loud for a Quarren in the middle of a desert. Alena glanced his way as the Quarren walked over to her, taking position at her side. "How'd it go?" Alena asked. "I already miss living in the field for months at a time." Rutters replied. His tone was dry, though that could have just been the heat affecting his aquatic physiology. Alena nodded. "I've been following your reports, I'm glad to know we've had no failures. We're finally accustomed to the gravity." Rutters' facial tentacles twitched. "A point of pride, to be sure. Yet there's a lot of work still ahead. The program is arduous, we are struggling to keep up. Linguistic challenges have no place on the battlefield."
Alena shook her head, "These people need to be more than simply soldiers, Geb." She looked out across the swiftly forming formations of commandos. "We're training philanthropists, not mere chattel." The Quarren took a sharp breath in and exhaled. "Indeed. And yet I remain concerned about our capacity to operate adequately in battle." Alena turned and looked at him. "Worry not, my friend. When the time comes, we will be ready."

Alena understood the man's reservations. He was a staunch military traditionalist who had served the majority of his duty years with the Sith Army, roughly around the same time as Hadrix's mother, Myra. Asymmetrical warfare had never been his strong suit, though counter-insurgency and rehabilitative operations were a cornerstone of CSAF's training doctrine. As the two companies of commandos completed their formation, Alena stepped forth and lifted her fist into the air, two fingers extended, before bringing it to her chest. The soldiers followed suit in silence. Their armor was dirty, scuffed, damaged in places. All signs of effort and adversity. Good.
"Commandos of First Battalion," Alena called into the open air, her voice carrying across the dusty valley floor. "I have followed your efforts through the jungles of Carida, and I commend you on the progress you've made. However, there is still much work to be done. You will have thirty hours for refit, during which time we will resupply, correct any equipment issues, and receive our briefings for the next set of missions. You will return to the field, to the high slopes and snow-capped peaks of Carida's mountainous wastes. There you will combine your experience with air-infantry operations and your training in mechanized warfare. You will work in unison with your sister units from the Armor Division. Your rotation will last two fortnights, after which you will receive your next training task. Once you have returned to the FOB in the Imperial training sector, your refit time will begin. Eat, refit, and then spend some time winding down. Our unit counselors will spend their time speaking with you and fulfilling any personal needs that must be met. That is all, dismissed."
Alena saluted again and turned away, giving command of the unit back over to Captain Rutters. "See to it that everyone receives a thorough mental evaluation. I want to identify any potential problems our commandos may have before returning them to the field." Rutters nodded respectfully, acknowledging the importance of such a task. "It will be done, Lord Commander."

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