Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Description Update.

“Future historians will look upon this as the time when a strong hand brought the rule of law back to civilization.”
- Kylo Ren, on the First Order.​

After their defeat at the hands of the Resistance, what remained of the First Order retreated into the depths of Uncharted space to preserve their ideals of a unified galaxy, under the light of Imperial rule. For centuries, they waited in the shadows, watching as the universe tore itself apart - both from within and without. When the time had come to make their resurgence on the galactic stage, they did so in a manner that swept aside those that stood in the wake of their gentle fist.

Within the bounds of their burgeoning Imperium lies the chance to serve a purpose greater than one’s self. A selfless society of Disciplined Soldiers, Courageous Officers, Knightly Poets and everything in between; that seeks to usher sentient life into a new age of enlightenment upon a benighted universe, ravaged by the plague. Utilizing the relics of the past, and some of the most advanced technology in the galaxy, the First Order has pulled back the curtain of old night to reveal the dreams of a bright future beneath their benevolent rule.

Join us, the true Sons and Daughters of the Ancient Empire, and shape the future.​
Peace, restored. Stability, ensured.​
(I've used what I've written before in the faction directory here as a starting point. Over the next few days, hopefully with your guy's blessing, insight and criticism, we'll be able to hammer this rough hewn string of words into something we've all worked on and are happy with.)

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