Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discussion Dauntless

Made by Phoenix Labs, Dauntless is a Monster Hunter esque, free to play game with cross play/save that's been out for a good bit now.

I normally don't like free to play games, consoles have terrible free to play games minus ones like Warframe, and...I can't think of another. However, Dauntless somehow roped me in. I like Monster Hunter, but the controls feel clunky as hel, and I don't really like...the erratic movement in cutscenes that are the Japanese games. Oof, cringe. But those monsters are so cool, and the idea of coop hunting is a very welcoming one. So when I saw Dauntless I tried and got hooked immediately. It's a fun time killer, and better with friends with some interesting mechanics on elements I don't think MH even tried to do.

Now, a lot of the older players complain about it now, I don't see how, but I like to think it's much akin to the "old guard" of Chaos lol.

I'll admit, I've spent money on this game, and I've no regerts, it's just cosmetics, and it's fun mix and matching pieces of armor to get just the right fashion one wants when hunting monsters...which are called Behemoths in this game.

Each piece of armor and weapon has a passive effect with slots to put a "cell" to add more passive abilities.

The weapons include swords, axes, hammer cannons, chain scythes, magic boxing gloves, cannon pikes, and repeater pistols.

With something like...20 or so Behemoths this game has come a long way. Used to be you'd que up fro a specific behemoth, go through a small map to hunt it down, and then leave back to the hub.
Now it's got somewhat open with multiple monsters on a map infinitely farmable, and new monsters added almost every major update/season with some just be variants.

They have a interactive roadmap from favco I think, and it's awesome watching the game grow and mechanics and content added, which is another reason I spent money, to support it.

Anyways that's just my tidbit. Bash it, support it, anyone else play it?

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