Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dart the Amaran

Dart the Amaran
FACTION: Wherever the credits are, currently the Galactic Republic
  • Owner of Amar Cybernetics
  • CEO of Yum Bunnies, an ATC subsidiary
  • Trader by day Bounty Hunter by night
AGE: 19
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 3’3”
WEIGHT: 70lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: A mixture of blacks, browns, greys, and whites.
SKIN: Pink


  • Genius: Dart is a technological genius. He loves, and excels at, taking things apart and putting them back together. Not to mention, his mental abilities reach far beyond that. He is a good strategist, both on the battlefield and in a conference room, and knows his way around a puzzle box. For such small little guy, he’s packing some big brains.

  • Space Raccoon: Dart does everything that one would expect a bipedal raccoon to do when they live in space. He’s fast, and tiny, allowing him to maneuver quickly and get himself inside holes most beings wouldn’t be able to. His balance and night vision are impeccable, considering he has cousins who live off of the scraps behind the local McNerfburger.

  • Hot streak: Temperamental would be an understatement when it comes to Dart. He has a nasty mean streak, and is well known in criminal syndicates and governmental institutions alike for not being able to keep his cool. One little thing can set him off, and make him a horrible person to be around. A least it usually dies down quickly, but it’s still like holding a flash bang right next to your face and pulling the pin.

  • Explosion loving:

  • Vocabulistics: Yeah, he’s one of the smartest guys you’ll ever meet, but that doesn’t translate into his vocabulary. While it’s part of his charm, Dart has no need, want, or capability to learn or speak large words. Maybe because he’s so

Describe your character's physical appearance. While your avatar should represent your character's appearance, there might be some things not apparent in it for use in role-playing. Height, weight, eye color, hair color, and skin color may also be listed here.

  • Dart was born on Amar, the home of his species. When he was younger, he began tinkering with some of the machinery his father had lying around. His two parents, who owned their own business, took quick note of this. They both knew that one day their son would rise to great heights. Well, as high as a three foot tall furry beat can rise. As a child, he was quickly indoctrinated into his culture. The Amarans are all about trading and making money, and Dart was no exception. At the ripe age of 12, he began working at his father's small business, Amar Cybernetics. First, he started at the counter, helping customers find what they needed, and taking special orders. Yet, he grew bored fast, and his father took note of that.
  • Finally, he was allowed to work in the back, with his father, while his mother handled the customers. Dart learned so much about machines from his father. Day in and day out, Dart would work, often times harder than his father. He found such joy in creating a robot, whether it served you drinks, or fired off missiles. Although, he'd be a liar if he said that he didn't enjoy making things that blew stuff up more so. Alas, it would only last so long.
  • When he hit the age of sixteen, Dart decided he needed to head off into the galaxy, and start making a name for himself. So, he set off, working various side jobs, hunting down various criminals, and of course being hunted down as a various criminal. Dart picked up street life fast, now taking his joy in slicing, and collecting bounties. It was really all fun and games, going around shooting things and breaking things. Yet, it wouldn't last. Only three years after he left home, Dart had to go back. His father had died, and his mother couldn't run the company all by herself...

Jan VonFowl

Part-Time Party Crasher
[member="Dart the Amaran"]

If not from the racing itself, definitely from the betting and the casinos... I'm kind of trying to do a return of all the racing stuff to Taris.

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