Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darc Xavior Talus (Rank Transfer TGC)

You may want to find more links for your transfer.

Judas said:
SPECIES: Ambriellian
You must create a Species submission in the Factory to use non-canon species.

Judas said:
Pandemona - Flagship (Dragging out my old girl from that guy's craftshop)
You must create a Starship submission in the Factory to use non-canon starships.


Lurking SWRP Sites Since 1998
Forum doesn't allow me to post a new thread there so I will do it here.
  • Name: Ambriellian

  • Designation: Sentient
  • Homeworld: Ambriel II (Link to this planet was put in a old website that was long shutdown. The homeworld was a lot like Yavin 4 on the surface.)
  • Language: Ambrieli (Dead language. Only he can speak it.)
  • Average height of adults: Male 5'8" Female 5'
  • Skin color: Fair
  • Hair color: Standard like humans
  • Breathes: Oxygen

  • Strengths: High Intellect, Force Sensitive, Agile, Heighten Senses
  • Weaknesses: Frail Bone Structure, Stunted Procreation due to complex deoxyribonucleic acid, Emotions

  • Distinctions: Angelic Wings
  • Average Lifespan: 500 years
  • Races: Very similar to humans
  • Diet: There are no dietary restrictions ecept being around spicey food. It irritates their senses and skin.
  • Communication: Common Speak, Empathic, Telepathic

  • Culture: Centurion Culture, much like the Roman Empire

  • Technology level: Although advanced in society and culture they were never technologically inclined. Primitive.

  • General behavior: If you know who 'Mister Spock' is then you know what they are like.

  • History: (A basic concept of how this race came to be before their fall)
    The history of the origins of the Ambriellians was not too far from what human history was theorised to be. In the beginning of their evolution they were a lot smaller and more primal. They were imp-like in nature and gathered in colonies usually led by an alpha female as a tribal leader. Their empathic and telepathic nature was their main form of communication followed by an exchange of chirps and high pitch sounds before speech and language was developed. Their intellect was developed through trial and error and eventually as generations grew their deoxyribonucleic acid strands would change and adapt to create more advanced offspring. As their homeworld’s surface and vegetation changed, so did their biological chemical makeup. After three thousand years of constant alterations and adaptations, the creatures grew in length and stood more upright. Their chirps and sounds started to form words and syllables. Symbols on the ground and walls of their habitat soon came to be written language. Finally, after another two millennia, they’ve advanced to an age of civilization with a growing culture and an organized government much like the Roman Empire, where those of the strongest and most gifted of their bloodlines took power to lead their people, still maintaining the predominant leadership of a strong female. It wasn’t till the Battle of Hoth that the Ambriellians fought against the oppressions of the Empire who quickly expanded across the galaxies that they soon found their final days in existence as the Empire slaughtered and devastated their homeworld living no trace of a surviving culture of peaceful sentients.
5000 Years Ago

2000 Years Ago

Final Evolution

  • Notable Player-Characters: Jeseth Cloak - Deceased Warren Azalin - Deceased Jehova Eaven - Deceased Darc Xavior Talus - Alive Genesis Talus (Clone female genome) - Alive
  • Intent: The intent to play this race is for the fact that he has been played as this race for 16 years already. To strip him from this race is to alter his identity and history entirely. A driving goal I will give him though is that he has been trying to preserve his species through genetic splicing in hopes that he could repopulate a long forgotten race that has evolved through the ages.


Lurking SWRP Sites Since 1998
Same with starship. It doesn't let post it in forum.
Intent: The intent of this flagship is used only when it is 'absolutely' needed for full scale combat or fleet battles. Till then it sits inactive but battle ready doing minimal missions and operations.
Classification: Capital
Role: Fleet Tactical Command Starship
Technical specifications
19,000 meters
Maximum acceleration:
1230 G
Engine unit(s):
Executor-50.x engine
Hyperdrive rating:
Class 2.0
Backup Class 10
Power output:
Peak (reactor): >7,73 × 1026 W
Peak (shields): 3,8 × 1026 W
KDY shield generator domes (local area-effect)
Titanium-reinforced alusteel
Sensor systems
KDY shield generator domes
Turbolaser cannons (2,000, fire-linked in groups of 8)
Heavy turbolaser cannons (2,000, fire-linked in groups of 8)
Assault concussion missile tubes (250) 30 missiles each
Heavy ion cannons (250)
Phylon Transport Q7 tractor beam projectors (40)
Point-defense laser cannons (500)
TIE series starfighters (144)(can number in their thousands if fully loaded)[11]
AT-ATs (30)
AT-STs (40)
Prefabricated garrison bases (2)
Various other assault and support craft (total of 200)
Y-85 Titan dropships
Crew (279,144)
Gunners (1,590)
Minimum crew:
38,000 (troops)
Cargo capacity:
250,000 metric tons
Supplies for 300,000 individuals
Cargo handling systems:
Beltway system
6 years
Communication systems:
HoloNet transceiver


Lurking SWRP Sites Since 1998
That is fine. I don't sweat too much on the details he brings with him. As long as he is brought in to the fold as his race then everything else could come with time, but if he's not approved well, then I have no reason to continue here. I have put a lot of time into him, literally.

You aren't the only Hall of Famer here from TGC.

85) Darron Wraith
While TGC has seen many Jedi and Sith masters come and go, none has hit the site with as much force, fervor, and passion as one Darron Wraith. Writing with a style that was dynamic and powerful; indeed, when Darron entered a roleplay, he asserted his character with profound posts of prodigious length. Though epic in scope, Darron's posts always served to improve the roleplays he participated in, either by promoting more action, or by painting a crystal clear picture of the roleplay as a whole. Powerful and involved almost to the point of being hotheaded, Darron was TGC's first and foremost lightsaber authority, enough to go head-to-head with Dark Side greats like Malice Draclau and Dark Sky Kerberos* in epic duels which showcased a roleplaying skill for detail and action that few who have witnessed it will forget.
@[member="Judas"] I'm pretty sure for someone who has put so much time into a character, you will be allowed to RP until you have fifty posts. If not, spam welcome threads. It'll work. But now you have more than fifty so this post is irrelevant. So hi.
Request your rank titles with a link to your profile and as many role-plays and resources related to this character as possible. The transfer will be handled by an Administrator in that manner.

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