Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"My torment ends, but yours is only beginning!"
NAME: Dar-Murazor


RANK: Sith Knight


AGE: Dead since centuries, appears in his 30s to those able to see him through the Force

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 1m87

WEIGHT: Difficult to determinate due to the wraith-like nature.

EYES: Orange

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Pale




Shadow of Terror: Although he has been robbed of his powers and reduced to a wraith, Dar-Murazor still sports a terrifying aura. His mere presence inspires dread and fear in the mind of lesser men, rising to truly traumatic to force-sensitive people without much experience. His appearance as nothing more than a cloaked figure advancing in the night and the myths that surround him help to maintain this strength of his.

Excellent swordsmanship: The son of a king, he trained for most his life in the art of swordsmanship, making him a force to be reckoned with in melee combat. Although he is a master with his sword Asternor, he is still very much skilled with lightsabers.

Gravewalker: His very presence is something tangible. He is never truly present within the physical world, neither is he fully into the Netherrealms; all that is known is that he is able to perceive force sensitive persons as burning torches in a sea of darkness. Killing him yields little results, as it banishes him for an unknown duration of time - never truly dying, and yet never truly living.

Blinding Light: Dar-Murazor is very vulnerable to an array of force powers employed by the Jedi because of their nature related to the light. It is not uncommon for him to flee before an opponent that can overcome his aura of dread and fight back with such powers.

Banished: Each time he is "killed", Dar-Murazor is banished, sent back into the cold relief of death - or so it seems. He is in fact thrown back in hiding, stripped of his powers once more, forced to start over again and lie in wait before he can take physical form once more. It is generally where he is the weakest, and a determined opponent could, with enough knowledge, be able to track him down and permanently banish him from this realm.


Although he wears a set of finely crafted iron armor, Dar-Murazor prefers to cover himself in the clothes of the priests of his homeland, covering his form entirely. Because of his nature as a wraith, one cannot see what lies behind the cloak, even if they were to remove it - they would only see swirling darkness staring back at them, although two slits of orange-ish red sometimes appear when he is wounded and his grasp onto this world is loosening. In order to truly see his appearance, one has to be force-sensitive and concentrate to see through the veil. Then, they will see a man in his prime, with green eyes, brown hair, a shaved face, and a noble aura to his face, wearing a crown on his head. This was his appearance before his master was killed and he was hurled into the being he now is.


Dar-Murazor was the son of a king of Weik, now long-forgotten. When a Sith Lord arrived on the planet after a crash landing and started to subjugate the people of the world there, the prince assembled an army and rode to fight him in the hopes of saving his home; wielding what was believed to be a holy sword (a force-imbued sword), he defeated the lord and reestablished peace. But, years later, when his father died, the Sith lord came back, revealing his survival; he corrupted the young king with promises of unlimited power. Although he intended to wield this power to defend his people, he was consumed by it and became little more than a slave to the lord. They established their rule on the planet, and it was a dozen years later that a jedi master and his padawan arrived to battle Dar-Murazor, his corrupted kinsman, and their master. They were cast aside, the Sith Lord killed and his servants massacred by the liberated population. And yet, Dar-Murazor was not truly dead. He was cast out from death itself, and yet a part of himself was forever lost. He wandered across the world, doomed to be nothing more than a wraith, robbed of his power. He lived like this for centuries, more and more of his sanity and memories eaten away by time.

With most of his past gone from his memory and many questions left in his mind, the wraith now errs across the galaxy, in search for answers. Who was he? What his true name was? And what kind of terrible grudges did he hold?


Currently none.


To be updated.


To be updated.

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