Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Daniel Blaidd

Daniel Blaidd

NAME: Daniel Blaidd
RANK: None
AGE: Sixteen Years Old
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'9"
WEIGHT: 145 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: white
SKIN: Fair


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Expert at Melee weapons
+In touch with Nature


-Is not good with blaster weapons or technology
-Hard headed

Daniel wears the paint of his tribe all over his body, his tribe's braids are also worn, and Daniel wears the pelt of a wolf on his back.

Daniel was born on the planet Baskarn, he and and a small tribe of humans lived there for generations, the planet's natives Yrashu would not bother them much they figured it was mutually beneficial. Daniel was always taught to avoid the Razor Tree's and if possible the natives of the planet. The small tribe spoke Galactic Basic, to keep the roots of their former lives. The tribe's warriors also taught them to fight with war axes and clubs, just in case a war broke out. In addition to the melee weapons training, they were sent into the forest alone, if the trees or the Yrashu didn't kill them, they would get a braid which would symbolize their coming of age. When Daniel was sent into the forest for his test, he was ambushed by a small group of Yrashu, they almost beat him to death, the only reason they stopped was because the group's leader felt putty for the young tribesman. Daniel laid in the forest for hours, drifting in and out of consciousness, when he finally came to, he was back at the tribe's camp. His brother had a stone expression on his face. "Why the elders approved of your test....I do not know...." Daniel's brother said. Their grandfather walked into the common tent.

"Hmmm, young Blaidd, you appear to have had a successful trip....your brother tells me you got attacked....and now I see that keeping the tribe here is not the best option." The elder paused as he let the smoke from his pipe rise. "Hmmm I must think."

A year later Daniel ran through the forest avoiding the trees and natives alike. He then suddenly stopped in a clearing and his bare feet felt the dirt ground. He had remembered a conversation with his grandfather, after he got hurt the previous year.

Daniel sighed as he stared into his grandfather's eyes. His grandfather puffed smoke into the air. "It is not normal for the natives to attack... We must have a long talk with their leader." The Elder said.

Daniel was utterly shocked "Let's kill them...kill them all." He said.

His grandfather sighed. "Young Blaidd, you are my grandson....I thought you would learn by now, our ancestors moved here to avoid war....war just creates death, that is not what our ancestors wanted. The only way we can stop this is peace." The elder said before leaving the tent.

Daniel returned to reality and looked around the clearing, it was empty. Suddenly out of nowhere, a loud sound could be heard, this caused Daniel to retreat into the forest, he then peered out. In the once empty clearing was now a ship, crates, and men with strange blaster weapons. Daniel ran back to his tribe.

Arriving at the camp, Daniel immediately found his grandfather, and told him about the strange flying thing and the weird sticks and blocks they were carrying. The elder sighed as he looked at Daniel. "You and your brother remind me so much of your parents." He then looked to the stars. "My great......great of the first settlers here, he talked about a time where men would come to this planet and harm us...." The elder said.

"Harm us? Why would they do this?" Daniel said.

His grandfather looked back down.

"Go and find their leader......kill him, without a leader, they are worthless." The Elder said, before balding him another braid.

"This was your father's when he was young, he earned it when he competed his test.....he was a good go."

Daniel pulled the wolf pelt over his body, his tribal garbs fit nicely, his brother pained his chest and head, and his grandfather put the braids on him. His brother then handed him a war axe, the tribe crafted weapon was small and light, perfect for a swift death. Daniel accepted the weapons and began the trek back to the clearing, once he arrived he scouted the camp, the men had a fire, they seemed to be following orders from a man that was walking into the ship.

Daniel avoided the laughing and drinking trespassers, and walked up what seemed to be the entrance of the ship. Daniel looked around the ship and got lost in the corridors. Out of nowhere the ship began to rumble....soon it took off, daniel looked around in fear. "Gah....this thing must be angry." He said, he then found his way to a room with two seats and what was ahead of them was breathtaking, Daniel was speechless. "The elders.....they talked about the sky being many many miles long." He whispered.

Then something hit him and he fell to the floor.

Waking up his head hurt, he looked around an empty room to see the man....the leader.

"Ah....look what snuck on board." The man said. "What's your name boy." The man said.

Daniel watched him silently. "What's it to you outsider?" Daniel said in a harsh way. The man laughed before grabbing Daniel by the head and dragging him to the loading bay of the ship. The drop onto the surface of the strange sanldy planet was at least ten feet, Daniel heard the man laugh before throwing him off into the sand. The ship took off and disappeared. The planet was hot and the sand burned his feet, the boy checked his gear before looking off into the bright sand planet's sky. Where was he.....he would have to find a way home......but he only way to even go back to a home at all....find the outsider's leader.

Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).

Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.

Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.


Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread

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