Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Dance Macabre



Outfit: Black masquerade dress

Valery squinted at the Barabel when he snorted, but set aside her thoughts when he rushed in. With his rather imposing stature and strength, Xeykard easily tanked what they threw at him, and struck back relentlessly. The bouncers, guards and whoever else had been corrupted were tossed around like they were weightless, and the path ahead for Valery was cleared.

She spotted the figure in dark robes, surrounded by his green mist, and charged at him to close the distance like a bolt of lightning. She had no lightsaber with her - no weapon to end it swiftly - but as the Force flowed into her fists, she knew she could take him down.

Valery swung as soon as she closed in on the figure, and gritted her teeth right as she was about to make contact. But when her fist was supposed to connect, it passed right through the man. His entire figure spread apart like the mist that surrounded him, sending the Jedi Master crashing into the ground as she lost her balance and fell over. Her body hit the floor with a loud thud, and remained still for a long moment, while the green mist around her began to dissipate.

"Something is... Wrong," she said as she pushed herself up to hands and knees, her long hair around her like a cloak that concealed her face, "I feel... alive." She stood up, and slowly turned to Xeykard with a green glow flickering in her eyes. Deep inside, Valery was fighting to regain control, but she couldn't stop what was happening to her, and now her focus was set on the Barabel.

"Stand down," she told the bouncers, "I'll kill this one mys-" Valery's body suddenly twitched and her head moved erratically, as an orange shimmer briefly cast aside the green glow controlling her. But as quickly as it came, it disappeared again.

"Where were we?"

As he tore one of the bouncer's throats out, the Jedi Master's voice called him, distorted and unnatural. His opponents backed off, leaving only one. Valery Noble had never been an opponent he'd wished to face. But today...

No. Rage took his heart. "This? Here? Pathetic," he snarled, "And they call you Sword. Come, then, let us shatter the blade."

He clapped his hands together again, then slammed his fists on the floor, shattering the clean marble into a jagged, uneven surface.

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