Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cross Stake

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Corporation Name: Cross Stake
Headquarters: Mandalore

Operations: A medium sized pawn shop of sorts owned by John Cross that sells anything from guns to vehicles, ships, etc. If you can think it Cross Stake may have it.
Rationale: It was a small investment a few years back that didn't completely go over to well but Cross decided that this raid may help bring up the funds into the place and best of all more product means more money.
Tier: Tier 2

Description: Cross Stake is a mid size business that specializes in the selling of used things, such as blasters, light saber, vehicles, ship, as well as parts for the vehicles and ships. It sells clothes for all sizes. It is also stocked with a full bar. It doesn't bring in a huge profit but John Cross thinks that making money for the company may be the best idea he has and if that means raiding some goods and bringing them home to sell them that it may just work.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
A pawnshop would be more appropriate as a tier 1, I also want you to add some more to the description and rationale. Solid paragraph should be enough, tag me when it's done.

[member="John Cross"]
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