Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Silver Fall

Good day ladies and gentlemen. I come to you on a new character, Silver Fall.

Like some of my other characters, she's a criminal. Crime plays a big role in the Star Wars universe. Often the enemy to our heroes, but sometimes on the same side. Good or bad here doesn't matter though. You can be either and have fun at it. Here on Chaos, Crime in the traditional sense isn't exactly thriving. I think there's a fundamental problem for the reason as to why. But that's a theory and I intend to ask Chaos what they think.

Forgetting that for now. Silver's looking for some action. Credit's are waiting to be made. I only need some partners in crime to obtain them. Anyone up for RP'ing with me?
I volunteer as tribute!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously though sounds good. I'm currently on the Jedi path to being a knight But.....I'm also a bounty-hunter,thief, smuggler, kinda everything the Jedi aren't. But I don't just randomly go around popping caps in people I don't like either. Jedi with a slightly askew moral compass. So feel free to PM me or throw up a thread and tag me in it and I'll join you.

^_^ Cheers Love!

Replik (HK-52-A)

[member="Silver Fall"]
Statement: If you ever want another member of your merry band HK-52-A would be more than willing, if you can activate him.

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