Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Crimes of the Mind

Location: Coruscant

Dejah had stumbled upon more news while she was stationed on Coruscant. She was investigating the murder of her parents, but the next thing to come to her ears was just as dark as anything else. The word on the street was that there has been countless series of murders, and rapes of the highest and the lowest of women on Coruscant. This personally made her angry; seeing as she herself was a women, and on occasion a protector of those less fortunate.

She had gathered some tips on the location of the newest crime scene, it was somewhere in the works of the planet, a place between the under city and the places above. This was were the commoners would be. She walked through the murky, metallic streets. Her cape dancing behind her. From a distance she could see the glass of the scene shattered, and the tape encasing the place. The CSF were longed gon after getting all they could; it was her turn.

She climb the two story building and made her way inside, she crept through the darkness, and silence. It took her only a couple of minutes for her eyes to adjust. She stumbled upon the marked up area of the body, kneeling down to get a closer look. Then her head came up slowly taking in the surrounding area.

She began to think out loud, "She seems to be just a commoner, last time the victim was a rather wealthy female, but her body wasn't found. Hmm." She said standing up. She exited the rooms and made her way back to the bowls of Coruscant. She had a contact that she'd talk to every now and then.

Time: 5 Hours later

She was standing in an alley way, leaning against the decaying wall. She was waiting for the arrival of a guy named [member="Ben Trasker"] . Her legs were crossed over one another, and her arms were folded. She watched as the lights faded in and out from people every now and then passing by the entrance of the alley way. She sighed out loud.
His transition to the Galactic Intelligence Agency from the Coruscant Security Force was all complete and above board. All official, paperwork signed and holo-identification stored. His initiation was all but complete thanks to fellow operative Coci Sinopi, but now he was on his own and back out in the wilderness of the galaxy.

His jurisdiction may now reach further out than just Coruscant and his fight was for the good of the Republic, but that didn't make his determination and resolve any different. Ben Trasker will still an ordinary man, an agent of justice and a defender of those preyed upon by the evil and corrupt that came in all forms and disguises. The GIA may very well have a rule book, but that didn't mean Trasker would be following it line by line.

Thankfully out of his CSF uniform, he was able to wear standard civilian attire for most assignments and this was one of them. Wearing a warm white vest under his casual shirt, his favourite tan jacket and standard trousers and boots were tough and comfortable for traversing the depths of Coruscant. More importantly, he still carried his DC-15s sidearm; the most important tool he owned.

He was seeking out the one called [member="Dejah Sterling"]. Not much was known about her but all for fleeting records of her sightings around the Core Worlds and also Coruscant itself. Born on Nar Shaddaa and known by many as The Huntress, he was lucky to have enough on her to know what she looked like and her real name, but that was about it. Her involvement in taking down crime bosses and criminal figures wasn't a surprise to him, in fact he found it rather commendable. Now she had cropped up once more with a desire to meet. Through a secure communication, Trasker had been given her name and where to find her. That's all.


Stepping through a small warm jet of steam rising from a street vent, Trasker moved into view of the alleyway where she would be. The nightlife continued as normal and everyone kept to themselves. Glancing around to sweep his surroundings, Trasker saw nothing out of the ordinary and move into the alleyway, his right hand hanging by his side in time to reach for his sidearm.

There, as stated, was the girl. Dressed in a stunning, if somewhat revealing, combat suit which left little to the imagination, her face was covered by a violet mask, jet black hair tumbling down her shoulders and what looked like a cape tucked behind her. The thigh-high boots were nothing short of alluring, but he'd hate to be on the receiving end of a swift kick to the face by them. Leaning on a decaying wall, she looking impatient. Trasker eyed her cautiously as he slowly walked towards her.

"Dejah Sterling?"

Surprisingly, she was far more captivating in real life than her portfolio on the GIA database. Far more captivating indeed. He promised himself to tread carefully.
Then there it was the shadow if a man maneuvering himself through the white smoke that clouded the vision of those in the immediate area. Ben was obviously in shape, and seemed sure of himself. She raised an eyebrow at his arrival and he was found to be rather attractive, at least she knew she wouldn't be bored talking to him. She stood upright when he approached saying her name. Her eyes peered through her mask.

"Yup, its certainly me." She said as she shifted in her stance, "You must be Ben, because no one else would really know my name unless they had access to what you have access to." She said smirking, and winking.

She took a couple of steps further so they could engage in meaningful conversation, she had obviously called him here for a reason. She stopped after her transition. Then she stood stationary with her arms still crossed.

"So I've obviously called you because I want to know more information about these recent influx of murders... Normally things like this can be handled by the CSF but, these are unpredictable, what do you know?" She said as her expression became more serious.

[member="Ben Trasker"]
Looking at Dejah as she spoke, she was very confident of her attitude and her body evidently, putting her demands straight out there as to what she wanted. But if that was going all to try and get information out of him, she'd have to try harder on Ben Trasker.

He turned his head a little in near disbelief as she spoke. He waved his hand, stopping her talk.

"Excuse me, hold on. Why do you want to speak to me, and why do you think I'm going to tell you anything about what I know of these crimes."

He walked past her, looking around the alley to mark his surroundings.

"I know enough of your history, Sterling, to know you're a bit of a wild card. Here today, gone tomorrow."

He turned to her masked face, eyes narrow on her.

"Why do you want to know about what's going on across the city."

[member="Dejah Sterling"]
(I apologize for my late response)

While she spoke she was then cut off by this man, never had she been so impressed by a guy before. She smiled, raising her eyebrows. Her arms moved themselves into a crossed position, and she shifted in her stance. She listened and when he walked past her she followed his movements, it seemed she was getting schooled. Never had she been talked to like this.

She couldn't help but continue to smile, then she tilted her head quickly. "Look, I know it seems weird that I would care about this, but I do. I usually do my own thing, hav my own motives, and yeah sure I crush bad guys every now and then, but this...this is something much more serious." she said responding to him. Then she propped up against a nearby wall once again.

"I'm a woman, who's to say I can't be the next victim, or someone else I know. A lot of these women can't protect themselves, and I don't do well with men running all over us. I'm only here to help, so do you want it or not?" she said standing straight back up.

[member="Ben Trasker"]
(No worries!)

Trasker didn't have a partner out there at present, and he could do a lot worse than work alone around the city he knew so well, and this girl looked like she could take care of herself. The rulebook was being thrown way out of the window for this discussion, but he wasn't one to play by the rules all the time.

He held out his hand.

"Well allow ME to make a formal introduction. Ben Trasker, G.I.A."

A wry smile crossed his lips, and he indicated with his head for them to take a slow walk.

"So tell me what you know about these crimes. I'm investigating the disappearance and possible kidnap of a wealthy young girl but I'm waiting for paperwork to come back to me before I pick up her trail where it went cold."

[member="Dejah Sterling"]
She raised an eyebrow quickly and reached out her hand and embraced his. She shook it and smiled to see that he was finally coming around. Those agents, they can be very tricky, but she knew how to handle them. She looked up to him seeing as he was slightly taller and she began to speak,

"Huntress, or as you already know, Dejah Sterling. I'll allow you to call me Dejah." she said then poking her bottom lip out.

From his indication of him wanting to take a stroll, she obliged. She walked next to him as they both began to exchange whatever information they had.

"Well, the only conclusion I've come to is that this person doesn't pry on women of a specific social class. These attacks range from the under world to all the way up to the city above." she said, she shook her head and continued. "This person must be skilled, for him to avoid authorities for so long. It also seems he's rapping these women. she said following up.

[member="Ben Trasker"]
(IC: Sorry for the late reply - thought I had already replied!)

He listened as they walked along the alley, the sights and sounds of the Coruscant nightlife buzzing all around them.

"You're probably right. I've seen no pattern, no motive. Nothing. If you ask me it's someone preying on those who are alone, those who seem to offer him something. A thrill; a game."

Trasker flicked his eyes over to Sterling.

"Why are you so involved in this? Do you know something I don't?"

[member="Dejah Sterling"]

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