Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Crayko
Faction: The Order of the Grey
Rank: Apprentice
Species: Jawa
Age: 17 in galactic years
Sex: Male
Height: 1.10 m
Weight: 39 kg
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Maybe?
Skin: Well hidden.
Force sensitive: Yes

ll Strenghts and weaknesses ll

(+) Handyman / Trashtrader: There are two things every Jawa has to learn. How to put broken scrap in use and how to sell it. Crayko is no exeption, which means he can use first thing laying on ground, make something different from it and convince others that they need it. Simple, but effective.

(+) Fast thinker: Crayko is smart, and his small Jawa body makes him, let's say "active". This also affects his mind, which gives him ability of making fast decisions. If he is not sure of something and asks someone for a help, he usually gets an answer he wanted, before even asking.

(+/-) Big talker: Crayko talks... alot. Which is two-edged sword in many situations. His unhealthy use of sarcasm may make someone laugh, make someone cry, or make someone angry.

(+/-) Garden Gnome: Jawa's are very limited in their size. Their muscles are weaker and their bones are shorter and thinner. You might think Jawa would not be a match agains other bigger races. Yes, they are fragile, but they are a small target to hit. They can run around you all day without a scratch. Their size also gives them advantage in hiding and they can also fit into the most tiniest holes (hold your dirty minds please).

(-) Selfish fish: It is simple. Do what is best for yourself.

(-) Untamed soul: If there is one think Crayko hates most, it would be laws and prohibitions. He is not affraid to disobbey order, if it just simply won't suit him. This already got him into alot of troubles, but still, his wild, rebelish heart offen takes advantage before his common sense.

ll Powers ll

Force pull/push - Novice
Force jump - Novice

ll Appearance ll

You probably didn't know it, but Jawas are well know as masters of fashion. Of course, that is not true at all. Living a life in middle of the Tatooine desert will teach you one thing good. Top notch suit, will not help you agains skin tearing sand storms. Crayko thinks the same, so his dress is more practical in common use. Light brown robe with cowl, scarf, utility belt, wrap shoes and fingerless gloves serves it's purporse well. Also, he has a kind of scrap armor on his calves, right shoulder, left arm and on both of his forearms. It is not much of a good armor and most weapons won't have any trouble dealing with it, but it provides at least some defence. And it also looks badass.

ll Biography ll

As many Jawas, Crayko was born 17 years ago on their species home planet, Tatooine. It was kind of a easy life. Go scaveging, repair this, sell that, buy some food and it was going on and on. And it would probably continue untill his death, but there was something, what led his entire life into the path by Jawas unknown.

It was a day like any other. Crayko and other 4 Jawas went into the endless desert of Tatooine to scavenge and bring back anything usefull. After some hours, sand storm started and they found destroyed speeder half buried in sand. There was no body laying around it, which was weird, because of speeder damage. Pieces of it were laying in the sand all over the place, which meant that speeder was hit by incredible power. There also were no rocks or cliffs nearby, so the accidental crash was unlikely. But none of the Jawas realy cared about it. After a while of scavenging, one Jawa went missing. They were searching the place, yelling his name but noone answered them. They again meet up next to the destroyed speeder, but for their surprise, another Jawa went missing. They decided to take what they scavenged and get back home as fast as possible. They ran together, but after a while they all lost a sigh of each other in the sand storm. Crayko was runnging with his pack full of scrap and hoped he is running right direction. Then he heard a blaster shot and fell into the sand, unable to move. He felt the place of hit, but didn't feel the pain. Thoughting the worse, he closed his eyes and hope for a fast end. But it didn't come, not yet.

Crayko woke up in a cave. He was disoriented and confused and he couldn't see anything in the dark cave. Suddenly, he heard a voice of the old man coming from his right side saying: You fool! I told you to take the ship and leave me here! He was even more confused, and before saying a single word, old voice continued: You have a great potential, you should not waste it by saving an old man on the edge of his life! Suddenly the cave lighted up and a person with lizard like skin went into the cave. It was a Bossk bounty hunter and he was alone, holding blaster in his right hand and a cup of water in left. Crayko turned his eyes upon the the man who was spoke to him. He saw an old man in a gray robe with long gray hair and beard. His eyes were covered with a bloody rag and he had many burn injuries all over the body. Then Bossk came infront of us and spoke: Now i got both master and his padawan. To be honest, i didn't expect you to have a Jawa apperentice. Nowadays, force is strong with everybody, right? The old man opened his mouth like if he wanted to say something, but then he shut it. Oh, you want some water old man? Here you go! As he said it, he pour a water from cup on his head and laughts. The starts speaking to himself. There's no passion, there's serenity... And the Bossk iterrupt him by saying: Oh, shut up with this jedi code of yours! It won't help you now and it won't help you after my client arrieves. After that, he left the cave, leaving the lights on.

The man again spoke to Crayko: So, you are not who i thought you are. Good thing is the Bossk doesn't know who you realy are...Wait... Man stopped talking and stared at me. After a while he spoke again: ...I sense an untamed force in you. Crayko was still confused and he tried to tell the man he made a mistake, but his objections changed nothing on the man's conviction. There is still a chance for you... The man spoke ...that foolish Bossk left my lightsaber on that rock. I am too weak to use the force within me, but with enough focus, you might be able to get the lightsaber in you hands and free yourself. And so Crayko tried, guided by wise voice of the old man after many tries he managed to pull lightsaber into his hands. He cut the chains with a yellow beam of lightsaber. Suddenly Bossk came back into the cave and he saw Crayko with lightsaber in his hands. He quickly drew his gun from holster and shot. Crayko closed his eyes holding the lightsaber still infront of him. When he opened his eyes, he saw a dead Bossk laying on the ground with hole in his chest, from his own shot. He quickly cut chains and freed the old man. Man fell on the ground speaking his last words. I am too weak to leave with you, take my lightsaber and go to the north. There is an old ship which you can use. I wish you good... *coughs* ...go now, you have your own path to go. So Crayko left the cave, accompanied with old man's last words: There's no death, there's the force. He traveled north, untill he found an old space ship. He quickly learned it's funcion and left Tatooine.

Affraid o the corruption of the sith and a chivalry of jedi, he chose to be apperentice of both and master of none. He chose a path of a grey jedi.

ll Ship ll

TK-36 "Spice train" Mark II

TK-36 Mark II Is a multifuncional ship. It's ancestor, TK-36 Mark I, was unpopular, becaouse it didn't have any weapon systems, which made it very easy target for pirates.
Mark II were build with mounted heavy laser turret, which can be controled automaticly from main cocpit or manually from it's tower. It is easy to manipulate, has a good fire rate and stopping power and full hemisphere field of range.
It has quaters for 4 person crew and cargo space of 60 metric tonnes.
It's total leght is 22x10x6 metres.
It has two triple engines with hyperdrive.
It also has a light shielding system.
Since it has only 60 metric tonnes of cargo, trading with heavy object is not very effective. That's why it is nicknamed "Spice train", because cargo full of spice crates still weights less than cargo full of durasteel.
Although they are no longer produced, their quality is still outstanding, and are in use by many begining merchants and adventurers.

ll Kills ll

ll Bounties collected ll

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