Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Covenant of Darkness: The Beast Shall Rise!


Name: The Covenant of Darkness

Designation: Theocracy
Homeworld: Malachor V
Language: Galactic Basic (Mostly Imperial Dialect), Sithese (Religiously)
Average size: Major Faction Planned (Minor Faction Optional)
Skin color: The color of awesome spattered in heretic blood
Hair color: The color of heretical blood soaked dreadlocks
Breathes: The scent of defeated foes and burning heretics

Strengths: [2 minimum]
  • Incorporates elements from all currently and previously existing Popular Sith Factions
  • Incorporates new never before seen elements
  • Unique Hierarchy
  • Never before seen OOC goverment

Weaknesses: [2 minimum]
  • You have to click a button to join :(
  • ...And it's way over there!

Distinctions: The most major distinction of this faction, is that it is intended to serve as a universal communications and coordination center for a variety of factions all across the galaxy. It is meant to absorb part of all of their collect resources, for the sole purpose of redistributing its strengths to where it is needed for the various plots around the galaxy. Should the One Sith want to invade the Republic, the Covenant will look to ensure their victory by requesting another faction, such as the New Order to attack elsewhere within the Republic as well; the only limit to the number of attacks they might request and coordinate is dependent only on the resources of the various factions that agree to work with them. It is not a faction meant to assimilate all other Sith factions, it is the focal point to which all Sith shall benefit to aligning with. In this age of subfactions, let's call this one... a Superfaction.
Average Lifespan: For as long as the Dark Side lives!
  • One Sith Followers
  • New Order Followers
  • Sith Order Followers
  • Sith Council Remnant Followers
  • League of Red Followers
Diet: Heretics and Infidels!
Communication: Clubs and Stones (Lightsabers and really big Missiles)

Culture: I will not deceive you, the culture of this faction is not entirely simple... to explain. The first thing you should know, is that it has a "radical" belief, that the consciousness of the force itself (known as the Entity) has called out to one who has stood on the brink of Oblivion and the precipice of Chaos. The Entity as it is described by the First Prophet Voracitos, is the very consciousness of the Force, and is a being of darkness plagued by splotches of light. Under this ideal, the force itself is naturally attuned to the darkside, and suppressed by laws created by the light; making what once was unlimited, finite.

Voracitos has discovered in the deep meditation he cast himself unto when plotting his Rebellion among the Mandalorians, that whenever he allows his soul to drift when he forces himself to remove conscious though, he is caught between two pivotal realm. One is Oblivion, a place in the Netherworld of the force where all identities are destroyed and turned into a homologous energy. The other is Chaos, where his soul has been rejected admittance, and thus seemingly doomed to Oblivion. But the will of Voracitos, would not allow his identity to be lost with so much he felt was unfulfilled, namely the destruction of what he considers his prime rival: Ashin Varanin. With his indomitable will alone, he fends of Oblivion, by forcing himself into Chaos, which rejects and forces his spirit out with a bile that is Oblivion. With this bile, Voracitos fends off destruction by allowing his soul to feed on the endless currents of destroyed identity. He alone in this universe, walks a path between reality, Oblivion, and the unlimited power of Chaos. Through this realization, in the Chaos Heralds awaking to him, his eyes opened his consciousness and before him there was the Entity. In that one moment, a man who viewed himself as god for the first time saw he there was something much stronger than that, a larger purpose than even himself: The total annihilation of everything touched by light.

He also knew, in the translating of the Entity's general form, that there was more to its message, its decree. However, he was not the Champion, he was merely the one fortunate observer, to find the True Champion, the ones who would discover more of the Entity, and the path to victory. So it was thus, Voracitos would find the Champion worthy of casting him down, to take the reigns of the greatest crusade in history, a Covenant with Darkness, that would snuff out all light. He would call them to Malachor V, and organize a deadly game to find the one needle within a galaxy of hay. This was the structure made for the Chaos that would ensue there after:

  • The Champion- The reward of all rewards. The sole ear to the Voice of the Entity, who grants them the knowledge of the path to victory against the forces of light. The one who is Champions, will be the one who have bested every peer, or otherwise forced their submission, and will be the one to battle the previous ear to the Entity to the point where either one could suffer unlimited destruction, while being within grasp of ultimate power. They formulate the plan of action that will further every sith's goals, based upon plots made by the Dark Lords themselves, or their own, of whom the Entity will tell them which will succeed. Every sith contributes to the grand decision in one way or another, and it is the Champion's role to see them fulfilled. The Champion is capable of bestowing the permission upon anyone the ability to obtain a singular wish upon proving themselves adequate in their efficiency in the force, or war, and in addition may also bestow honorary titles of command upon those worthy of its responsibility, who may serve the Entity as close as they are able, without being Champion.
  • The Dark Lords- The great masters of the dark side, who scheme the destruction of the Covenant's enemies, and seek to convince the Covenant Champion to aid them in their endeavors. They are capable of bestowing the permission upon anyone below them the ability to obtain a singular wish upon proving themselves adequate in their efficiency in the force, or war. In all other matters, they are given free reign to do as they please... as without them, the Covenant would be nothing more than a single man.
  • The Knights- The strong, yet not entirely proven masters of the dark side. They still a ways to go before achieving total mastery of the force, but are not to be mistaken as any acolyte. Unlike the Dark Lords for example, they do not have the influence to persuade the Champion of a plot spawned from their mind... not yet. They though, unlike the acolytes, are capable of bestowing the permission upon anyone below them the ability to obtain a singular wish upon proving themselves adequate in their efficiency in the force, or war. The Entity takes their potential in the force and weighs their fate upon the scales of decision, though it is done without anyone's knowledge.
  • The Acolytes- The lowest in the mastery of the dark side, and hardly noticed unless they have defeated or otherwise forced the submission of their peers to the point where one above them may recognize their potential and skill. The Entity takes their potential in the force and weighs their fate upon the scales of decision, though it is done without anyone's knowledge.

Though it is uncommon, any of the Sith ranks may also hold a place within the military armies of the Covenant, a horde of Non-force sensitive individuals who share the vision of hate against the Republic, the Jedi, their allies, and anything that stands in the way of the vision of their total obliteration. Some are hired, some are bought with loyalty, enticements, and other such things, and some still are merely here because they are spiteful of the Republic and its influence on the galaxy. Whatever the reason of their joining, this is how they shall be judged:

  • Moff- The highest in command of the Covenant, next to the Champion or its accompanying assistant titles. They form plans, and present them to the Champion or the nearest equivalent in rank to be approved for execution and help. They are given the freest reign as in the case of the Dark Lords, as is to be expected at this echelon of command. Like the Dark Lords, the Moffs must approve the worth of an Officer Echelon before they may ascend to their equal rank.
  • Officer Echelon- Very nearly the highest in command, but still a ways from Moff. They do not yet have the influence to provide battle plans on the galactic scale, of which is the concern of the Champion. They are however, capable of bestowing the permission upon anyone below them the ability to obtain a singular wish upon proving themselves adequate in their efficiency in the force, or war. Their collective fate is weighed upon the scales of decision by the Entity as well, for they are the commanding force closest to the brute force of the Covenant: the soldiers. Once again, their fates are measured without anyone's knowledge.
  • Soldier Echelon- The lowest in terms of command, but in skill, they could not be more needed. They are the brute force of the Covenant, and it is through their collective fate that the scales of decision are weighed by the Entity. Once again, their fates are measured without anyone's knowledge.

The ranks not outline there are after, are solely for the Champion to distinguish and decide. The ranks that are outlined though, are almost entirely dependent upon volunteer faithful's of other Sith factions who manage to make a dual loyalty to faith and state. It should be noted, that volunteer forces may be temporary rank holders, who at times may return to their factions as needed. Though the Covenant demands sith states that apply for "volunteering" a number of their own, keep a steady inflow along with the outflow, to maintain the Covenant strength as a whole. Those who are not volunteers, are likely the enslaved prisoners of war, force into battle as nothing more than meat shields, or experimentation of the dark side. Very few conquered enemies catch the eyes of their superiors enough to be made a full Covenant soldier.

Technology level: State of the Art Weapon of Mass Destruction!

General behavior: A most sinister faction of epic proportions, whose status as third party connector between all willing Sith factions, plays a role in the destruction of all agents of the lightside. The Covenant of Darkness shall finally cure the plague of light, and extinguish all that it touches in the name of the Force, the Entity!

Our foreign policy is simple: Reject the light, and snuff it out!

History: That's for YOU to decide!

Notable Player-Characters: @Darth Voracitos, [member="Christian Slade"], [member="Darth Vulcanus"], [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Darth Ferus"], [member="Darth Metus"], [member="Sokrai Ronaro"], [member="D-Man"], [member="Morna Imura"], and @YOU


-"To create the most powerful Warbeast that Chaos has ever seen, and shall set the precedent for faction generations to come! This idea, I believe, is probably the best route for some really awesome RP when dealing with all of the Sith Factions as one, even if we all have our ideas about things and do our own business when not distracted by the Covenant. This is my brain child, but it was made in the very helpful and constructive conversations of the following people, to whom I applaud for their cooperation and helping me generate this idea:

[member="Darth Vulcanus"], [member="Darth Shara"], [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Christian Slade"], [member="Mikhail Shorn"], @And the rest of the Covenant Membership

I do hope you decide to partake in this grand adventure.

Love, Darth Voracitos-"


I never stated that i was joining this ._.

Nor would the One Sith cooperate with this. It kind of goes against out tenants of "Every Other Sith Faction is trash"
Just so you know, the members currently involved in the Covenant are in the midst of planning a most interesting Tournament scenario that I am becoming increasingly in love with, for those who are interested more for that fight and the possibility of reward, than actual cooperation.

Hmm, this faction was planned to NFU's involved in it, but in a recent census I discovered there really aren't too many dark NFU's running around, and the Neutrals are aplenty.

I'll be hosting a tournament for the Sith around here, but what about the NFU's? What is fun and competitive that might get you guys involved a little bit, even if you don't stick around?
[member="Darth Kentarch"], Though I understand you aren't privy to the idea for whatever reason, might ask what specifically throws you off course?

Such is much more helpful than simply announcing your state of confusion.
Darth Voracitos said:
Though I understand you aren't privy to the idea for whatever reason, might ask what specifically throws you off course?
Well for one it seems similar in setup to the New Order, and it seems the goal as you say above is to assimilate all other Sith factions. But right now as the temporary leader of The Sith Order. My Job is to make sure that does not happen. Another thing is that this Covenant seems to be essentially an attempt to be the hegemonic authority of all other Sith Factions. But why would any of the Sith Factions want to bow or collaborate with the covenant?
[member="Darth Kentarch"]

A valid and appreciated question. I will elaborate on what I think in full soon. However, I'm about to be kicked off so I'll make this short and sweet as possible:

  • Issue #1, New Order: This faction took themes from most of all factions, past or present, so similarity's are expected to be found.
  • Issue #2, Assimilate: Now, in fact, the Covenant wants to keep the various factions as they are. With them spread out with the way they are, it will create a more interesting dynamic of galactic attack. The Covenant Goal is mutual coordination between the Sith.
  • Issue #3, Hegemony: This is probably the biggest thing that I see of your concerns, and it's something that I don't think popped up in my mind, so I'm appreciative of its mention. So to put it simply, a Sith Hegemony using the Covenant is virtually impossible for the very reason you said. Think of the Covenant as a massive Sith-neutral tactical center, an evil version of the U.N.. It's main goal is to strengthen and protect all the factions. How? Making sure they all have a resource pool to fall back on if the going gets tough. However, that can't be done unless at least one other faction can be convinced they can benefit from the Covenant, so what does one do when they need to persuade someone to come in? A powerful, proven, visionary leader; so the Champion. We'll strike a deal with a Dark aligned faction that we'll pay up when we have the resources, and the deal will be assistance militarily, but only if the enemy is light-aligned, or merely an ally of the light-aligned.

As for your goal of not unifying the sith, which seems silly to me, that's not my concern. Besides, is it really "unity" if any/all factions could potentially just drop out of the Covenant and go back to the way they were? At its core the Covenant is a Neutral Zone of the Dark Side followers, where deals are made and bribed.

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