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Corvus Caligo

Atlas Kane

- Corvus Caligo -


Art by XMenouX

- General Information -
Name: Corvus Caligo
Faction: Ession Reformation
Rank: Former Sith Acolyte/Scientist
Species: Epicanthix
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 1,78 meters/ 5'10"
Weight: 70 kg/156 lbs
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Brown
Skin: Pale
Force Sensitive: Yes

- Character Traits and other Defining Features -

  • [+] Epicanthix: Being a member of the Epicanthix race, Corvus has a natural ability to resist mental attacks, even those cast by highly experienced and skilled mentalists.
  • [+] Willpower: Corvus is rarely seen throwing his hands in the air and giving up or letting go of something. He usually carries out what he says and doesn't easily let go of things he intends to do.
  • [+] Intelligent: The young man has always been smarter than most of his contemporaries. He learned talking quickly
  • [-] Past: His past has left him quite the target for Sith and Bounty Hunters, having killed a higher ranking Sith and many others during the reign of the Sith Empire.
  • [-] Human: Being a near-human being, he is quite fragile. It doesn't help that he is also not the strongest, tallest or fastest in the world. His bones are broken easily, like a regular human's, he is not immune to sickness and disease and he can die just as easily as anyone else can.
  • [-] Civilized: Corvus outright rejects using weapons that are not swords or melee weapons. He believes them to be 'uncivilized' which made him prefer weapons that are suited for a more civilized man.

Corvus is a rather short and thin man. His hair is mostly rugged and longer than most people's. He doesn't wear fancy clothes, preferring a simple coat, shirt and trousers as well as a bag that is carried by a strap flung around his shoulder. It contains multiple things, mostly basic survival requirements, though. He also carries a vibro-sword as well as a couple vibro-knife for throwing. He mostly looks like a simple mercenary or bounty hunter, but is not what he seems to be. After all, looks can be deceiving.

- History -

- Origins [0-8] -

Born to a rather poor man on Panatha, Corvus' childhood was not the happiest. He was treated badly by both his father and mother, who mostly sent him to work with them on the black market or let out their built up rage at him. This left him with a couple scars, most of which have healed though, as well as with a mistrust towards humanity. He had to work and work and work until he turned ten years old. It was at this time that his life would change forever, though not for the better. After multiple talks which involved the young child, he was sold off to a slaver as a cheap worker for a high amount of money by his parents. The slavers who bought the young child were Zygerrians. He immediately had a dislike for them, not just because of the fact that they were his owners and that they treated him badly, it was more for the fact that he thought them to be inferior. Not for being slavers, but for being less intelligent than he was. It was ironical, the child was more intelligent than the grown up and he made them feel it. On the way to the Zygerrian homeworld, he kept on annoying them by pointing out mistakes they made, errors in the way they handled things and by telling them how to improve what they were doing. Being already annoyed by their previous encounters with the young child, they Zygerrians punished him by putting him into a crate where he would remain alone for the rest of the day-long journey.

- Enslavement [8-10]-
Upon his arrival on Zygerrian homeworld he was pulled out of the crate and given some things to eat and a uniform he would be wearing while being presented to the potential buyers. He changed into the clothes reluctantly, thinking them to be more fit for a circus clown than a person, but he would soon learn the meaning behind the clothes. They were exactly as he thought, clothes more fit for a circus clown, one who would be humiliated for his ridiculous wardrobe. The clothes were supposed to strip the slaves of their dignity at first. They were also beaten when they didn't follow, but Corvus was smart, he followed their orders and thus avoided harm, though only physical. The mental stress and pressure during the time between the landing and the auction where he would most likely get sold off was about four days long. During this time the slaves were locked up in cages and made to work at less than optimal conditions. A couple fell ill during this time, Corvus didn't see them any more after the Zygerrians found out and didn't hear of what happened to them either. This did not intimidate him however, it made him more cautious if anything. He started to work as good as he could while avoiding attracting too much attention, overextending and falling ill.

On the day on which the auction would be held, Corvus found himself to be in top-condition. He felt better than he felt the couple day before and was in even better shape than when he was with his family. This was because he had gotten other slaves to give him some of their rations, while he consumed all of his on his own. He also deceived the guards into thinking he did the same work as he did before, while in reality he didn't really tire himself as much as he had before. This strategy had served him well. He was now looking better than usual, his movements weren't as slow and sluggish as they had been before from all the work. Finally, couple hours after the morning sun had arisen, he and his fellow slaves were carried off to the building they would be sold in.

Once he and the slaves arrived there, they were greeted by a large crowd of people. Mostly 'rich, fat blobs', as Corvus would put it, though there were a couple regular people looking for cheap and efficient work forces and businessmen as well. The slaves were sold off one by one to the highest bidder. Strong species like Wookies and Trandoshans were sold off for much higher prices than Humans or Bothans and the likes. He also noticed that men and women were being sold separately, at first the males and then the females, age didn't matter however and so Corvus ended up as the thirteenth who would be sold that day. He was sold off to a bad looking and most likely stupid Rodian who was the owner of a small mining company. His price had been a thousand credits. He was insulted, of course, but he didn't show it. He didn't want to give his new owner a bad impression from the get-go. He wanted to be on the Rodian's good side, so that he wouldn't have to face worse treatment than he was already used to.

After a long journey to a desolate little part of the galaxy in a small ship cramped in with multiple other slaves he finally arrived on his new home. A small mining world in the Tingel Arm. He never learned the name of the world and at the time he didn't care, he just wanted to be on the Rodian's good side. He was put into proper clothes and given good equipment so that he could begin working not even an hour after the trip had ended. The work was hard. He had to search the mine for precious metals that might have been left behind and once he found them break the chunks out of the stone and carry them to a small cart, which, once filled, would be pushed back to the surface by him. He was only given a simple pickaxe, which proved to be quite durable though, and with that he had to search the mine for hours.

This continued for many, many months. In this time his skin had turned a deathly pale shade and he had become much thinner from not being fed properly. It was a miracle he was even still alive. The work in the mine was hard and he didn't get the proper nourishment to keep working as much and as heavily as he had to. He had endured several punishments already, which were all caused by him collapsing during work and he had already spent several nights in the caves because he lacked the strength to get back out. It was a horrible job for him, but unbeknownst to him, times would get better soon.

- Change [10-17] -
One day, after many, many restless days and nights full of hard work and exhaustion, Corvus wasn't woken up and told to work. This was strange to him and he wanted to know why. He asked around, though no one knew the answer. Everyone was as confused as he was when the usual enforcers didn't burst into the sleeping quarters and shouted everyone awake. There was confusion everywhere, however, after a couple hours the monitors flickered on and a stranger was shown. The stranger spoke about having bought the mine. That someone also sent workers of his to select certain slaves which would be put to use differently. Among the people who were selected was Corvus. He and the other selected ones didn't know what they were selected for though. Corvus only observed that the ones who were selected were children and physically less fit people.

Shortly afterwards he was brought to a ship where he and the others met the man who spoke on the vid-screen earlier. He seemed like a much nicer man than the Rodian at first glance. He didn't have the same stance, a different walk and a more different look. All in all he looked much nicer and more welcoming, which was exactly how he was. That man was a nice person, one of the few in this galaxy of scum and villainy. He told the gathered slaves that they had been selected to work in his personal manor on Dromund Kaas. Corvus thought it ironic that a man who had a manor on the capital of the Sith was such a nice person, but the galaxy was weird sometimes.

The trip to Dromund Kaas was much more comfortable. The slaves were given their own rooms on a small transport ship which was much, much more comfortable than the other vessels Corvus had slept on. It was a welcomed change, one that Corvus was grateful for, or at least appeared to be so. The owner noticed it and was nicer to the young child in result. He took pity on Corvus, thinking him a poor and helpless child who had been caught up in different unfortunate circumstances. He took the young Corvus in and gave him less physically demanding tasks in his mansion, once the slaves were on Dromund Kaas. Corvus grew to respect the man for what he did and how he did it, even though he was a slave owner and in turn the man took pity on the boy and treated him better and better.

Many months did Corvus work for the man. He always got less demanding tasks, like going grocery shopping, watering plants, cleaning off the dishes and so on. However, the man quickly realized that Corvus wasn't just a poor, helpless child. One of his brothers, a Sith, realized he was strong in the Force and that he could be trained. Corvus, seeing this opportunity, accepted being trained by the Sith. He still had to fulfil his duties to his owner though, so the Sith stayed at the mansion and trained the young Corvus every day when he was finished with work. In turn, Corvus used every free minute to train techniques he was taught and even incorporated that training into his daily work.

This routine continued for many months, until one day, the man's daughter returned. She was a Sith Acolyte herself and was to begin training under the same Sith Corvus was training under. Corvus didn't mind a second person there, he even welcomed it, since that way he could measure how far he had come and perfect his own techniques by observing the other Acolyte and learning from her mistakes while incorporating the things she did well into his own. That way he learned things more easily and much faster and easier. His work even got easier, thanks to his employment of Telekinesis with which he made multiple aspects of his work easier.

A couple years later, he had been 'promoted' to other work which was more of a logistics management job he had to do for his owner, who had discovered his high intelligence and skill with mental effort-intensive tasks. So Corvus did his new work and trained under the Sith as well. He had started working together with the other Acolyte to improve both their techniques and skills. They spent much more time together than they had spent before and in this time, Corvus started liking her more and more, until he realized he had fallen madly in love with her and she with him.

The Sith's father didn't have any qualms about them being in love, he was more glad. Sith were respected and to know that his daughter would potentially marry a Sith and rise to higher status was a good thing to him, he didn't even mind that Corvus had been a slave most of his life and wasn't of pure noble blood. So the two became lovers. They improved together on their techniques and by the time they hit the age of seventeen, they began making plans for a marriage. Corvus could almost not believe that he had such fortune. He would end up marrying the daughter of a high standing man while his former fellow slaves would keep working and working until they either got freed or died.

- A New Dawn [17-20] -

With the marriage being planned already, the two were overjoyed. They would become a powerful Sith couple, even if they were still Acolytes they already knew they would, for they would have the Strength of two Sith, not just one, like everyone else. They would work together, rather than against each other. It was the happiest time in Corvus life, he couldn't even imagine a life without his beloved Lenore anymore. He was too enthralled by the whole situation he was in that he even warmed up more, becoming a much happier and much more welcoming person, unlike his former cold and calculating self.

When the date of the marriage came closer and closer, Corvus became more nervous with each passing day. His Sith training stopped progressing as fast as it had before and he was just generally getting worse at his tasks. He and everyone else knew that it was his anxiety though. They knew he was nervous about the whole thing, since he wasn't used to being the part of a high standing family. He had lived among them for a long time, but only as a worker, it was only recently, one or two years ago, that he had become an equal, rather than a worker who could be used in any way they wanted to.

About four days before the marriage however, Lenore was nowhere to be found. Corvus thought she had just gone somewhere to buy a new dress or something along those lines, but when she didn't appear the next day as well he became worried. He informed the authorities about her, who immediately started searching for her when he mentioned she was Sith. They had searched for days, when finally Lenore was found. Though Corvus had no reason to be happy now, for she was found dead. She was murdered by a fellow Sith who felt threatened about her becoming more powerful than she did, so she thought it best to liquidate the problem by murdering Lenore.

This, of course, made Corvus more angry than he had been ever before. He wanted revenge for his loss. However he didn't outright go and attack the Sith. He used the wealth and power of his dead fiancé's father to slowly but surely destroy the Sith and all her possessions. At first he targeted people in her environment. Workers, business partners, acquaintances. He ruined their businesses, caused them to have accidents or outright murdered them via Hitmen. This continued until he decided to get closer and closer to the Sith. He started targeting her friends and relatives, causing them much trouble, injuries and deaths. It was a large amount of planning and careful execution of this plan that had Corvus execute his plan a year or two without being detected, not even by the family who's house he was living in.

After most of her acquaintances, business partners, friends and relatives were either ruined forever or dead, the Sith locked herself up in a small fortress she bought with what little money she had left. There she thought herself safe, but that was not the case. Corvus had already infiltrated the fortress by bribing a couple servants to get him inside of the fortress, where he slowly poisoned the woman with the food and drinks she was consuming. With each meal she grew weaker and weaker until finally, she was unable to even leave her fortress, because she would collapse of too much physical effort to go outside and walk around. This is when Corvus made his move and came to her chambers in person. He wanted to finally end her life after he caused her so much pain and suffering. He finally wanted to get revenge for his beloved Lenore by killing the woman who had taken her from him.

And so he did. On the day the slaves she was keeping brought new food for her, he sneaked in with them, pretending to be one of the workers. Once inside the fortress he worked like all the others did. He pretended to be one of them until one day it was time for the Sith to dine. Corvus took this opportunity and brought Sith's dinner to her personal chambers. There he found two guards besides her room. He quickly took them out by jabbing two knives into their throats and then moved on into the room. The Sith was sitting at her table drinking tea and watching the holo-news about the recent attacks on the Sith Empire's territories by the Republic and the Mandalorians. She was too distracted to notice who was bringing her food and thus Corvus was able to approach her and get past her defences. He quickly kicked her out of the chair, disorienting her and then kept her from escaping by incapacitating her. He then went on a long speech about what he had done to her and her friends, relatives and others. All of the things that he had done, he revealed to her everything, his entire plan. Every second of it the Sith was tormented and Corvus enjoyed every moment of it until finally, after about an hour of monologuing he finally lit the room she was in on fire and left the fortress.

- Nevermore [20-Present] -

With the Sith dead, Corvus had no reason to stay behind on Dromund Kaas anymore. He wanted to go out into the stars and forget everything that happened here, forget Lenore, forget the Sith, forget his whole past. Never again would he enter into a relationship with someone, never again would he let himself get involved with others, never again would he care for the lives of others. It was only him and no one else now. He didn't trust anyone as he made his way off world. All he did was get as much money from the daughter's father as he could and then leave for a new planet. It was the last time he would see the man, since a couple weeks after he left Dromund Kaas was destroyed by the Mandalorians.

He spent the next years working on his abilities in the Force and building up a small fortune for himself. At first it was through Bounty Hunting work and Mercenary contracts, but then he entered into the black market and started selling weapons and the likes with a company he had acquired. Quickly he became successful and sold off the company, moving on to new plans he has made. He didn't think of his past again, he didn't even want to remember it. It was a chapter he didn't want to visit, nevermore.
Evasion Studios
[member="Corvus Caligo"]
Well done Ruu. And to commemorate this new character, I offer up this inspired by the cover picture.

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