Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Coruscant Flower and Funeral Company - CFFC

Corporation Name: CFFC - Coruscant Flower and Funeral Company

Headquarters: Coruscant

Locations: Coruscant - as well as smuggling into adjacent spaces and beyond

Operations: Primarily a service company. We provide all manner of illegal goods, through the face of legal avenues. We even file our taxes and donate to charity, improving the world around the company - as is the purpose of the parent faction, the Coruscant Rotary Club. The sole operation, while malevolent and illegal, is hidden behind the positive impacts that the facilities have on the surrounding community. This is particularly the case when hosting services in areas not part of the headquarters station, Point Nadir.

Rationale: The company was founded through the eventual mutual relationship formed between multiple villains, all with the indirect funding from the One Sith. Bad guys being bad guys. Kranos started his initial collection of properties through work with the coruscant mob bosses, leading to ownership of several distribution centers veiled as Flower Shops. Funeral homes just seemed the natural progression. And as profits improved, so did the expanse of the services, which rendered need for the casino and the community outreach centers. Following the invasion of Coruscant by the Galactic Alliance, necessary moves were made to secure assets out of the reach of the law - though services are still rendered where they are needed.

The company has returned to Coruscant following a long needed vacation. The once well established startup will begin with a regional procurement process and will move from there. Everything will be as it once was, minus the unnecessary.

Tier: Tier 3

Description: The CFFC is primarily a service company in it's initial foundation. Illegal goods through untraceable and legally-rendered means is the name of the game. First and foremost, the company provides for the manufacturing and distribution of drugs via ground service and delivery throughout the Coruscant Underworld. On top of this, the company specializes in the procurement of illegal goods for the finer tastes in life. The following are examples of services available, beyond drug distribution:
  • Procurement of Organs: For whatever reason, no judgment. The company uses a 'projectile' funeral system (shooting the bodies into space), or closed casket only. The caskets have no one in them and the bodies are used for organ procurement or more devious notions.
  • Slaves: The CFFC has multiple grants and work-for-hire programs. However, these are 9/10 methods for procurement of slaves with the story that the individual has found the life they have always wanted, off planet of course. During this time, they will either be sold off or used for labor.
  • Entertainment: With the right sort of money, you can buy just about anything - and what better way to see it then through the interactions of slaves. You purchase 'em, we'll tell them what to do.
  • Bounties: We can post them, hire out bounty hunters, all without the initial party being involved. Consider it an anonymous bounty.
  • Money Laundering: While our casino is one of our more legitimate operations, we do use it for money laundering and other forms of service hiring.
  • Rare Artifacts: Anonymous procurement of artifacts, along with delivery.
  • Any other illegal activity that requires the prevention of tracking. While we don't smuggle as of yet, we are not beyond that and will consider it on a case by case basis.
  • We will eventually move into the development of new drugs, along with delivery systems. However, for now, we are keeping grounded in services for the time being.
Facilities: Flower Shops (Distribution Centers), Casino/Museum/Opera House (Base of operations, Museum Extension for Rare Artifacts, and point of contact for large contracts), Morgue and Funeral Home (organ procurement), Community outreach centers (slave procurement and charitable contributions). All of which will be used to publicly improve the area around the facilities through charitable donations. Underworld entertainment brothels.

Subsidiaries: N/a (yet)

Primary Source: N/a

To Tier 3
Pertinent Development Threads:
- Cream Rises to the Top - Unofficial agreement/contract with One Sith for procurement of information, implied support of company through laundered endorsement.
- A morphine a Day keeps the doctor at bay - Agreement with Coruscant General Hospital to be sole provider of analgesic drugs, plus construction of drug rehab center.

Miscellaneous Threads:
- Little Shop of Horrors - Formation of CFFC, under the banner of the Coruscant Rotary Club
- Coruscant Underworld - Introduction of the Tourism Center, the main location used for slave trafficking in the CFFC
- Deus ex Machina - Introduction of the Golden Hour Opera House, a prominent portion of the Cream and the Crop Casino, location used for money laundering and other exploits
- Lost in Happyland - Introduction to the Happyland Funeral Home, the base of operations for the organ black market in the CFFC

- Cactus Poppers - Drug
- Plant Enhancer 2000 (D-Grade) - Drug
- Sharps Syrup - Drug derived from plant species, Sharps Hawthorne
- Toma - The Everyman's drug - Drug
- Papa Yeast - Yeast that produces opiate based drugs
- Nang Juice - Derived from the Selvaris Nangtrap
- LDS - 1 - Organic based drug
[member="Roger Kranos"]

I don't think it's in my best interest to deny anything submitted by a guy who walks around with
in his signature.


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