Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corellian Sunrise...


Location: Phindar - Byzantium Tower (Home of [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] & [member="Varus Shatterstar"])
Theme Song:

Julius wasn't entirely sure where in the Nine Hells he was at really, at all...All he knew has he had been playing pazaak at a Catnina, trying to work up the nerve to follow through with his plan. And he had started to drink, though Force knew why. Never the type to get smashed, he had thought a good Whyrens on the rocks might steady his aim, so to speak. However one had turned into more, and more, and before long he was tussling with some angry fellow gambler, supposedly accused of cheating. Of all things!

A quick upper-cut to the jaw had sent his opponent flying across the bar... Of all times to revert to instinct and put the Force behind things, a bottle or two of Corellian whiskey into a bender was a bad time. He had been summarily kicked out by what felt like most of the populace of the bar. Or at least that was what it had felt like when he had finally came to in the parking lot. Someone had taken his coat, and with it his bolt pistol.... That wasn't likely a good thing, but he'd worry about that later. He had seen the schuta who had accused him of cheating checking over a nice Sill Holdings 'Silk 6' bike... And so, an idea had formed.

Swaying over, the shambly man had waited until the other had left, and then swung easily onto the bike, some of his natural grace and speed carrying him easily to seat the dangerously fast craft. A few moments of tinkering later, and he was gunning the engines to a gaudily painted red swoop bike, soaring impossibly fast. The only thing surveilance caught as he was speeding off was him slurring a phrase that almost sounded like 'Red unz go fasta' ...

Though he didn't know it, [member="Jorus Merrill"] and his daughter would have been proud at his use of Astrogation to effortlessly weave in and out in traffic on Phindar. Perhaps the vaunted Master Merrill might have been ashamed to note Julius had hotwired the speeder not quite correctly, and all the lights, horns, blinkers, and stereo were blaring as he gunned it across a lake. It did make for an impressive entrance in his mind though. He had hunted her down, and it was time to figure out why he couldn't get a twi'lek of all things out of his mind.

Suddenly, the music changed, and Julius groaned a loud, smacking at the controls to the after-market bike. The bloody numbers were too small and squiggly, so he squared his faces inches from the dials as he tried to read what station it was on, as something that sounded suspiciously like Taylor Swift began bleating from the obnoxiously over-tuned stereo. Julius wasn't quit sure who that was signing, or why her and whoever were never getting back together, but the screeching torture had to be stopped.

He also conveniently forgot to adjust the throttle down, and had gunned it to absurd levels, the engines whining, his pant leg flapping, and then suddenly getting sucked into the turbo-booster and causing a sickening lurch which smacked his face into the dials, bloodying his nose. Looking up, he had just enough time to mutter his favorite few lines of Huttese curse words before his newly 'acquired' bike slammed through a window and skidded across very fancy looking floors. Jedi reflexes had kicked in, and whilst the bike was probably technically still functional, it sat in what he assumed would be the kitchen, against a counter, smoking and sputtering, occasionally throwing out sparks.

Our intrepid, if highly inebriated hero, however, was standing in the middle of exploded glass and bits of the fire-engine red bike, sans his pants, in compression shorts, a battered spacers shirt open at the neck, and a set of suspenders that once clung to his pants clinking about freely. At some point his shoe-lace had came un-tied and been sucked into the speeder engine too, and one foot clumped about loosely in the bloodwalker boots a friend had gifted him from AEI.


That was all he said as he spied a fridge and hobbled over to it, swaying like some long lost Je'daii "drunken master" and several times arguing quite vocally with the floor as to what direction it should be spinning and just how fast. That did not, however, stop him from shambling over to a shiny fridge, yanking it open, and beginning to rifle through it. Certain products were tried once, and thrown over his shoulder to skitter across the floor. In all honesty, he had quite forgotten where he was, or why he was here. There was just an overarching hunger need, and the woman he was hunting for had been forgotten as he chomped on a Tattooine made spice-cake, humming merrily.

OOC Note: Please don't hurt me... Sera said I could post this!
The pink one's eyes snapped open in a flash. Glass shattered. Is that a karking speeder engine I'm hearing? IN MY KARKING HOUSE!? The Twi'lek had specifically chosen Phindar, specifically chosen the middle of a gosh darn lake in the middle of nowhere to build this rather extravagant, expensive tower she called home. And something just crashed through the window? "AW HELL NO" She threw herself out of her bed. What time was it? It was pitch black out, so it was either reeeeally late, or reeeeally early. It mattered little. She was pissed. She was pissed not only because something just broke into her home, not only because it sounded like an engine running in her kitchen, not only because her AI Sentinel was sounding off the most god awful alarm and throwing the building into lockdown, but because she'd just been woken up from a particularly juicy dream.

Her hand reached forward and pulled her sabers from the end table into her hands, while throwing her robe over herself. She paid no mind to where or what Varus was doing, and as the door from her bedroom opened she proceeded out like a banshee, hell bent on destroying whatever just invited itself into her abode. Twin sabers popped, igniting the snap-hiss of two equally irritated lightsabers, their bright green and purple hues dancing in the darkness.

She looked around, the eastern windows were ruined, the glass scattered across the floor like a hurricane had passed through. That was one way of putting it, at least. If the hurricane had been named Julius. She followed the glass trail, it didn't go far. The kitchen. A speeder. A speeder in the kitchen. What in the Force!? She let out a primal scream that would frighten a Sithspawn as she turned the corner to look into the remainder of the room. There he stood, eating food right out of the fridge like some savage, portions of it discarded along the floor. Sera looked up. That face...I know that face... She de-activated her lightsabers.

[member="Julius Sedaire"] | [member="Varus Shatterstar"]
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] | [member="Varus Shatterstar"]

Julius turned away, swaying a bit, slipped on some sort of greek yogurt like substance, pinwheeled his arms, steadied himself on the open door and burped loudly. Then, with a whine of stressed metal, the fridge door gave way and clattered to the floor, spilling it's contents as Julius hung mid-ar, looking rather shocked before he thudded face-first into the stainless steel surface, grunting and harrumphing some sort of incoherent string of noises before he lifted himself up off the fridge door and rested his chin in his hands, kicking his heels back and forth with a Cheshire cat like grin that was almost ever-present on his stubbled face now-a-days.

"Aaayy gurl! I knows ju! Whut doin hurr?"

Suddenly, wheels turned a bit in the Corellians brain, and he turned his face to look behind him over his shoulders, seeing his pants were indeed gone. At about that time, the speeder had had enough.. It coughed, hiccuped, and with a bang and billow of black smoke shot his lightsaber out of the main engine, ignited and buzzing angrily as it sliced through a rather tasteful vase and flower ensemble, careening wildly through the hose and narrowly missing Julius' face as it clinked off the fridge and feel lifeless to the floor. Perhaps most might have been sobered by adrenaline and fear, but not this one. He had quite forgotten to explain where his pants were.

Standing up, he glowered at the speeder, hiccuping again and shaking a finger at it as if it were a naughty and misbehaving pet, and swayed again, wobbling as the door he was now standing on top of wobbled a bit like a surf board, and he caught himself with extended arms, staying upright this time. There was a string of expletives before he stepped off the door and turned again to the speeder, lecturing it on, of all things, proper guest etiquette.

"Nao redd, das no nice... Ve do NOT poop lightsabers inna Mizz Sera's house... 'Specially no mah face"

Seeming to realize Sera was there, and quite angry, he turned to face her, grinning sheepishly.

"Is came see ju..Hadda drinka or fiddy first tho..."
Her eye twitched. She wanted oh so badly to just carve off a limb or two, maybe brand him, or somehow maim him eternally as her personal memento from this foolish night. "You're drunk. You're DRUNK." She snapped her fingers to get his attention, her nose, lips, and cheeks contorting to impossible expressions as he continued to aimlessly destroy her house while simultaneously scolding and speaking to a speeder like it had absolutely anything to do with how it was used. "JULIUS!" She shouted again. Her head turned back, the alarm still blaring at unbelievable decibels. "SENTINEL DISABLE THE ALARM!" The voice of her AI responded far more calmly than she. "Yes, Ma'am." And then there was relative quiet. She turned again to the completely inebriated man, placing her hands on the back of her head in pure disbelief and frustration. "What is the matter with you? How? Why? Where?! I can't even fathom how you managed to put all of the pieces to this puzzle together."

She reached down and picked up his saber. "You don't need this, not right now. Definitely not right now." She looked at the speeder, that was going to be a costly fix, though not nearly as much as the blown out pane glass windows he had shattered moments ago. "You need to sit down. For your own safety, and so I don't choke you to death." She had hoped this was simply a bad dream, that she'd wake up any second and there would not be a drunken Jedi standing in her kitchen, half dressed, with a demolished speeder and subsequent parts strewn across the floor. Nope. This was real. There was no waking up, as much as she'd hoped.

"Was there something wrong with knocking on the door? Or calling? I'm curious to know why you felt like destroying one quarter of this floor."

[member="Julius Sedaire"] | [member="Varus Shatterstar"]

Of course he was working out...

When he was tired. When he was hungry. When he had a headache. When he was hung over. When he was sick. Working out...

It made him feel better, and on that specific night he'd been woken up by a less than pleasant dream of a day long since past. A day he was crushed and fell into the greatest depression his young life had ever served him. A day he'd tried to forget, but every now and again those memories would come flooding back, only now they came to him as nightmares that would set a searing pain in his hear the likes of which he wouldn't wish on his worst enemy.

He'd thought he was having a panic attack a few hours before, and when he'd thrown himself upright in bed he had hoped that he hadn't woken up the beautiful little pink creature next to him. Luckily, he hadn't, and when he glanced over at her peaceful face he knew that he couldn't bring himself to wake her up and depress her with a past she shouldn't have to relive with him. If it had been up to her, though, she would have told him it would do him good to get it off of his chest and talk about it, but that wasn't like him. He was the strong, silent type of fool who suppressed anything and everything that might boil over until he exploded, and when he did, everything tended to go to hell.

That was appropriate, seeing as he was a ticking time bomb of hidden emotions he kept tightly caged in a deep, dark corner in the recesses of his soul that he wished to do nothing more than smother out completely. He wasn't great with emotions, which was why on that very night when he'd felt them all welling up inside he got out of bed, got dressed in a pair of black gym shorts and a T-shirt and went to work.

After about two hours of personal, physical torture, Varus finally dropped from the bottom most rung of a salmon ladder in Seraphina's gym, having lost the strength to hold on to it any more. He'd completed his sixth or seventh set, honestly not knowing where he'd stopped because he'd hit the floor so hard on the flat of his back that it dazed him for a moment. Then and there the number he'd been keeping in his mind as he groaned, turning over on his side to he could catch the breath that had been thrust out of him by the black, leather mat beneath him, and about that time he heard a crash that echoed through the house.

The windows were shaking all around the gym, and even the rack shook for a few moments before it stopped, sapphire eyes looking up at the ceiling as he tried to gather his thoughts, both hands coming up to cover his face calmly as he sighed and whispered, "What the hell...?" A few moments later, though, he dropped his hands and took a deep breath before letting it out slow, his brow bunching up in frustration for the noise the sound system was making before he sat up and and rubbed the back of his head, a little sore from his tumble moments ago. He then pulled himself up from the ground and pulled a towel off the rack next to him, dabbing his sweaty, sticky self off and grimacing for a moment before he muttered. "I don't care who it is... I'm getting a shower after this crap."

By the time he shuffled down the steps to the first story, the alarm had been disabled and he could distinctly hear the stern words of his lover in the kitchen, and so he made the proper adjustments to his course and walked in to see a literal disaster, a young Jedi he didn't know who had lost his pants, and his own little pink Twi'Lek standing there looking furious. He then cast his eyes out on the mess that had been made and his mouth fell slightly agape at the destruction that was all around. He started walking, a little befuddled at first as he looked over at the fridge, which was in shambles, and then to the few pieces of furnishings that had been either broken or thrust out of the way by the red speeder that was laying in the roam.

It was absolutely beat to hell, but a far cry from the damage that had been done to Sera's pride and joy of a home that she had taken so much pride in. Something he himself had both understood and appreciated along side her, knowing it to be his second home for the last few months now. It was her fortress of solitude, so to speak, and she was now standing there beaming at the man who'd destroyed it, not impressed and none too pleased.

Looking at the shattered glass pane windows that had been obliterated by the speeder, Varus carefully walked over, glass crunching beneath his workout shoes before he stopped right in front of where it used to be fully in tact. He then raised his hand up to it and moved it around for a moment, as if he were half expecting to feel something that he really should have been had that night been any typical night, but clearly it was not. "Didn't... there used to be a window here, or am I just crazy?", he asked, glancing over his shoulder at Sera, not really trying to lighten the mood, despite it clearly having been a joke. He knew her response would be less than chipper, however, and immediately redacted it with a simple, "Yep... bad joke.", before turning around and shifting his ice blues to the mastermind of this grand entrance.

"Tough night, eh Sport?", he asked as he frowned slightly and slipped his hands into either of the pockets of his gym shorts.

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] - [member="Julius Sedaire"]
The drunken Corellian had sat down, as Sera had suggested he do. Really, he told himself internally he was more comfortable sitting in the wreck he had created, and indeed, even without pants, with someone else holding his lightsaber, with a speeder he had stolen smoking and possibly on fire after spitting a lightsaber out of it's engines, he managed to look as if this was precisely his plan all along. It was a rare and true momentary glimpse to the intoxicated mind of the Jedi. Always in control, always a smile on his face and always landing on his feet. At least, that was how he was before his time on the Rim, and after Sera had pulled him out of a stupor in a Cantina. There were a lot of words roiling in his head right now, but honestly he was pretty sure most of them might not go over well. So he sat there and took his lecture patiently from Sera, and nodded. Then he spoke, completely not noticing Varus there at first.

"Esscusa meh... Firs time.... Dinna kno dere was doar... Anna Red, he.."

Here he nodded to the speeder, which as if on cue coughed and spit out a second lightsaber hilt on roughly the same trajectory. This one did not activate, thank the Force, and despite his drunken stupor, reflexes again took hold of Julius and an arm shot out to grab the saber. Something seemed to click, and he checked the device over as if a mother checking a child, but did not activate it. Whatever it was, it was obviously of some sort of import to the Corellian Jedi, and for a moment the glazed stupor left him as he fiddled with it, though he did put the emitter up to his eye to look down it of all things.

"Dassa bad, red.... Dis da skywakka saybuhr, no poopy..."

Looking up, he grunted...

"Aynyvay... I says mebbe come see ju.... So I find ju... Use oooolllld friends on Rim... Anna radeeoh go bad, so Iz tryna change it, anna heet da gas an... Crash window.... Vary sorree... Can fix, promish!"

Suddenly, it clicked Varus was there. And he looked between the two, and a look of confused amusement crossed his face, before he literally giggled.

"Ooooo... Disa... Errr... Diz da 'pool-boy' ?"

He waggled his eyebrows and laughed at his grand joke, almost doubling over as he shambled up onto his feet, clipping the Skywalker lightsaber to the clip of his suspender by it's hilt-ring and walking over to Varus, noticeably steadier, and held out his hand to shake the other mans. There was callouses on the hands that spoke of years upon years of training with sabers, and scars subtly covering the knuckles and forearms, bearing more testament... Despite his years in age, and his demeanor, he was not always such a goof. Only a quarter of the time... Maybe half....

"I be Joolius... Friend of Sera... And yea, baaaad night.... Big lizzard guy, hitta me in the face... Stoles his bike anda drove it heyah... Comma say hi's to friend!"

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] | [member="Varus Shatterstar"]
At this particular point in time, Darius was stranded on Dathomir with an errant Nighsister. Though his attentions were focused on the pack of snarling beasts clawing their way into his makeshift shelter, something else distracted him.

Even halfway across the galaxy, Darius could feel the waves of unadulterated stupid flowing from his adoptive father. So great was the idiocy's power, that the padawan doubled over and fell into the fetal position.

Good job space dad.

Sera's eyes never left the carnage on display in the middle of the room when Varus approached and made some off hand joke about there having been windows where there clearly were none any more. Her hands shook with such sheer frustration. She was caught between two distinct feelings. One of which she wanted to drag him out of the tower and drown Julius in the lake, and the other being feeling utterly sorry for him, and recognizing that he was far too drunk to even understand what was going on.

The speeder apparently was some kind of magic lightsaber producing model, because much to her surprise, out came another. This one though apparently held some sentimental value to the man, even in his drunkest hour. Once again he talked to the speeder while coddling the saber, his claim being that it belonged to one of the Skywalkers. She wasn't entirely convinced by such a claim, given his inability to speak past the level of a toddler, and his determination to argue with a speeder.

Sera looked at the clock that hung a bit crooked on the wall. "You thought coming to see me at 3 in the morning was the right thing to do with a stolen speeder?" The Twi'lek rubbed her eyes with her thumb and index finger. "I don't even know what to say. You owe me a fridge and some new windows though." She looked at Varus as Julius introduced himself and inquired as to whether he was the pool boy. She shook her head out of pity. How much alcohol had he consumed?

[member="Julius Sedaire"] | [member="Varus Shatterstar"]​
Varus shook the man's hand before retrieving that hand to slyly wipe it against his gym shorts. There was no telling what Julius had been into that night, and there had been what he hoped was a spot of yogurt left behind on his palm. Once wiped away, Varus bore a light smile and friendly smile before he said, "Happens to the best of us, Joolius." He then turned towards Sera and displayed an indifferent look upon his young face as he whispered, "Don't worry. We'll get it fixed tomorrow.", before stepping past her towards the destroyed kitchen.


"I do know I need a drink, though.", he announced as he arrived in the kitchen and found a bottle of whiskey that had been chilling in the fridge so that he could drink it dry and cold. He poured out the contents, a specific brand of Corellian honey whiskey he'd begun to enjoy lately, and topped it off with a bit of spice and a good helping of tea turning it into something akin to a long island iced tea. He then grabbed a bottle of water that had been laying on the floor and made his way back over to Sera and Julius.

"Yea, this one's not for you.", he told the young man as he raised the glass of whiskey and tea to take a sip. He then raised his other hand and tossed the bottle of water at Julius, expecting him to catch it as he stopped next to Sera and held the glass over in front of her in case she needed to take the edge off.

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] - [member="Darius"] - [member="Julius Sedaire"]

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