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Approved Tech Connor Harrison's Hidden Blade

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Intent: To provide Connor with a last resort in combat if his lightsaber is lost or out of action, as previously experienced
Image Source:
Canon Link: N/A
Restricted Missions: N/A
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: The First Order
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Connor Harrison
Modularity: No
Production: Semi-Unique
Material: Durasteel blade, mechanical bolts, leather straps and armourweave bracer.

Classification: Hidden blade
Size: Wrist mounted
Length: Approx .35 m
Weight: Approx 1kg

- Hidden blade projects out from a spring-loaded mechanism

The hidden blade projects from the spring-loaded holder, strapped to the wrist itself, which a flick of the wrist in a backwards motion. Muscle tension activates the trigger and the blade shoots forth which can be used for sudden impalement or brief deflection of small objects. A small knob on the gauntlet is bulled back to retract the blade and lock the spring again for the next use.

- Hidden under the wrist and clothing for maximum effect of a surprise attack
- Armourweave can help disperse blaster bolts – mild ones, and not at close range

- If the straps are cut or damaged, the blade will be inoperable as it will fall from the wrist
- Blade can be shattered if striking a hard object, or is trapped and snapped

After losing his lightsaber at the hands of Taeli Raaf at the Invasion of Mustafar, Connor also nearly lost his life facing enemies with no weapon bar the Force. While the Force was all well and good, it was a tool to serve the Dark Side. He needed back-up should it happen again.

Taking inspiration from a gift once presented to him by Taeli, Connor created a hidden blade to affix to his wrist. A simple contraption with no fancy abilities or tricks, it was a blade designed to reflect a more lethal and surprise element in combat. It was to be used if all other means of combat were gone.

With a flick of the wrist, the blade would project out, ideally in close quarters use for a fatal blow or a last-chance resort at defending himself.

Careful maintenance of the blade and mechanism is needed so it doesn’t stuck or jam, and also to keep the straps tight and secure for comfort and flexibility of movement.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Connor Harrison"]

It's a knife hidden in a gauntlet, these actually already exist in star wars.

No problems here, Approved Pending Secondary.

[member="Jamie Pyne"], [member="Raziel"], [member="Cira"]
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