Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Connor "Condor" Arc


NAME: Connor Arc
Aliases/Nicknames: Condor

FACTION: The Protectorate/The Primeval (main employers)

RANK: Mercenary

SPECIES: Human (Coruscant)

AGE: 24
SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6'1"

WEIGHT: 160 lbs

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: White



Cocky: Condor is overly cocky and a little uppity, which gets him into trouble more often than not. He always takes on overly-risky operations and endangers himself and his comrades because of this

Adrenaline Junky: Condor thrives on adrenaline rushes and often attempts extreme stunts just to feel the adrenaline rush. His antics haven't killed him yet, but he has been close several times.

Polyamorous:Always on the lookout for lady friends and having cheated on multiple women, who just so happen to be very dangerous, he's treading on very thin ice almost all of the time.

Lightly Armored: Due to the nature of flight and the limitations of his suit, he has to be very lightly armored. One well-placed stray bolt could spell the end of Condor.

Close Quarters: Condor thrives in open combat, with plenty of space to maneuver. Anywhere he can't take advantage of his wings puts him at an enormous disadvantage, as he is usually out-armored by anyone he fights. Brute force and straight up, face-to-face combat is not his forte.

Sarcastic: Sometimes it gets him into trouble more often than not

It's a Pretty Long Drop: Getting shot is bad enough, but when you have hundreds of feet between you and the ground, things go from bad to worse pretty damn fast

Nimble: Although he is lightly armored , Condor is very hard to hit, having trained his reflexes over several years to be able to react very quickly in the air and on the ground

Fearless: Despite the knowledge of how fragile his suit, and by extension, he is, Condor will always lead the charge in an aerial assault and is not afraid of a firefight

Gymnast: Taking advantage of his size and agility, Condor has trained in gymnastics and is capable of multiple acrobatic feats both in the air and on the ground. Backflips, frontflips, and any number of "tricks" are easy to pull of for Condor. His training also gave him incredible core strength, which is what allows him to do aerial feats and adjust his course easily in mid-air.

Mechanical Wings w/ Jetpack:



Connor Arc, son of Jebediah and Maria Arc, was born on Coruscant on the upper levels. Ever Since he was a kid, he loved the rush of adrenalin and attempted multiple highly illegal climbs of buildings in Coruscant, some that were a couple miles high. He was never caught, although most of that had to do with the fact that nobody was crazy enough to try to catch him. Even so, he was kept under a watchful eye by many members of the police squad in his area.

When he was 11 he fashioned himself a pair of wings from leftover clothes and a plasteel frame. It took him well over a month to complete in secret; his parents had banned him from any more dangerous activities. However, he was able to sneak out on night and test them in the purest way possible: by jumping off of the tallest building in Coruscant. His goal was to attempt to land on the lower levels some few miles below and he aimed accordingly. He was discovered by the building's security and was forced to attempt a hasty take-off.

The ride down was a wild one. He almost hit several hovercars and speeders on the way down, but the wings held the whole time. Encouraged by the rush of the wind beneath the wings, he attempted loops and spins in the air, overjoyed at the freedom the wings allowed. After what seemed like hours, he managed to land on the lower levels, his heart practically beating out of his chest.

Ever since that day, he was addicted to the adrenaline and flying the wings provided. He made multiple models over the years, each time attempting to perfect the form and weight of the wings. His parents eventually found out, but at that point they decided it was too late to stop him.

When he was 21. his father bought him a jetpack to take his passion to the next level. Now he didn't have to leap from a building or a cliff to fly. With the jetpack, he could take off from a running or standing position with ease. Connor perfected the design some few months later. He was noticed by several private military companies as well as some military recruiting officers and was given several offers, eventually taking one up with one of the private companies.

At the company he was given the code name "Condor" as a reference to his flying. Most people needed starfighters for air superiority, but Connor was all they needed. On top of his aerial skillset, Condor was a very capable soldier, usually swapping his jet pack out for heavy armor and a rotating blast cannon.

Despite being known for his aerial capabilities, Condor is a very down to earth, straightforward guy. He means what he says, and he doesn't beat around the bush. If he doesn't like you, he makes it very clear. Even though a lot of his work is solitary, he does play well with others and works very well in small teams. Just don't expect him to lead an army.

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