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Approved Species Concordian Cedar

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Jorga the Hutt

When life gives you Mandos, make Mando'ade
Name: Concordian Cedar, called kranak'shaap ('fortification wood') in Mando'a

Homeworld: Concord Dawn (also found in smaller numbers on Mandalore)

Development Thread: Ideally, none.

Average Measurements: The Concordian Cedar grows to a mature height of 10-20 metres.

Cultivation Requirements: Comparable to a cedar tree. Fond of coniferous rain forests and more northern climes. Type 1 atmosphere required, though stunted kranak'shaap trees can grow at altitudes high enough to qualify as Type 2.

  • Kranak'shaap resists energy weapons (though not lightsabres). Though a thermal detonator or a disruptor would generally make a hole in a kranak'shaap palisade, and a turbolaser would make a larger hole, kranak'shaap can shrug off personal blasterfire and even laser cannons.
  • Comparable to other cedar woods, kranak'shaap resists decay and insect infestation. This is not a supernatural property; it just takes a long time for kranak'shaap to get rotten and grungy. Kranak'shaap palisades tend to last.
  • Can't be cut effectively by energy tools; requires high-grade physical tools and manual labor.
  • Not especially resistant to kinetic impact, explosions, etc. - no more than standard wood.
  • The wood is fairly heavy, sap-filled, and spongy, generally unsuitable for making weapon hafts. This is a source of great frustration to the Mandalorians, who would have liked blaster-proof wooden weapons, but you can't always get what you want.
Distinctions: The Concordian Cedar looks much like your average straight cedar tree. The main difference lies at the chemical level. Primarily in the sap, but also in the wood, bark, needles and cones, this tree holds chemical compounds similar to dampener aerosol. Energy weapons have very little effect on Concordian Cedar, especially fresh logs and living trees.

Average Growth Cycle: Reaches maturity within five to ten years.

Average Life: The largest Concordian Cedars (maybe thirty or forty metres tall) are perhaps a century old.

Nutritional Value: The needles can be steeped into a tea. Mandalorian lore holds that the tea will make your guts blaster-proof. This is folklore without much in the way of foundation. The tea will, however, stave off scurvy caused by poor-quality rations. The soft, resinous cones are chewed for similar reasons and produce similar benefits, or lack thereof. It is possible to survive for several weeks on a diet of kranak'shaap cones, at which point one dies of constipation.

History: The Concordian Cedar is a fairly rare, prized tree, native to the Mandalorian world of Concord Dawn. Tens of millennia ago, perhaps as far back as the Taung era, the Mandalorians discovered that Concordian Cedar resisted energy weapons. Concordian Cedar, while relatively useless for weapon-related purposes, proved absolutely ideal for the construction of stockades and cabins. Traditional stockade forts, made of Concordian Cedar, are still used in some circumstances. For example, a shield emitter might not be available, or a Mandalorian detachment might want to avoid using a power generator that might show up on scans. Generally, of course, the Concordian Cedar is used domestically. After all, who wants to cart a shipload of logs across interstellar distances just to build a wooden fort for a raid?

Intent: Because I find great appeal and hilarity in the idea of log stockades that can stand up to laser cannons.
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