Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Commander Lusk


NAME: CT-A0012 Commander Lusk
RANK: Commander of 1st Battalion
SPECIES: Cloned Human of [member="Preliat Mantis"]
AGE: 6
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 210 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brunette
SKIN: Brown



Commando: From the moment Lusk was born he was trained to be the perfect warrior. Receiving classes in hand to hand to hand combat, demolitions, marksmanship, combat awareness, and leadership. Lusk has four years of non stop training under his belt to prove his capability.

Natural born leader: Along side of his training on leadership and values, Lusk portrays the natural skills of a leader more so than his fellow brothers. He could lead a group of banthas out of a firefight if he had to.

Clone aging: Unless the cure for clone aging isn't rediscovered from the planet Kamino, Lusk will only live to be 35 to 40 years old before dying and more than likely will stop becoming combat effective at 30.

Less Shiny: Although Lusk is far older and apart from his freshly made clone brothers, he still has been on very few actual combat operations. His time is mostly spent on Cartao training and preparing to mobilize with the main army.

APPEARANCE: Almost never seen without his armor on Lusk is a tall, built, and well shaved clone. His dark skin and hair are normally trimmed and tattooed with streaks of red and black down his cheeks to help set him apart.

BIOGRAPHY: Grown in thirty days safely with the help of a Ysalamir Lusk was part of the Beta initiative for the Mantis cloning project. Starting off as Clone Trooper A dash zero zero twelve Lusk was born into the body of a ten year old child where he was flash trained the basics. Reading, math, speech, etc, so it would not overload his brain and give him clone madness like the Spaarti Clones of the past. 0012 started his training as a beta clone and showed excellent progress above all of his other brother, and was quickly promoted to squad leader taking command of the 48 men in his squad. After showing greater results in a leadership position Lusk was again promoted to platoon commander and had control of his hundred plus brethren.

Continuing to grow and train on Cartao Lusk continued to push and fight until he was the commander and officer of his entire Beta test wave of 1000 clone troopers. Lusk had fought hard and he was now leading what would become one of the largest clone armies the galaxy had seen in this current timeline. Lusk and his brothers at the age of three finished their basic training and were put forward for advanced combat commando programs where they would thrive and learn until graduating at the age of six. Now the most highly trained and advanced warriors in the army they are responsible for training more instructors and clones in the mandolorian ways and culture of battle. Waiting until they are deployed to their first assignment.










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