Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Cold, Cold, Carbonite

Rustbuckets will never go out of style.
A cantina was one of the most stereotypical places for a Bounty to reside that Leenic half-expected the man to be somewhere else entirely. He pulled the bounty puck off of his belt and set it down on the table, studying the man. He looked about in his mid-thirties with high cheekbones and a scrawny neck. "Probably a businessman." He said, studying the man further. After a couple minutes, he became bored with this and promptly put the puck back on his belt.

He sat in the cantina for a few minutes, and decided to practice his force abilities out of sheer lack of excitement. He then looked around to make sure no one was looking at him, and then extended his hand towards a cup across the table from him. Using most of his energy, he was able to lift it up and pull it into his hand. He smiled and leaned back, breathing heavily from the effort.
"I guess you could call that progress." He sighed, looking around once again for his target.

P Placeholder 0128 Vher Nall Vher Nall
Prey: P Placeholder 0128
Other Hunters: Leenic Ellsil Leenic Ellsil

Empires, Republics, Alliances, they all came and went on Coruscant. There had been a changing of hats and sigils but the world was almost always the same. Bureaucrats above, and scum hidden below the shiny surface just waiting for the unfortunate fool that had the gall to peak. This would be a true hunt; Vher Nall's time away from the galactic scene left him ignorant to the political powers at play. From what he gathered his target was the former head of Coruscant's current ruling entity. No doubt a worthy adversary, and a Jedi to boot. Even more than credits, the Dashade craved the hunt for it offered some small modicum of vengeance. He'd once been defeated by a Master Jedi and in his defeat was taken by his own employers and sold off to the Houses of Affavan. This would be his redemption.

This far down, those in the upper levels wouldn't even recognize the core's crown jewel. Fungus grew along ruined ventilation shafts. Decaying conduits leaked water and sewage, which spilled over the walkway. The underbelly's natural musk was that of neglect, urine and cheap booze. Vher Nall's armored boot kicked aside spiced out Twi-lek who had stretched across the railway. The miscreant shouted a few obscenities but the Hunter paid him no mind. Why chase one of Coruscant's most well-regarded figures in the lower levels? Well where else could one ask questions without outing themselves? Where the capital world would take Vher Nall, he did not know, all he could be sure of was that his quarry would make for a memorable hunt.

The Dashade shot around a corner and came across "Sardok's Saloon." Here he would meet his contact and the hunt would truly begin. Vher Nall entered the establishment and gave the run down bar a quick scan. His armor's heads up display picked up a dozen patrons, but no sign of his... associate. The massive armored alien marched past a human and a gran playing pazaak. For now, the Predator would be made to wait for the details of his prey.

"May this hunt be an honorable one," he whispered, taking a seat in the corner of the bar.

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