Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cloudy With A Chance of Dogfights (Polaris)

Zelda Tarys

My Hair Isn't Dyed
"It gets me in more trouble, is what it does..."

Zelda huffed and sat down, leaning against the wall and staring at his empty gun as if he was wondering if he could destroy all the spice with a few bullets and a fast trigger finger. He definitely figured out that he couldn't.

"It's spice, girlie... one of the most addicting frakking drugs known to the galaxy. I hate the stuff. Wish it could all burn."

[member='Polaris Sovereign']

Zelda Tarys

My Hair Isn't Dyed
Zelda gave her an annoyed look, running his fingers through his hair. Who cared what kind of spice he was carrying? Not him. He just wanted it off his ship. It felt like she was messing with him, and he didn't want to be messed with.

"I don't know, and I don’t care. Sniff some, if you feel like finding out. Just don't open it near me."
For what seemed like almost forever, she took the glass vital and slid it into one of her many robe pockets. She grew an amused smile on her face, and stepped forward a single step. "I give you my thanks, for this... spice. May I ask where you have taken the ship? I would like to be dropped off on the next space station." She kept an eased look on herself, but didn't feel the same way.

She felt strange next to this creature, not like the public transports.

Zelda Tarys

My Hair Isn't Dyed
"Oh, yeah... A heading would be good..."

Zelda leaned on the wall to help himself up, rubbing his eyes under his glasses. Some spice must've gotten into the air, because it was making his eyes water. He took his shades off as he opened the hold again and started walking towards the cockpit. Even though his eyes were red now, there was still a bit of an excited look about the blue-haired pilot.

"Sooooo, this ship is flying us right to Port Nowhere. Very old smugglers' den. You can sell your spice, and I can sell my whiskey, and we'll both be happy."

[member="Polaris Sovereign"]

Zelda Tarys

My Hair Isn't Dyed
"Oh, yeah..."

Almost as an afterthought, Zelda spun in his chair and grabbed a blaster pistol that was almost as heavy as his slugthrower out from under the main console. Good idea to get his guest (Or whatever the hell she was) prepared for the true loveliness of Port Nowhere.

"You are going to carry this as long as we're at Nowhere. Because friendly rivalry goes the frak out the window there."

[member="Polaris Sovereign"]
The Princess slowly picked up the gun, acting weak for the sense of pity, and dragged it back to her seat to hold firmly to her chest. Honestly, now, she was only wanting one thing, and that one thing was for all of this mess to end so she could go enjoy some delicious spice.

[member="Zelda Tarys"]

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