Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Open Market Citalee Spacers Guild


  • Image Source: X
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Corporation Name: Citalee Spacers Guild
  • Headquarters: The ilhuicatl (Starship)
  • Locations: Xak Tharakus
  • Operations:
    • Starship Manufacture
    • Terraforming Research
    • Starship Repair and Maintenance
    • Exploration / Exploitation (Mining)
    • Research and Development (Airspace)
  • Parent Corporation: Excan Tlahtoloyan
  • Subsidiaries: N/A
Citalee is one of three founding members of the Excan Tlahtoloyan and as such one of its most influential members. Contrary to the large influential power they have become, the Citalee's origins are unremarkable, and their involvement with the Excan Tlahtoloyan was a matter taken out of their hands when they lost significant territories during the many ancient conflicts forcing them to join for protection and access to agricultural trade. However, this encouraged Citalee to invest in other areas of technology, and with the discovery of new elements and materials in the mountainous regions they came to occupy Citalee quickly became a technological powerhouse albeit not within military technologies.

This set them up perfectly for the years following the unification wars, as other tribes turned to them and their technologies to repair and rebuild. With significant investment and interests, they would soon come to dominate the technological market allowing them to position themselves as one of the most powerful political and technological powers in Avali society with their crowning achievement being the first faction to establish a significant presence in the void.

Since then the Citalee has become a household name, with many Guilds using their services for manufacturing void craft and providing logistical support to Migrant Fleets, including significant contributions in the fields of Terraforming.

Due to the ceaseless need for raw materials and supplies, the Citalee are one of the more approachable Avali Guilds actively seeking out new avenues for trade and business partners.

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