Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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16-Bit madness
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////accessing file 037982........

NAME: CI-1212
RANK: None
AGE: 7 galactic standard years

SEX: Male personality implemented into systems
HEIGHT: 7' 2"
WEIGHT: 327 pounds
EYES: Green
HAIR: None



This artificial life form is capable of learning at an accelerated rate, however continues to retain a child-like state of curiosity. Its curiosity is matched only by its sheer strength, which it only achieves after receiving its humanoid shell. Though its timing is impeccable, it can often be distracted by random objects and occurrences, a problem sentients refer to as ADHD.


While not in a body, CI-1212 has no appearance, unless access to a holoviewer is made. In this instance, it takes a ghostly humanoid form, with no visible distinct features, and glows a deep mixture of blue and red. In its current shell, it is silver, with gold plating in most areas. The eye sockets emit a green color when activated.
BIOGRAPHY: CI-1212 is an artificial intelligence being crafted for the general purpose of serving the greater good. Name of creator is unknown. Born from the single spark of one's mind, this A.I. is truly a spectacle. Living in a literal box for the majority of its early life, it learned all it could from scouring the holonet for information about the galaxy. After almost two years, the creator, felt it best to have his creation go out and actually explore all it had been learning about. Building a shell, he uploaded the A.I. into it, taught it all of its capabilities, and prepared it for whatever planet it wished to explore. After looking at an updated map of the known galaxy, CI-1212 chose the planet Coruscant, for all of the possible information possibilities. Sentient interaction was crucial for its learning, it reasoned. Put in a one-way pod, it was rocketed off to the city planet, it waited patiently, for years, to land upon its destination.

SHIP: None.


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