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Work In Progress Children of the Watch

ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ

"When one chooses to walk the Way of the Mandalore, you are both hunter and prey.
How can one be a coward if one chooses this way of life?

―The Armorer
  • Religion Name: Way of the Mandalore
  • Religion Type: Non-theistic
  • Influence: Interplanetary
  • Influence Area: Scattered safehouses across the galaxy, often in the outer rim territories
  • Symbol:
    • (Pictured below)A stylized Shriek-hawk, diving towards prey. This represents those who follow "The Way of the Mandalore"
    • (Pictured below)Variations of the Neo-Crusader Sigil. This represents those who follow "The Way of the Crusader"
    • (Pictured below)A variation of the Nite Owl Sigil. This represents those who follow "The Way of the Ronin"
      • It is often associated with remnants of Aloy Vizsla's Nite Owl super commandos.
  • Description: [ Give a general description of the religion. ]
    • Sub-sects:
  • Founder: Unknown, Assumed Disillusioned Ex-Death Watch Crusaders

  • Membership: [ How does one become a part of this religion? Are they born into it? Are there ceremonies that one must go through? Is simply believing enough? Explain any processes that must be adhered to, if applicable. ]

  • Sacred: [ What is inviolate and sacrosanct to members of this religion? More than simple belief, what is sacred? A location? A particular animal? A specific text? Nothing below the gods themselves? Include any applicable links. ]

  • Dogma:
    • Highly modified interpretation of the Resol'nare, referred to as "The Creed"
      1. Education
        • Education is the first tenant of "The Creed". It is expected that one will become caretaker to an aspirant and teach them The Way. This includes but is not limited to
        • Basic defense of themselves and their home.
        • A basic understanding of the galaxy and the beasts which call it home.
        • How to care for one's armor and weapons, as well as handling them.
        • Wilderness survival.
        • Basic Starship piloting.
        • Frequent lessons in speaking the Mandalorian language.
        • The basics of various chores around the covert.
      2. Armor
        • Armor is the second tenant of "The Creed", And believed to be a center piece of the Mandalorian Identity. It is expected that aspirants and fully fledged Mandalorians will only remove their helmets when necessary, But various subsects
      3. Self defense
      4. Tribe
      5. Our Language
      6. Our leader
"I adhere to The Creed.
The core of what it means to be Mandalorian.

A sacred law giving us direction and purpose.

Education, armor,
self defense, our tribe,
our language, our leader-
All help us survive"
"Ni atioa at Branr.
e'yar'aor be meg bic tid'ica at cuyir Mando'ad.
A ta'hye nadetr dinuir mhi ka'ulya bal narser.

"Ba'jur, beskar'gam,

Ara'nov, ha'yr.
Mando'a bal Mand'alor-

An vencuyan mhi"
  • Reputation: To outsiders, those who follow the Way of the Mandalore appear to be little more than Mandalorians. Few outside their creed or that of other Mandalorians would even know of their existence. But among Mandalorians outside of those who have taken this creed, The Children of The Watch are regarded with us much suspicion as they are curiosity.
    The Children of the Watch have done little to convince their fellow Mandalorians to see them as anything else, With most of their practitioners preferring to keep to themselves. Even in Mandalorian territories, Those who follow The Way keep their coverts well hidden. Most would be surprised to learn there were ever practitioners among them in the first place.
    What makes it difficult to their entire religion through any other lens than caution, are the many sub-sects that have developed since Death Watch disbanded. Each tribe has it's own slight variations, and certain sub-sects that might be shared between coverts within a single star-system or sector, may have radically different interpretations and even policies in dealing with outsiders.

[ Mention any notable PCs or NPCs that are part of this religion and their role/title/position within it - alternatively link to a blog post with this information if you would like to keep an active player roster. You may also request a sub mod to add/remove members. Link any relevant characters or NPC submissions. ]

[ Include a description of the religion's history here. Describe who created it, when, how and why it was created, any historical events and memories tied to the people who follow this religion, major events, etc. ]


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