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Caydence Naval Yards


Engineer, Caydence Naval Yards
Corporation Name: Caydence Naval Yards

Headquarters: Carratos

Locations: City of Chofin (Carratos)

Operations: Ship building/repair, Vehicle Development, Vehicle Maintenance, R&D.

Rationale: Caydence Naval Yards was once ran by the grandfather of Vance Caydence, who partnered with a man by the name of Hal Garros. The two men ran Garros Naval Yards for thirty years together before Vance's father, Athen, and his brothers (Nigel and Caide) bought out the business in their twenties; changing the name to Caydence Naval Yards thereafter. Athen is considered the company's owner, with Vance Caydence running the freighter wing of the Yards.

Tier: Tier II.

Description: Caydence Naval Yards is the premiere destination for all wayfarers and star cruisers in the O'pahz System. It functions as both a ship manufacturer and repair yard, the latter being the company's primary form of income due to the rather dangerous occupation of a large portion of the planet's residents. The planet of Carratos remains much as it did in the Golden Age of the galaxy, functioning as a warring independent system, rife with the criminal aspect of piracy. It has a fledgling government that has set itself up in the wake of the Alliance leaving this section of space, but most of its operations are meant to mainly act as a hedge against total anarchy ruining the planet. CNY has maintained its functionality due - in large part - to the pirates who need to keep their ships in the skies. It has also found its means of protection through many of those same avenues - if the shipyards were to suddenly go under, the pirates of the planet would decimate each other, likely ending the only enterprise the system had going for it. Piracy helped maintain the economy, believe it or not. Because of it, credits tended to flow through the system, and there was no shortage of goods or materials for them to sell off.

CNY continues to thrive and innovate because of its dedication and work ethic; not to mention their harsh stance against the taboos of piracy (slave trading, drug-running and the like). They will refuse to work with any such illegal enterprise that will compromise their integrity, and any crew or vessel that decides to act against them usually ends up on the wrong side of the other pirate crews who use their services. Not to mention, the CDF itself. There are, of course, certain acts of "privateering" that they will turn a blind eye to. After all, they have to maintain their status quo somehow.

Subsidiaries: None currently.

Parent Corporation: None.

Primary Source: Carratos En Fugue
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