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Cat Van-Derveld

NAME: Cat Van-Derveld
RANK: Knight
SPECIES: Nar Shaddian Human
AGE: 30
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’2’’
WEIGHT: 190lbs
EYES: Blue/Grey
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: Caucasian, pale


+ Warrior – Cat has lived most of his life by the sword, learning from a very early age that strength meant survival. His battle-scarred body is testament to the fact that he is a survivor in every sense of the word.

+ Unique Form – Over the years, Cat drifted away from the established forms of lightsaber combat, developing his own style of fighting that combines various aspects of swordplay and martial arts. While not necessarily making him any stronger than an opponent, it does make him harder to predict.

+ Intelligence – While his aggressive nature might lead some to see Cat as nothing more than a violent brute, he is actually remarkably intelligent. Cold and calculating, he says little, but his mind is constantly churning with schemes and plots.

+ Manipulative and perceptive – Cat is exceptionally good at reading between the lines in the behavior he witnesses. As such, has an innate ability to use the information gained through this perception to his own advantage, whether it be in combat, politics or other aspects of his life.

+/- Berserker – Cat is prone to fits of rage in combat, when he will lose all semblance of his humanity and rationality, increasing the risk of harm to himself as well as his foes.

+/- Fanatical Devotion – Cat is fiercely loyal by his very nature. This can be both an advantage and a disadvantage, as those he serves, both mortal leaders and worshipped gods, could easily lead him to destruction as well as glory.

+/- Confidence and Conviction – While these traits may generally be seen as positive, they have been known to get Cat into serious trouble in the past, when his stubbornness and overconfidence has prevented him from seeing the danger in a situation, or dismissing it as irrelevant.

- Self destructive nature – Hedonistic, animalistic, sadistic and masochistic to the extreme, Cat’s lifestyle is one of excess in all its forms, violent or otherwise. He cares little for his own wellbeing, something very apparent in his actions.

- Remorseless and indifferent – No stranger to suffering, Cat believes wholeheartedly that it is the way of the Galaxy, feeling no remorse for the pain he causes others. Since adopting the religion of the Moross Crusade, he believes that everything that happens is the will of the Divines and should not be questioned or dwelled upon.

- Jealousy and possessiveness – While Cat is often lacking in very few things that he desires, sometimes the need to have more, or prevent others from taking what is his, can influence his actions heavily. Whether it be coveting the power, influence or possessions of another or being fiercely and blindly protective and possessive of something that he regards as his (whether it actually is or not), Cat’s desires often override his sense of reason.

- Egotistic, reckless and intolerant – Cat is capable of being incredibly self-centered at times, casting aside the concerns and needs of others without a second thought if it helps achieve his goals. He is also increasingly reckless, caring little for the odds even when taking risks that hold sway over lives and deaths. Finally, he is violently intolerant of those who speak out against the Moross Crusade or the Divines or choose to side against him; motives do not matter to Cat, if you say something, regardless of the reason for it, he will hold you accountable.

Standing at 6’2’’, Cat Van-Derveld's powerful and toned frame is an imposing one to say the least. His pale, white skin is heavily scarred from blades, claws, teeth and blaster bolts alike; his tan long faded from the lack of sun since he left Tatooine two decades ago. His pale, almost greyish blue eyes hold a seething anger within them, a product of his violent life. When the dark side flows through him, instead of his eyes turning an acrid, sulfurous yellow, then turn jet black, a trait he and his half-brother Ket have always shared. Cat's dark brown hair often hangs at shoulder length or slightly longer, unkempt and shaggy. He also sports a short, rough beard that covers his lower jaw and frames his mouth.

Cat Van-Derveld is another of Diego Van-Derveld's bastard children, born to a slave girl named Alera on the Crime-ridden moon of Nar Shaddaa only a year after his half brother Ket had been born on the same planet. Their paths were not destined to cross, however, as Cat and his mother was sold to a Hutt named Vagga on Tattooine shortly after his birth. Cat himself never knew anything about his biological father or siblings until much later in life.

Until the age of nine, Cat lived a simple, albiet poor life in Mos Eisley. One night, the Hutt known as Dar'shok had sent a few enforcers to rough up their owner over some sort of deal gone wrong. In the ensuing fight, Alera was killed. Afterwards, Dar'shok forcefully took control of Vagga's estate, slaves included. A few years passed and Cat was relegated to tasks even too menial for a droid, until one day Dar'shok, having grown bored of his usual entertainment, decided to pit his slaves against eachother in a series of violent contests.

These contests varied from simple fist fights to survival tasks, each increasing in difficulty as the events went on. When Cat was fifteen, he was forced into the competitions. He excelled, learning quickly how to end a mans life. Filled with rage and hatred for his captors, he used it to fuel him, to give him a reason to survive. By the final round, he had lost count of how many deaths he had witnessed.

The final round consisted of the slaves being unceremoniously dumped all over the never-ending desert, with no supplies and no indication of where they were. Their task was to make it back to Mos Eisley. Their reward? A job. The winning slave would be freed and employed by the Hutt, with pay and lodgings far superior to anything they had known.

Cat was no fool. Surviving the desert was going to be near impossible, he knew that. He decided to move at night and rest during the scorching days. He found a few slaves dead from dehydration in the first week, killed a few more while they slept during the second. And so it continued, the young man killing for supplies, until he discovered a Tusken Raider Camp. He heard the screams of several slaves as they were tortured, but instead of continuing on his way as most would, he knew that the Tuskens had supplies he required. He moved silently, his footsteps covered by the screams. Within half an hour, he had disappeared back into the night, loaded with as much food and water as he could carry and a single curved knife, that he still carries to this day. By the time he arrived back in Mos Eisley, he realized he was not the first. Another slave stood before Dar'shok. Cat's blade sliced the man's throat, leaving the Hutt laughing and applauding.

Over the next few years, Cat became one of Dar'shok's most ruthless enforcers, leaving bloody reminders of why the Hutt was not to be crossed. Cat was seen as one of the most loyal, until at the age of eighteen, he massacred every living thing in the palace, saving the great slug for last. He had been planning it since the day his mother had been killed, hiding his true intentions and his rage until the time was right.

After selling Dar'shok's estate and off-world holdings for a extraordinary fee, Cat left the desert planet behind. Hiring a crew of mercenaries on Nar Shaddaa, he conducted a series of raids on trade fleets. Not for the money, but to lure out a greater prize. After a few months, one of the fleets was guarded by an aging Ardent-Class Fast Frigate. Losses were heavy, but Cat and his men managed to get aboard the Frigate and capture it. The crew's loyalty was easy to gain, as they looted the fleet they had previously been protecting.

Weeks of raiding faded into months, months into years. Feeling increasingly lost and lacking purpose, Cat spiraled into self-destruction. His raids grew more reckless as he chose more aggressive strategies and higher profile targets. He might have led himself and his men to their deaths, if he hadn't been saved. Ket Van-Derveld, Cat's long lost half brother, took Cat under his wing, teaching him how to focus his rage and become something far greater than he had ever dreamed.

Cat eventually found himself in the sectors of space held by the Moross Crusade. They pledged their allegiance to the Crusade and their Divines and the ship was renamed The Devourer's Herald. The crew and their captain had changed dramatically. Cat, now trained in the ways of the Dark Side of the Force, became devoted to the Divines to almost fanatical degrees. More recently, the Sith felt something calling him, causing him to journey out into the Galaxy once more. Something out there was waiting for him, something out there needed him...
Miscellaneous Information

Ardent-Class Fast Frigate - 'Devourer's Herald' - Cat's Personal Frigate


image credit - wookieepedia article -



Lightsaber - 'Fenris' - Crimson bladed, given to him by his Brother, Ket Van-Derveld.

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Knife - 'Vendetta' - Stolen from a Tusken Camp

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Force Powers
Force Speed – action or motion used to accelerate normal movements quicker

Force Leap or Force Jump – Leaping or Jumping abilities that travel higher

Force Pull and Force Push – Pulling or Pushing objects and it is similar to telekinetic Pull or Push use

Force Throw – Throwing objects away and it is similar to telekinetic Throw use

Force Persuasion, Mind Speak, Receptive and Projective Telepathy - You can receive an emotion and thought from others and then return thoughts via the Force to the same individual. This is a form of Force communication.

Force Control Pain – used to help with controlling your physical pain

Force Levitation - involves using telekinesis aided by the Force to lift yourself or items into the air

Force Sense - allow Force sensitive users to feel the Force energies around them and you will sense the force in a certain place and whether it is light or dark.

Force Shield - ability to raise a lesser Force Shield or Force Energy Wall

Force Resonate - allows a person to send a vibrating resonance into an object or area of material
Roleplaying thread links

Pity is for the Weak - Joining the Sith Empire
The Lost Lupine's Return - Encountering other Sith
Footprints in the Snow - Cat sends a message
The Vaults - Exploring beneath the Sith Temple
Kith and Kin - Cat spends time with Darius Van-Derveld
The Wolves at your door - Cat and his nephew goad the Jedi into action
Treasure Ship Row - Cat spends some time with his Niece
The Will of the Force be done - Cat meets another of his Nieces
Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire - A young Sith seeks Cat out for advice
Bonds of Blood - Cat introduces Razielle to his daughter
Ouroboros - Yet another of Cat's Nieces joins the Sith
Something Borrowed - Cat spends some time with Razielle
Brotherhood of the Wolf - Cat meets a Jedi Guardian
Dathomir: Aurek - The Jedi come to investigate Dathomir after the Sith conquer it - Vega Van-Derveld vs Cat Van-Derveld
The Void - Cat and a Sith Lordess massacre Witches on Dathomir
Unexpected Visitor - Cat and Auswyn have an intimate encounter

The Killing Moon - Cat is promoted by Razielle to Rank 2
Tradition - The Sith Council calls the Empire together
Don't tread on me - Cat witnesses a dispute between Lordess and Master
Ancient History - Cat witnesses the return of a legend
Unicus Potentis - Cat witnesses the promotion of a fellow apprentice of Razielle
Town Hall Meeting - A mass meeting of the Sith
The Throne of Elders - Cat witnesses Razielle's promotion to Sith Master and Council Member
Rise of the Young Wolf - Cat witnesses Darius' promotion to Sith Warrior

Academia Malefica: Duae - Sith Philosophy Class
Returning to a life of battle - Razielle trains Cat (Rank 1)
Weapons of War - Razielle trains Cat (Rank 2)

Dathomir: Taur Akh - One group of Sith prepares for battle against the Witches of Dathomir
Dathomir: Convergance - The bloody culmination of the Campaign to take Dathomir
Korriban: The Beginning - Part of a series retaking Korriban for the Sith
Korriban: Landfall - Part of a series retaking Korriban for the Sith
Morituri Te Salutamus - (Beta Team - Catacombs) - Part of a series retaking Korriban for the Sith


Yet to be completed

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Cat Van-Derveld"] - Rank transfer approved at Knight, if you want it, and welcome aboard. When you request your rank tags, link to this post as your proof.

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