Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Castor Sammix

Matron Malgus

"This is a new day, a new beginning"
FACTION: Unaffiliated
RANK: Untrained
SPECIES: Corellian
AGE: 24
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 1.90 meters (6'3)
WEIGHT: 95.25 kg (210 lbs)
EYES: Yep.
HAIR: Obviously
SKIN: I would hope so.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Loyal: Perhaps his greatest positive trait is his unwavering loyalty to those who have earned it. He's the type of guy, when you've earned his loyalty, you will find no greater ally and friend.
+ Resilient: He has an unnatural resilience to temptations in any form - doubly so when it comes to his loyalty being in question.

+/- Pilot: Neither the greatest pilot, nor the worst, Castor is able to navigate the stars with relative ease.
+/- Antique: He has a greater love for all things old and valuable, ranging from dilapidated structures to failing star ships, as long as they are old - he likes them. He has become somewhat of an avid explorer for all things old, as it is through the ancient things that he finds he is most at home.

- Arrogant: a facade put up to protect himself from revealing emotion. He plays arrogant as his most dominant personality trait to prevent others from witnessing the truth behind how he really feels or thinks.
- Untrained (Force): His lack of training gets in the way of carving out his own niche in the galaxy. It is also a sore point for him, and one of his greatest weaknesses.
- Sarcastic: Nearly every word that leaves his lips is laced with sarcasm, many have accused him of not knowing when to take things seriously.

Nothing truly distinguishable.

Born a Corellian, one would have expected Castor to be an above excellent pilot, and for a time he was. He was at home behind the wheel of a starship, but had little tolerance for anything that wasn't Corellian in manufacturing. He grew up in a family of pilots and ship builders, soldiers and explorers, his life was definitely not the dullest. His mother was an explorer, often times being gone for months upon months in search of relics of the ancient civilizations and lost artifacts - but, Castor loved her still. His father was a soldier for the Republic during the time of the Clone Wars, and died on Felucia at the side of Jedi Master Aayla Secura, refusing to enact Order 66.

His uncle was a master pilot, and taught young Castor everything he knew, which led to him becoming a superior pilot in many ways. He had a natural instinct for navigating the stars and avoiding trouble, but all of that was lost when he was thrown into Carbonite by some Hutt enemies when he faked a few bounties to steal from the Cartel. There he remained frozen in carbonite, at the age of twenty four, until now - the signal from a decaying ship floating in the Outer Rim, has come alive signaling that he is there.

Now comes the time to carve out a new life, in a new galaxy.

Turhaya (Bright Star)
A ship belonging to an old character of mine, being used with a new name for this character.
None yet.



None yet.

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