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Castamere Kimono

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist

Intent: To create an armored Kimono for Matsu to wear under a cloak
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Sasori
Model: Jedi Kimono
Affiliation: Jedi/republic
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
  • Armorweave
  • Glistaweb
  • Shell Spider silk
Description: Created using traditional atrisian methods with the silks. Made from a single bolt of silk 36cm wide and 11 metres long, which has been cut into seven straight pieces. Two panels - each extending up the front, over the shoulder and down the back - create the body, two the sleeves, two more the overlaps, and a narrower panel the neckband. Using a loom the glistaweb bought from Akuze leather works it fashioned into the weave to create a very tight and thick outfit. The use of high grade armor weave pressed close to the skin like an under robe as well as a traditional sarashi used for binding of the chest.

The sewing together using the glistaweb to even out the armor weave that goes from feet to neck then down to the jedi masters hands. The laufeyson bracelet created from Taozin flesh and able to obscure a force users signature to all but the strongest ones sensing. A small bonus that can be done and with the armorweave providing protection from sabers the glistaweb is surprisingly effective at protecting from blaster fire. Thanks to the datadrons and information provided by Isley Verd in exchange for stuff she has copied to her own private collection.

After their meeting and exchange that netted her a strong star destroyer which over Drunkenwell she set to be placed under the care of a good friend Alli Wren. With the information provided and skills in force enhancement of weapons and armor giving it an aura when not on worlds such as Myrkr. The shimmering aura created when Matsu wears it adds to the durability and protection. Something she has been practicing throughout the order with small enhanced trinkets and gear.

The sigil and Murr earrings a small but decently powerful showing for a jedi dabbling in alchemy. The major difference is though that force enhancement creates a powerful aura while the ritualistic alchemy needs blood, usually innocent blood. This has not given it the fullest durability possible but a strong amount while in area's that can feel the force or is heavily dependent on Matsu's connection. (IE forcebreakers and others using it severely weakens the durability as this is a deeply personal item)

Classification: Multi-purpose

Weight: 5kg 535.92g

  • Against Sabers: 9
  • Against Blasters 9
Other Feature(s):
  • Taozin bracelet (jedi item) in sleeve
  • Sheath on back
  • Sheath up sleeve
  • Miner protection against lightning

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Matsu Ike"] - With apologies, denied on concept.
  • It is impossible to mix alchemy and Vong biotech and Force-imbuement.
  • A Class 9 kimono? That would require a far, far more substantive and relevant dev thread.

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