Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cassandra Fenri

NAME: Cassandra Fenri​
FACTION: Mandolorian​
RANK: Soldier, force user apprentice​
AGE: 26​
SEX: Female​
HEIGHT: 6’ 6”​
WEIGHT: 150 Ilbs​
EYES: Blue​
HAIR: Black​
SKIN: White​
+Military Training
-Can be stubborn at times
-Tends to be headstrong in battle
When in battle Cassandra wears her Mandolorian armor. Otherwise she’ll wear a black leather jacket and pants with a red undershirt and a gold belt. Tiara sometimes included.​
Growing up in Mandalorian space Cassandra’s family had been one of prestige. All of her family members dating back generations were all part of the Mandalore’s grand marshal forces ever since they’re renounced their so-called peaceful ways and became the warriors of old that they were. There have been rumors, however, that Fenri family was among those who helped to instigate this change to the older ways of Mandalore’s people, linking them to the group known as Death Watch.​
While these rumors were never confirmed there were still some who chose to believe as such. But the Fenri’s did not let that hinder themselves or their performances over the years as they served to be some of the best soldiers and commanders in the military forces.​
Being born into such a family Cassandra had been told how she would one day take up the same mantel as well; perhaps even going further. She’d dreamed of the day of leading her forces into battle ever since she was little. It was what helped keep her strong over the years and what drove her throughout her life during the good and bad times that occurred. While wanting to go as soon as she was able her parents wanted her to at least continue a few more years in school, saying it helped to have a strong mind as well as a strong body.​
When she was ready enough Cassandra joined in the forces and began her basic training. She was among the top of her students to succeed, however a recent discover made some question if it was her skills or something else. During her training it was revealed she could use the force, a first occurrence her in family line. Some claimed it was because of this that Cassandra succeeded so well, despite her claims to not even be aware of her gifts.​
In the end it was decided that she would still be allowed to serve in the military but only while being taught by a force user master in the meantime. Now given this new perspective of life Cassandra hopes to use her force abilities as another weapon in battle while trying to understand her newfound capabilities.​

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