Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Carl Jackson

Carl Jackson


Name: Carl Jackson​
Nickname: CJ​
Faction: Unaligned​
Rank: Criminal​
Species: Human​
Age: Twenty​
Height: 6 foot, 4 inches​
Weight: 234lbs​
Gender: Male​
Eyes: Brown​
Skin: Black​
Force Sensitive: No​
Strengths and Weaknesses:
Carl has the normal strengths and weaknesses as a petty criminal, maybe more maybe less, he was trained at a fairly young age many of the skills a criminal would use, such as hacking, slicing and basic knowledge of most weapons, Slugthrowers, Blasters and Vibroblades alike he knows how to use them in combat, or at least he has enough basic knowledge of them to kill someone. Carl is agile and light on his feet and he often uses freestyle running to escape the authorities. He has obvious muscular mass and he is physically capable of most things a non force sensitive person can do, but he excels at body building.

Because of his tangles with the law, Carl has a very bad criminal record, which prevents him from getting a very good job, people don't easily trust him although he is usually a nice guy until you piss him off, then he can go a little bit psycho. Carl is a alcoholic, often wasting millions of credits on drinks and whenever he stops at a planet, if he's not on business then he can be found in the best Cantina of the planet. Carl also has a little problem with his gambling, playing high risk games like Sarbaac.

Carl is black skinned, a natural color that most of his family share but he does have a few distinctions that makes it easier to tell him from his siblings, his hair is always in a tidy shaved style, making him appear almost bald, his eyes are brown although they are more browner they do resemble his mothers eyes a bit. He has a light moustache type facial hair and unlike his brothers Carl is decorated with tribal tattoos. He often dresses himself in white tank tops and casual jeans.

Carl 'CJ' Jackson is believed to have been born somewhere around the Coroscaunt system, if not on the planet itself and he was the youngest of 5 children, they were a very lower class family and his mothers alcoholism problems and addiction to Death Sticks didn't help very much. Without having a father Carl's brother had to find a job at the age of 14, he soon found one within a Cantina and became the main provider for the family, although that didn't prove or provide much because their mother continuously stole the money to feed her ever growing addictions.

Carl's brothers had already taught him the basic skills of a criminal, which came in pretty handy when it came to getting his own food. Despite all of the wrong she had done them Carl still felt sad for the death of his mother and soon fell in with a bad crowd, committing petty crimes until he robbed one of the biggest banking franchises in the galaxy and ended up in a top security Coroscaunt prison.

Standard Blaster​



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