Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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 Campaign Ideas?

Okay, I'll bite and offer some advice:

It's hard enough as it is to come up with fresh, fun ideas. It's even harder when someone provides absolutely zero information in regards to what they're looking for, what narrative they want to drive, and how exactly they want to run their story. You will undoubtedly notice threads like these often go unanswered and this is the primary reason. Give Chaos some details. Are you trying to make a combat-focused campaign or one that's about exploration and self discovery? How many people are you looking for? Will this story happen on a specific world or starship?

Crowd sourcing entire plots is not the norm here. Most folks will bounce ideas back and forth with a buddy, take something to the drawing board, and then maybe even drop an interest check thread to see if anyone wants to participate. It's much, much easier to garner attention and traction when you've got most of the pieces in place. You could even do a 'trial run' campaign with a few interested folks in some generic, dungeon-esque setting and see if they like the way you do things.

To sum:
  • Tell people what you're looking for and provide contextual information when asking for feedback and advice on something.
  • If you are looking for folks to refine your ideas, this is a perfect place for that. If you are looking for people to build you something from scratch, no - that is your responsibility.

Eslo Anderson Eslo Anderson
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I was thinking and I now think I should make a better version of the Rise of Skywalker, this time there isn't even a Palpatine clone. Instead, I have an idea on having Palpatine return that does not mean it was the real Palpatine, the idea is that before his death he placed an imprint on one of his Lightsabers an echo of who he was before the events of Return of the Jedi when his power was at its height. I was inspired by Echoes of Oblivion, the latest story update for SWTOR for this idea and I need some more ideas to add to the table, if you think that the Skywalkers should make a return, or if another canon character should return. Give me your ideas I would love to hear your idea's for this epic finale to the Skywalker Saga in roleplay format.

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