Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Calm In the Eye of the Storm (Open)

Bond was totally content with this lovely day on Naboo. The sky was clear, the air smelled good, and there was nobody around to question why a silver droid was happily lying on the grass and wearing jeans and combat boots. With no overcharge in his body right now, the rods on his shoulders were tucked away, and the spots on his body that would light up were only a light grey.

The only thing that might have made the day better was maybe his pet nexu... but he wasn't thinking about that now. He was happy.


Poro want a Poro Snack!
Poro wasn't a nexu, but he was cute. 'Nuff said. Poro was studiously making his way across the grass, staring at the ground, sniffing and searching for any signs of a Poro Snack.

He didn't notice [member="Darth Raijin"] until he bumped into his side. With a muffled squeak of surprise, he bumped his face into the hard, clothed metal and tumbled backwards a few inches. He started pawing his smushed face until he looked up and inquisitively squeaked at the figure. Maybe he had a Poro Snack?
Raijin looked at the little thing that he'd just felt bump into him... Oh, lord, it was frakking adorable! It was squeaking at him, probably looking for food or hugs. If it was the latter the little fuzzball was looking for, the Knight was more than happy to oblige. He picked up the little creature and chuckled, looking through his pocket for something edible. Being a Shard, that wasn't the most probable place to find some food, but he did anyway. A little bit of half-melted sugary stuff that was probably candy a few hours before that. He offered it to the furball and said, "Well, little guy, you wanna snack?"



Poro want a Poro Snack!
He squeaked in surprise when he was picked up. Poro wasn't sure if he liked this or not, so he had a wide-eyed neutral look on his face...that is, until the candy was pulled out. When that happened, Poro immediately started to pant; his face looked like it was smiling. He took a small step forward, lifted one paw up in the air, and let his unusually large tongue hang out and lay on [member="Darth Raijin"]'s hand. His little paw wiggled in the air towards the sweet, sweet smelling sugary stuff in a manner that meant Can I has? I wants.
Raijin chuckled again as the little furball started panting for the treat. It was so adorable! He gently dropped the candy onto his new little friend's tongue. The Shard seriously wondered how that huge tongue had fit into the little mouth on this fuzzy ball of energy. He touched the tiny little paw that was outstretched towards him, and laughed some more, "Guess you did want that snack."

Xavka grunted as he looked about the plains of Naboo. The tanned Zabrak was currently dressed in his usual black jacket, fastened up to his neck, with baggy, black silk trousers. His feet were, as always, bare and a pouch was tied to his right thigh. However, this time there was something different about how Xavka looked, the sleeve for his left arm hung loose and empty. In his most recent job, Xavka had an encounter with an exploding building while he was inside of it and while he was able to save his life and the life of the Chiss with him, he had lost his arm. As such he had come to Naboo in an attempt to use the bounteous nature of the planet as a way to calm his raging emotions to a more manageable level, especially the self directed anger that filled him at the thought of his failure.

Growling, he pushed himself off of the ground and made his way towards where he sensed a Force Presence, maybe some conversation would be better at soothing him than staring at grass. As such, small thuds echoed around the Zabrak as his cane impacted with the ground.

[member="Darth Raijin"]


Poro want a Poro Snack!
Poro jumped up and down on top of the palm in glee, but then simply stopped. He turned on the palm and silently stared at [member="Xavka Duquo"] as he approached. Newcomers that seriously approached a person who fed Poro always gave Poro pause as to whether they were friend or foe.

[member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Darth Raijin"]
Rogen didn't know why he was on Naboo, but he had decided to try to get some quiet time for himself while he was here, he walked out into an open field/plain, scanning the area for anyone there. Rogen always did this when entering an unknown area. Something he did for his own safety.
Rogen had spotted two people and one... very fluffy animal...
He decided to approach, when, there it goes, that pin prick again. One of the people here were very strong within the force. Another was a little bit weaker within the force. But both of them were force sensitive.
[member="Poro"] | [member="Xavka Duquo"] |[member="Darth Raijin"] |
Raijin laughed again at the little furball's antics, and was about to try and scratch its belly when it suddenly looked away towards something else. He followed the gaze of those two huge black eyes and saw... a Zabrak with a missing arm? The missing arm wasn't even the weird part. The man was pretty noticeable in the Force, but something about him set off warning flags in Rai's brain. Nothing the Shard could do about that, except shrug and temporarily ignore it.

As Raijin was about to walk over to the Zabrak, he felt another presence behind him. A Jedi. Sure, it wasn't entirely certain that some random lightsider was a Jedi, but those of the Republic's order usually... smelled different, as far as the Force was concerned. And this kid smelled like a Padawan, for sure.

But what the hell was going on? He was just a droid playing with a small animal, as far as anybody could visually see. Why were these two guys approaching him out of nowhere?

[member="Poro"] [member="Rogen Gyll"] [member="Xavka Duquo"]
Slowly lowering his large frame to the ground with a slight groan as aches across the Zabrak's body were aggravated, Xavka lay his cane across his lap and turned his attention to the presence he had felt, a large armoured figure he vaguely thought he recognised as a Shard Iron Knight, and the fluffy creature in his arms, ignoring the approaching Lighter presence.

"Neither of you mind if I join you? Do you?" Xavka's usually rough voice was even more so than usual, due to him not speaking for a long period of time. "If you do, I don't mind leaving." He fell silent for a moment with his brows furrowed, as rather regular expression for the Zabrak over recent times. Suddenly moving, Xavka hit himself around the back of his own head in a rather harsh slap. "My apologies. I may be depressed but that does not mean I can forget manners. The name's Xavka Duquo, a pleasure."

[member="Darth Raijin"] | [member="Poro"]

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