Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cairu Zsemtsar

NAME:Cairu Zsemtsar
RANK: Sith Acolyte.
AGE: 28
SEX: Male.
WEIGHT: 108ibs
EYES: Reddish Yellow, Masked
HAIR: Dusky Brown
SKIN: Pinkish,Tannish hair


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Strength: Saber techniques, Weakness: Force attacks, Low blows)
APPEARANCE:Slender,Dark haired,Slender faced, Reddish Yellow eyes with Black slanted pupils.

BIOGRAPHY: Was born on Iridian, The homeworld of the Zabrak during the Old days of the Galaxy. During his time on Iridian he was one of many servant boys to the Zabraki Nobility. One day while being scorned by his cruel Master the boy put his hands up to try and soften the blow, he closed his eyes, when he didn't feel the strike he looked to hind his master sprawled out across the floor of the Palace. A few days later a Mysterious figure appeared claiming he New the boy and that he wanted ton Take him to Train in the Ways of the Sith (The Zabrak being unaware this strange man was a figure at the time) Eventually his superiors gave in and decided to sell the boy to the man for only a few Credits. This would prove to be a dire mistake for both the people of Iridian. It has begun.


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