Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Caile Nemorra

Caile Nemorra

NAME: Caile Nemorra
FACTION: Hutt Cartel/Tenloss Syndicate
AGE: 19
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'5"
WEIGHT: approximately 105 lbs
EYES: White
HAIR: Blond
SKIN: caucasian




Enhanced Reflexes: Due to the cybernetics that she was grafted with as a child she has acquired enganced, faster than usual reflexes that make her a formidable opponent even to a force wielder. Her reflexes are not only faster but also more honed and better trained in the art of hand-to-hand combat.

Heightened Leadership: Her cybernetics has made her a capable and skilled leader and commander in battle, it has lead her to become an unchallenged opponent on Vortusa and has lead her to win every engagement that she has come across, even though she is young she has won her fair share of wars and has attained the Vortek Federal Military rank of Commander of the Spec Ops 3rd battalion regiment and become an elite task force operative in the way of law enforcement and marshal service.

Enhanced Speed and Strength: Caile's speed ability comes from the cybernetics as well, she has been grafted with a handsome assortment of military and political hardware that has made her lose her connection with the force, under her approval she had the military scientists create a new cybernetic frame just for her that would allow her to be far more dangerous and elite in the armed forces of the Vortek Federal military Service, she was trained as a Federal Beret and augmented with experimental cyborg parts that allowed her to become stronger, faster and more capable with hand-to-hand and with fire power combat.

Warefare: Caile's cybernetics enhance her fully for combat and being an elite in the art of warfare, she is highly intelligent with command and can politically sway anyone who she thinks she could get to join her army.


Long exposure to resistance: even though she has augments that allow her to be far better with combat than most she cannot last an extended period of time before recharging and is needed at least five hours to rest and charge, if she does not get this rest she will power down and become unable to do her duties as a soldier and elite.

Static: Inorder to upgrade the programming in her cybernetics she needs to jack into a central information hub, if this signal is intercepted it could possibl be used against her in any way possible, this is what the scientists called Static at the time of the cybernetics creation.


Valor-class Republic Cruiser dubbed the "Silent Nite"

During the golden era of the old republic they had employed over 20,000 of these ships in their fleets to do combat with the sith, over time the ships were phased out and were believed to have been recycled and used for the design and construction of newer ships; this was proven to be inaccurate as the ships were sent to select worlds to be used as defense fleets by the controlling powers-to-be of those worlds, 18 were sent to the world of Vortusa and employed in their 5th regiment tactical defense fleet code named "FreekSho" it was said that the one Caile Nemorra dubbed the Silent Night was not only one of the best ships that was the fastest and best armed with defensive weapons and systems but also one of the more maneuverable in the fleets. It had a complimentary shield package that out beat most ships and a thicker, more denser hull that could withstand the fire of multiple dreadnaughts and battle cruisers at the same time.
When the Vortek employed the ships they barricaded the planet with them and had their fighter squadrons run tactical security sweeps at intervals throughout the day and night of the planet; the ships were only to be used whenever a threat came along that was paramount to the survival of the species.


During her youth caile often times was called upon by the other children to beat up the bullies, she always was a natural fighter and often times was the best at fighting due to her unique defensive style of martial combat; Caile was raised to be a warrior and always trained studiously as a marital arts expert and weapons master, by the age of ten she was employed by the Vortek National Defense Agency (VNDA) as a Patron Soldier and had sent her off to battle since at the time there was a huge civil conflict going on on planet, at the age of five she was grafted with cybernetics and was given the abilities to have enhanced and heightened abilities; however, at the age of thirteen she met another soldier that was drafted at a young age, this was unccommon but was not unheard of and some Vortek start their military careers during adolescence since it helps the Vortek Military have more capable soldiers and better commanders.

The boys name was Danner Wayne, he was a Tactical Reconnaissance Sniper and was the best at what he did, when they met they become fast friends and soon fell in love; during a mission together Danner helped to bring a lone insurgent to justice as he gunned him down with his sniper rifle on the outskirts of what the Vortek consider to be the "Wild Nile"
Which is a river that runs through the main palace city all the way into the deep forests, the man was helpless against the expertise and experience of the sniper.
However the love affair wouldn't last as Danner fell victim to the wild tongue of General Krill Bratan, the wild card of the Federation Airborne Armed Forces and during a hostile takeover lost his life as the Princess" own counter-terrorism snipers took out the lone sniper of the insurgency. It was a cold day for not only the vortek race but for also Caile as she watched in horror as Danner laid in her arms dying of a fatal wound, the last thing he said to her was "Remember the pain" before he died he gave her his dog tags and then passed on, Caile was mortified that the man she was about to wed was dead in her arms and she was heart broken, before this day she was known to be extremely powerful in the dark side but this only made her resent it more.

A secret plan was launched and Caile required new implants and she secretly employed several of the top scientists of the planet to make her modified cybernetics that went beyond the normal advancement in military hardware, after a year and a half the scientists successfully designed and produced in secret what is called the "Phantom Pandora", caile made ne request, that they make her full cyborg by taking out all her organs including her eyes and brain and set her up as a mechanical war machine, they agreed although they had to leave half her brain intact or else it would not work and she agreed, it took 24 miserable hours for them to successfully harvest her organs and graft the cybernetic implants to her body and when they finished they programmed it, it was marvelous she felt new and improved and was upgraded with all her abilities. Shortly after she was designed she left Vortusa promising to one day return and make Princess Isis Fontana pay for killing her love.




ROLE-PLAYS: (Will come soon)


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